Pack Roles:
(Roles with one position - Delta and Medic - can be male or female)
Alpha Pair:
The Alpha Male and Female are mates for life, as almost all of the dogs in the pack are. They take on seperate roles in the pack but they have equal power and control in every situation. The Alpha Female often helps the new mothers and makes sure that pack training is going well and so on. She is also in charge of moving the pack and is often the one who is in charge of seeking the occupants of their territory. This is where the Alpha Male comes in. He is usually in charge of keeping the pack safe and organise battle strategies against the odd predator that comes within the pack’s area. He makes sure everyone is protected and is a stickler for pack rules. Both the Alpha’s take a pack meeting once a day or every two days (unless one of the pair is unable to attend.)
Beta Pair:
The Beta pair are second in charge, doing everything that the Alphas can’t do or are too busy to do. The Beta Female also helps the Alpha Female and tends to her needs whenever she can and vice versa with the Beta Male and the Alpha Male. One of their main roles is to organise Patrols and Hunts, often leading them too and selecting the team that will go. They become the new Alpha’s once the old ones either die or retire.
Delta Dog:
The Delta is the next dog in the hierarchy, unmated and often younger because of this. When the Delta Dog becomes one of the Beta Pair they usually select a mate and have their first litter if they haven’t already done all of this. They lead most of the hunts and patrols and go pretty much every day on at least one of these. Their sole purpose is to get the best leadership skills, and gain the knowledge needed for when they step up into the Beta position. If the Alpha Pair and the Beta Pair are busy they are also allowed to call and lead a Pack Meeting if asked to do so by the higher ranking dogs.
Medic/Medic Apprentice:
The Medic is a vital part of the Pack’s survival, tending to the physical illness and injury that comes through the pack but also tending to their mental and spiritual health and needs. They are the only dog apart from mothers and pups allowed in the Mother’s Circle and will often stay there for several days if more than one mother is due over a few days. The Medic is the most knowledgeable dog in the pack and is often included in important decisions that the Alpha Pair makes.
They very occasionally have mates and pups of their own but this is quite rare (Please state in your form if you wish for them to have a mate/pups).
The Apprentice chooses their path once they are weaned and will train with the Medic while the other pups train with their warrior trainers.
The Warriors are the sole of the pack, protecting, maintaining and caring for the pack and it’s territory. They go on patrols and hunts several times a day and go on shifts in the night to protect the camp and the Mother’s Circle in case of any new predators entering the area. They are also the soldiers in battle and will fight to the death for the pack.
Once warrior dogs reach the age of about 7-8 years old they are called upon in a special ceremony and given the highly regarded role of a senior warrior. These dogs are the best of the best and are the tight circle surrounding the Alpha Pair. They are very intelligent, not dogs to be messed with and it is an honour if a pup is trained by a senior warrior.
The Mothers are the warriors/other roles who are either going to have pups or have given birth and are raising them until they are weaned at 4-5 weeks at the latest. Then they are granted about 2 weeks of full rest and then they start easing back into their pack duties, until after about a month and a half they are fully expected to be back into their roles completely.
The Elders are the retired members of the pack, for whatever reason, and are usually about 10 years plus. Some Senior Warriors will continue their working life until they are older than that but it really depends on the dog and whether they have permanent injuries or illnesses. They are the storytellers of the pack and will entertain the pups and juveniles with tales from their early days.
The Juveniles are the second youngest group in the Pack. They are pups who have been weaned and are in training for whatever their future role is to be. Warriors and the Medic, (the Medic has one Apprentice) train the juveniles from when they are weaned to when they are a year old. On their first birthday they have a ceremony for all the pups in that litter and they start their life as a warrior or the Medic’s Assistant (when the old Medic retires or dies the new one takes his or her place).
The Juvenile stage is when the Alpha Pair, the Beta Pair and the Medic are on the lookout for a new Delta Dog if one is needed.
The Juveniles are the most energetic in the pack and are often quite annoying, but very entertaining none the less.
The Pups are the youngest group in the pack. They are newborns, not yet weaned and still suckling from their mother. They open their eyes at 5-7 days old and spend most of that time in the Mother’s Circle. They then spend the next few weeks living within the bounds of the camp and then they have a ceremony to signify the start of their time training as a juvenile. A Warrior/The Medic are selected at this time to train each pup.