Character Sheet
(Aka Fae)
3, almost 4 years old
Faeris is average looking at first glance, but her subtler features add a certain delicate touch that compliments her personality.
Her eyes can be described as green, at a basic level, but a closer look reveals small splashes of colors, shades of green all over the spectrum and soft, shy, browns that create a deep pathway within them. This pathway almost seems like it leads you to her nose, a matching brown, speckled with caramel flecks that look like they would make you sneeze.
Her nose is separated from her fur by only a few shades, as if sunlight had shone over her soft fur, but never her nose. She has a tickly peach tint that gives an impression of sweetness. Her fur is not overly long, but on the shorter side of medium, enough so that when it's windy, it blows a bit but won't get in the way, with her tail swishing a little more.
Faeris has a smaller build, with skinny shoulders and thin legs, seemingly a disadvantage in a fight, and she'll let it fool you, but her agility gives her a slippery upper hand, being able to avoid most hits.
Faeris is quiet and caring, doing whatever she can to make others comfortable. She often lets whoever she's with take the lead, but won't hesitate to defend anything she sees fit to defend. She'll put others being comfortable high on her priority list, but is sure to take care of herself as well.
Due to her desire to care for others, it's easy for Faeris to get overprotective and sometimes controlling. She feels bad at even the possibility of her having hurt someone and is quick to over apologize, which often leads to a frustrating loop.
Faeris is loyal, stemming from her compassionate tendencies, but that can also lead to inner conflicts when she has to choose between loyalty or compassion. If being loyal leads her astray, she becomes far more willing to give it up.
When it comes to the side of light or dark (better named as the "enemy"), Faeris clings strongly to light. As she convinced herself that light was the perfectly right thing, and because of the way she was raised, she feels strongly against the "dark" enemies and scoffs at the mention of it in conversation- this is only the case in theory, and how she would truly act when met by someone from the other side is unknown, as she's still fairly young and has never actually encountered such a situation.
Faeris is a big fan of getting out and exploring the territory. Some of her favorite things to do while out and about include fishing, sniffing through the forest floor for interesting things, and listening to the many different bird calls that ring through the trees. Her pack prefers that she not join the patrols, to protect her "delicate" nature, so most often she sneaks off alone to trot through the trees.
Bcause she enjoys fishing, trout also ends up being her favorite food, along with pheasants, and she always keeps particularly pretty feathers that she finds from them.
Faeris is happiest during fall, everything seems perfect to her- the weather, all the leaves and other colors throughout the forest, and all the little animals preparing for winter.
Faeris hates the snow, and does her absolute best to avoid it, especially because she tends to get more covered than the other wolves due to her size.
She dislikes eating the odd things that her overbearing mother constantly brings her, such as mushrooms and different herbs that she picks up.
Pack meetings are near the very bottom of her list, and she would never go if she wasn't required to. Then again it also wouldn't be as bad for her if she wasn't the one required to be there.
Faeris' father is the alpha of the pack, a darkly colored wolf with a large, bulky, build. She is his only pup, as her mother almost didn't survive her first litter, Faeris being the only pup to survive.
Her mother is a darkly cream colored wolf and is the alpha female. She is very protective of Faeris for this reason and is how she learned to be so compassionate, even if her mother's version of being caring was often overbearing, especially now that she was older.
Faeris has no other kin within the pack, but considers her best friend, KoKo, a raven furred she-wolf, as close as a sister.