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Discussion forum- Link
In the Foraois feadh na farraige, there are many different kinds of mythical creatures, Fairies, Slekies, Kelpies, Werewolves, and Changelings. They live in relative peace away from our modern society, some come into contact with the occational brave human. Most of those interactions ending in the human staying due to the magical creatures fear of what would happen if all of humanity knew they were there. Now the question is; are you a magical creature or are you one of the unfortunate humans to have run into these myths?
-All of Eves rules aply.
- No power playing.
-Keep it PG-13.
- I have a 3 strikes your out policy.
- I'm all for the in RP drama, but I will not tolerate out of RP conflicts.
-Ask for perms pal, nobody likes it when you just slap someone and say. they died or something without them being ok with it, let others have fun too.
-I'm ok with gore, but not too detailed incase somebody has a problem with it.
-This is a Semi-literate RP, so I expect atleast 4-5 complete sentences per character, per reply, I understand writers block though.
-I'm doing this so I can tell if you read the rules or not, but please put Ithim Paiste in Other so I know, I will reject any character sheets that don't have it.
-If you have any Irish myths you want me to add into this, just message me and I'll read up on it, then maybe.
-I will have an entire seperate forum set up for yall to chat instead of in the RP forum, it just clogs it up.
Reservations are open
-(As many as are requested)
Rulers- Message me to get role
(Bailiscally king or queen, but I'm not one to discriminate, so LGBTQ+ relationships are open)
Heirs- Message me + the rulers to get the role
(The rulers children, potentially to be the next in line for the throne)
The Council- Message me to get the role
-(Up to 10, atleast 4)
(Self explanitory, they are the council for the rulers)
Royal guards-
-(As many as get signed up for)
-(As many as get signed up for)
Healers- Message me to get this role
(Up to 5, atleast 2)
Other jobs-
-(As many as get signed up for)
(Just message me what job you want and I might aprove it)
In Training-
-( As many as get signed up for)
(To be healers, Gaterers/Hunters, or Royal Guards, it's up to you)
-(As many as get signed up for)
-(As many as get signed up for)
Slkie Clans
You can message me to make a clan, you can leave your birth clan and make another one if you feel so inclined
Cheif- Message me for this role
Cheifs spouce(s. Up to 3)- Message Cheif for this role
Cheifs kid(s)-Message Cheif and Cheifs spouce for this role
Healer- | Artemis | Female | pg.1 |
-(up to 16)
-(Up to 14)
-(Up to four)
-(Not really any limit)
(They get trained as soon as they can eat solid food)
Werewolves packs
The rest of these groups are fairly similar to the Selkies clans, but with a few tweaks.
Cheif- | Tynal Fin | Bio-fem, Enby | pg.1 |
Cheifs spouce(s. Up to 5)- Message Cheif for this role
Cheifs kid(s)-Message Cheif and Cheifs spouce for this role
Healer- Message me for this role
-(Up to 16)
-(Up to four)
-(Not really any limit)
(They get trained as soon as they aren't dependent on their mother)
Kelpie herds
Lead stallion- Message me for this role
Support stallions- Message lead stallion for this role
-(Up to 5)
-(Up to 15)
-( Message me about how many you get per mother, your normally gonna get one, but twins are rare)
Changelings tend to live alone or in a human household as their replaced pet or a replaced family member, they also do hide in families of mythical creatures but it's easier to get found out like that.
-(As many as get signed up for)
These can be any of the mythical creatures that have either grown up outside of the socioty of their species, have commited crimes against their clan/pack/kingdom or just chose to live on their own or in pairs.
Character sheet base
Description: Picture, peragraph or both
Last note
Howling on the cliff is a forum admin, so please, follow the rules, either of us are going to take care of it.
Another thing, the meaning of Foraois feadh na farraige is: Forest along the sea in Irish Gaelic, for those that were interested in knowing.