1. All wolf play rules apply.
2. Dog breeds must be within reason to the cold climates, no short hairs.
3. Dogs can't understand the musher, musher can't understand the dog, dogs only know commands like “Mush”, “Sit”, or other commands as such.
4. There is no power playing tolerated at all.
5. Your character can't get injured too often, minor injuries that heal quickly are fine occasionally as long as they are realistic. (Example: Torn paw-pad)
6. Mushers have to take care of the dogs and dogs must sleep, eat, drink, etcetera. (same with mushers)
7. There will be no “forbidden mates” with dogs from other teams. (Same with mushers)
8. No puppies, age range: 1-8. (They retire at 9)
9. If rules are broken you will be asked to leave the role play, you get 3 warnings.
10. I can deny your character if I want. If I do deny yours you are able to make a new one, I will most likely give a reason for the denial.
11. This is not 1x1, make everyone feel welcome and part of the roleplay.
12. Siblings/Kins are allowed, I ask no kids/parents and no mates unless confirmed with me first.
13. If you have more than one character you need to be able to keep up with them, or I will ask you to downsize.
14. If you have more questions mail me, please name the pm, so it does not just say “No subject” since that will be harder for me to sort later on.
15. Keep to your dog’s breed when coming to appearance, a husky won't be pink or look exactly like a German shepherd.
16. The main dog breed will be Siberian Husky, you are able to choose a different breed though as long as it is a normal dog sled pulling breed.
17. You must be active (especially if you have a rank other than team)
18. I control day and night, you will get a warning if you time skip without permission. (You are aloud to request it but I am aloud to deny it)
19. No wolves or wolf dogs. Wolves have natural instincts and behaviors that don't make them good pets and could cause them to be quite horrible on a dog sled team (Examples: Food aggression, territorial)
20. Please keep age and physical thing's reasonable to the role, for example, the role wheeler would take a lot more energy and physical strength to do so a dog who is 1 year old and lazy would probably not be a good fit