|~| Kyle |~|
Full Name: Chile Guerra Seymour.
Nickname(s): Kyle, whatever else you can think of.
Gender; Male.
Sexuality; Pansexual.
Poly/Ambi/Mono; Ambi.
Social Status; Lower Class.
Magic Type; Earthly.
Magic Class; Therianthropy.
Blood Type; AB-.
Birthdate: September 6th.
Zodiac: Virgo.
Age: 17.
How Old Do They Appear: Late teens to early 20s.
5’10” | 135lbs | Tan Skin | Yellow Eyes in Summer, Blue in Winter | Black Sclera | Medium Eyebags | Square-Faced | Reindeer Antlers | Very Light Dust of Freckles | Ectomorph | Laidback/Friendly/Approachable Presence | Fade Haircut | Scars Along Neck, Burn Scar at Left Side of Face, Small Scatter of Scars Along Arms | Black Hair | Straight Nose | Lobe & Helix Piercing
Voice: A smooth Tenor, it’s somehow deep too though.
Friendly / Sarcastic / Kind-Spirited / Calm / Good-Natured / Usually Honest / Loyal / Helpful / Observant / Strong-Willed / Jokester / Sportsmanship / Trust Issues / Laidback / Open-Minded / Mature / Responsible / Cautious / Confident / Humorous / Freedom! / Independent / Witty / Sassy / Snarky / Silver Tongue / Honestly A Good Person / Wanderlust / Helpful / Slightly Possessive / Nurturing / Paranoid / Approachable / Stubborn / Patient / Cynical / Organized / Fiery / Assertive / Tactful / Sly / Caring / Selfless
Likes: History, Hunting/Tracking, Reading, Stars, Nature, Winter, Socializing, and Spring.
Dislikes: Cold Drinks, Summer, Swearing, Bright Lights, Petty People, Confined Spaces, Fall, and Math.
Strengths: Tactful, Silver Tongue, Open-Minded, Speed, Agility, Responsible, Loyal, and Stamina.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, Physical Strength, Trust Issues/Paranoid, Cynical, Sarcastic, Wanderlust, Slightly Possessive, and Selfless.
Physical Health: None.
Mental Health: Eh, it could be better. He’s got insomnia and mild depression, not to mention C-PTSD.
Immune System: His immune system isn’t the best, but it certainly isn’t the worst either.
Affiliations: TBD.
Lover(s): Nope
Crush(es): Nope.
Ex(es): Nope.
Significant Other(s): Nope.
Themesong(s): Maybe later.
|~| Aries |~|
Full Name: Gwyar Ariethous Fraoch.
Nickname(s): Aries, Khorne, Ari, and whatever else.
Gender; Male.
Sexuality; Demisexual.
Poly/Ambi/Mono; Ambi.
Social Status; Complicated.
Magic Type; Earthly.
Magic Class; Blood Manipulation.
Blood Type; Rh-null.
Birthdate: July 23rd.
Zodiac: Cancer-Leo Cusp.
Age: 17.
How Old Do They Appear: Like… Late teens to mid 20s.
Gwyar resides at a height of 6’5”, a rather intimidating height to most. Though even how he holds himself is enough to intimidate most, he practically adds another inch with how confidently he holds himself. His skin tone is pale ivory-porcelain with neutral undertones, which adds to his overall paler, sicker look. He has almost no freckles on his body, except for one or two here and there. When it comes to piercings, Gwyar has plenty.
Gwyar has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are on the slimmer side. Now for the nose, something that he’s glad about is the fact that it is an aquiline shaped nose, meaning it's the stereotypical 'normal' nose. His lips are downturned in shape, making confident, sly smirks or thin, pressed lines as his resting expressions.
His eyebrows are rather thick in thickness, with a rather obvious arch. Finally his eyes, these are a deepset hooded. His eyes are a bright bloody red, with heavy eye bags underneath. His face is framed by wavy, red hair that has blonde highlights going through it, all completely natural. The back of his hair is fluffier than the front by a long shot, and the back of it goes to his hips in length, while the front only goes down to his ears. It’s usually in either a ponytail, a bun, or a braid. Or, well, multiple braids.
His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, everything about him screams that he’s a brawn kind of guy. Especially when taking into consideration the fact that this man weighs at around 140 lbs, his BMI at an unhealthy 16.60, underweight by 26 pounds, and the weight he does have is mostly due to muscle and height alone. His fingernails are rather long and sharp, something he takes pride in. They mean he can attack someone with just his nails if he has to, after all.
Now for the ‘fun’ part… Scars. Gwyar has plenty of scars. He has one that goes from under the right corner of his lip and through it. He also has one that looks like a slash across his neck. As well as a scar that goes from the top of his left eyebrow to his hairline. He also has one across the bridge of his nose, and another going up his right chin and cheek, ending a bit beside the one at his lip. And one that’s a diagonal scar from the inner corner of his right eye and across his nose to his left cheek. He has plenty of scars littering his scalp, all more or less hidden by his hair. And all of the ones covering his arms, ones that give the impression of blocking either blades or whips. Take your pick on that, because chances are he’ll never tell. Much more intimidating to not explain, after all. Along with ones at his wrist and ankles, circling them as if cuffs that were too tight. And a burn scar, of a perfectly smithed sword pointing upwards, right between his shoulder blades in the small of his back. The burn also seems to have caused a small permanent dent there, in the shape of the scar.
Voice: A scratchy, hoarse Bass voice.
To put simply, Gwyar is loud, confident, and laidback. He doesn’t care what anyone else says or does or thinks. He has a very ‘Who cares what the world says? What matters most is what you say’ mindset. Of course though, that’s only how he shows himself. Quite honestly… He cares- A lot. His ego is very easy to break, and ten times as hard to build up again.
He’s fiercely loyal, and it’s both a downfall and an asset. Both for the same reason. He’ll never betray someone once he sees them as a friend. Once a friend, always a friend. Even if they end up hurting him too many times to count. This has managed to get him into a few bad situations with friends that ended up with them not being friends anymore.
Something else that’s a blessing and a curse is how honest he is. Which is very. The only way he can lie is by hiding things- And even then… If someone finds out and questions him on it, he’ll end up telling the truth. This has caused his loyalty and honesty to have many internal battles- The outcome tends to depend on whether or not he subconsciously knows what he’s hiding will end up causing more harm by lying than not. More often than not, what he’s hiding is how he truly feels. It’s just about the only thing that he doesn’t have to battle honesty vs loyalty with, either.
Guilt is something that is very easy for him to feel… It doesn’t matter how long ago it was; if he’s reminded of it in a way that could make it seem like it was his fault- Then he’ll take that to heart. And no matter if someone else tells it in a different way later on where it wouldn’t seem like his fault; the guilt will linger.
To him; actions speak louder than words. People can lie with words but it’s harder to lie with actions. And even his own lying, when he does it, tends to follow this pattern. It’s harder for him to act fine than it is to say that he’s fine. He can wake up and say he’s fine, but he needs a few minutes to actually work himself into acting fine. The only words that mean anything to him are ones written in history books. And they literally just describe actions, talk about actions.
He also has absolutely no social skills. His default modes of talking are long speeches and short, clipped replies or orders or whatever else. Most of his speaking interactions have either not existed due to being extremely introverted or have happened in times of semi-crisis, stress, or pressure. Or in training for numerous things. So social interactions, cues, and skills are practically nonexistent. He’s much better with business or professional talking though, and his voice tends to be fairly monotone- Something that he inherited from his mother, that he truly doesn’t enjoy.
He’s incredibly impulsive, and with his tendency to not care what happens to him- He can throw himself into danger and not think twice about it. He’ll beat someone up if they mess with his friends, he’ll burn down an entire town if his morals are questioned. Frankly, he’ll do a lot if he has to. Or thinks he has to.
His memory… Is astounding, to put simply. Specifically, his muscle memory. If he physically does something once, chances are that he’ll be able to do it with ease again and again afterwards. And his ability to remember written words and numbers is great too, not quite on the level of photographic but fairly close. Especially with his tendency to use marks, write notes, and any other trick when it comes to books. Audiographic and other memory types are where it starts to taper off, especially audio memory. He’ll forget everything people say rather easily if it isn’t reinstated multiple times. Which is why he tends to write lists or notes or reminders for himself. They definitely help.
Likes: History/Mythology, Hunting/Tracking, Training, Learning, Stars, Reading, Nature, Fall, and Winter.
Dislikes: Crowds, Swearing, Bright Lights, Confined Spaces, Socializing, Illness/Injury, Hurting People(In any way, shape, or form), Spring, and Summer.
Fears: Severe Claustrophobia, Severe Nosocomephobia, Mild Aphenphosmphobia, Mild Iatrophobia, Mild Trypanophobia, Mild Atychiphobia, and Mild Methyphobia.
Swordsmanship! Aries knows what he’s doing with a sword, there’s no other way to put it. He learned from a young age, and enjoyed it enough to keep at it.
Hand-to-Hand combat. He knows how to throw a punch, and a kick. And with the amount of muscle he’s been able to build up? Yeah, he’s ready to beat people up with his bare fists.
Strategy. Despite seeming like an ‘all brawn and no brain’ based on appearance alone- Don’t question his intelligence, since he does know how to use his brawn most effectively. No denying how much his love of history helped, it definitely allows him to pull some last second tricks based off of old, dead people.
Survival Trivia! He can usually identify what’s safe to eat/drink and what isn’t. Not to mention he knows how to make a fire. Pretty useful.
Secrets, Tolerance/Endurance, Loyal, Honesty, Stealth, Adaptable, Physical Strength, Observant, and Helpful.
Lying, Trust Issues/Paranoia, Loyal, Self-Esteem Issues/Social Skills, Emotions, Insomnia/Nightmares, Intrusive Thoughts, Easily Guilt-Tripped/Manipulated, and Extreme Abandonment Issues.
Physical Health: None.
Mental Health: C-PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia. Probably more, honestly.
Immune System: It’s alright… The only thing keeping it from being terrible is his class, to be honest.
Affiliations: TBD.
Lover(s): Eventually Jakob.
Crush(es): Eventually Jakob.
Ex(es): Troy, Smith, Troy, Derick, Troy, Quincy, Troy.
Significant Other(s): Eventually Jakob.
Themesong(s): Maybe later.
|~| Jay |~|
Full Name: Jakob Sture Tengil.
Nickname(s): Jacob, Jack, Jake, Jay, J, whatever else you can think of.
Gender; Male.
Sexuality; Gay.
Poly/Ambi/Mono; Mono. Fine with Poly in certain circumstances.
Social Status; Upper Class.
Magic Type; Arcane.
Magic Class; Psychic/Hypnosis.
Blood Type; A+.
Birthdate: April 22nd.
Zodiac: Aries-Taurus Cusp.
Age: 18.
How Old Do They Appear: Like, 18-22.
Jacob resides at a height of 6’7”, an intimidating height to most. Though even how he holds himself is enough to intimidate most, he practically adds another inch with how confidently he holds himself. His skin tone is fair with warm undertones, which adds to his overall look. He has almost no freckles on his body, except for one or two sprinkled on his cheeks.
Jacob has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are on the fuller side. Now for the nose, something that he’s glad about is the fact that it is an aquiline shaped nose, meaning it's the stereotypical 'normal' nose. His lips are pointy natural in shape, making confident, sly smirks or grins his resting expressions.
His eyebrows are rather thick in thickness, with an obvious arch. Finally his eyes, these are a protruding monolid. He has heterochromia, with his left eye a bright yellow, sclera a slight gray, and his right eye a bright blue, teetering close to an indigo, sclera a slight gray. His face is framed by curly, black hair with sides and fronts that are bright green. The back of his hair is rougher than the front by a long shot, and the back of it goes to the nape of his neck in length, while the front goes above his ears. It’s usually out of his face, though not tidy by any means.
His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a short torso matched with longer legs, everything about him screams more lanky than muscular. Especially when taking into consideration the fact that this man weighs at around 175 lbs, his BMI at a healthy 19.71. He has multiple lobe ear piercings, all of the earrings black, that he wears at all times.
Voice: A Baritone voice, not too low but not too high. It is deep though.
Jacob, to put almost simply, is a possessive, manipulative, casual, kind of person. He’s the type of person someone would expect, but never hope, a tyrant to be like. Which almost makes sense, seeing as how his last name literally means king in swedish.
To anyone first meeting him, he seems like a good enough type of person. He’s carefree, joking. To strangers, he doesn’t even give off a cold, distant aura or the aura of a crackhead. He just seems like any other teenager, laid back and lazy. To surface level friends, he seems like a cool guy; easygoing, friendly, caring. To close friends, he seems protective, loyal, trustworthy, chill, and even caring.
But the people he doesn’t like? Well… He’s either rude, victimizing of himself, vindictive, aggressive, and sarcastic. Or… He’s manipulative, possessive, oppressive, obsessive, observant, and disdainful.
He knows how to play victim very easily, and lying comes easy to him. He also packs a good punch, and a tolerance to pain. He’s not exactly one to praise someone at all times either- Only when he thinks the other person deserves it, or if he knows he needs to in order to further his own plans. He’s also one that doesn’t really regret things all that easily either.
But all of that is the background stuff. The stuff underneath what most people notice about him right off the bat. His anger. He’s extremely easy to irritate, to throw into a rage, to anger, to ire, to stress, to madden. Whatever word you want to use, it’s all the same. And his rage? It isn’t silent. And it isn’t always just words. His rage is explosive- He’ll scream, yell, shout, punch, kick, shove, push, slap, argue, threaten- Hell, he’s even growled in frustration before. So yeah, his temper is very easy to set off. It could be something as simple as not answering a question of his the first time he asked it that sets it off. It could be something like asking how to spell something that sets it off. It could be anything.
Likes: Alcohol, Smoking, Silence, Control, Power, Attention, Parties.
Dislikes: Authority, Losing, Listening To People, Not Being Listened To, Being Seen Through, People Messing With His Things, Others Being Happy.
Strengths: Manipulation, Charismatic, Silver Tongue, Casual, Physical Strength.
Weaknesses: Possessive, Jealous, Obsessive, Manipulative, His Extreme Temper, Tyrannical.
Physical Health: None, to be honest. Physically, he’s in pretty good health.
Mental Health: Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Alcoholism, Smoking.
Immune System: It’s pretty damn strong, if we’re being honest.
Affiliations: TBD.
Lover(s): Eventually Khorne.
Crush(es): Eventually Khorne.
Ex(es): Plenty of past flings.
Significant Other(s): Eventually Khorne.
Themesong(s): Maybe later.
|~| Jass |~|
Full Name: Jasutina Kyoko Hiroshi.
Nickname(s): Jass, whatever else you can think of.
Gender; Female.
Sexuality; Gynosexual.
Poly/Ambi/Mono; Ambi.
Social Status; Upper Class.
Magic Type; Arcane.
Magic Class; Tech-Energy Manipulation.
Blood Type; O+.
Birthdate: August 1st.
Zodiac: Leo.
Age: 17.
How Old Do They Appear: Mid teens to early 20s.

(Credits to BAYDEWS@picrew.me)
Jasutina resides at a rather average height of 5' 8". Her skin tone is fair with warm, reddish undertones. She has plenty of freckles on her body, though especially at her cheeks, nose, and shoulders.
Jasutina has a rather oval face shape, meaning she has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, but the middle of her face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. Her cheeks are rather full despite this, and she swears that it’s just because she is always busy with music. Now for the nose, she has a duchess shaped nose, meaning it’s a straight-edged nose that has been ranked one of the best noses, a ‘normal’ nose, if you would. Her lips are pointy natural in shape, making smirks and grins as her most often seen expression.
Her eyebrows are rather thin, though with a pronounced arch. Despite them being thin, they are extremely easy to see due to the color. Finally, her eyes are deepset almond in shape and an obsidian color. Her lower eyelashes are thicker/longer than her top ones. Her face is framed by ginger hair that is always in an asymmetrical bob, and has obsidian highlights in it.
Her body structure could quickly be described as an hourglass, a long torso matched with long legs, along with a smaller waist. But don’t worry too much about how thin she seems to be, she weighs at 130 lbs, her BMI a healthy 19.76, though it is on the slimmer side.
When it comes to clothing, she isn’t one to really care what she looks like to other people, and has been called a punk before simply due to how she dresses. She often wears a dull pink blouse, a black cropped faux leather jacket, black skinny pants, and black strap-&-tie leather boots. As for accessories, she wears white fingerless gloves that go up to her elbow, multiple ear piercing, and a simple black choker. With make-up she dons black mascara, obsidian lipstick, and obsidian painted nails.
As for scars, she really only has a few. One on the palm of her left hand, a burn scar. One on her right elbow, a cut from some accident that happened when she was young. A small one on the left corner of her lip, such a small cut scar that it’s basically impossible to see. One on her left forearm, also from an accident. And finally, one on the back of her right hand, which was also from some random incident. Most of these are hidden by her signature gloves though, and the only one that isn’t is the one on her face.
Voice: A smooth, silky, sultry Alto.
She is loud and rebellious, getting into trouble more often than not. Though, she can usually get out of it on her own too. She’s fairly smart, if she actually applied herself, but her laziness tends to win through when it comes to school and learning. She would much rather be at a concert rather than the loud hallways of school, even though a concert would probably hurt her ears more.
She’s rather friendly and outgoing too, though a bit teasing. She’ll tease everyone and anyone at a moment's notice. She’s also impulsive and stubborn, never admitting if she was wrong. Though, with close friends and family, she’s extremely sensitive and open, a comforting shoulder to lean on if need be. Though, if anyone else manages to see this, she’ll act like it never happened.
She’s quick to stand up for what’s right too, even when other people don’t. If someone is lying about something that is rather big, she’ll spill. So she is definitely terrible at keeping secrets due to this, though, if she tries hard enough/has a good enough reason, she can lie/keep a secret like there’s no tomorrow. She’s also extremely flirtatious, with everyone, and will compliment the heck out of anyone she deems cute/hot, even if she isn’t actually interested in a relationship with them.
She’s also an adrenaline junkie, always looking for danger and something exciting. Though maybe that’s also because she’s easily bored, always giving out smart or sarcastic remarks and insults to people she doesn’t like. Egging them on. She takes anything and everything as a challenge.
Likes: Music, Fire, Spicy Food, Sweets, Sour Food, Exploring, Sarcasm, Art, Compliments, Pranks, Concerts, People, Socializing, Parties, and Night.
Dislikes: Silence, Day, Dairy, Bitter Food, Being Alone, The Cold, Heights, Beaches, Moody People, Tea, Lies, Annoying People, Goody-Two Shoes, Boredom, and Authority.
Strengths: Bass, Singing, Music, Stubborn, Courage, Confident, and Demanding.
Weaknesses: Silence, Lying, Hot-Headed, Sensitive Ears, Hot Women, Good Food, and Careless.
Physical Health: Sensitive Ears.
Mental Health: Insomnia.
Immune System: Damn good over all her adrenaline junkie behavior.
Allergies: Lactose-Intolerant.
Affiliations: TBD.
Lover(s): TBD.
Crush(es): TBD.
Ex(es): Plenty of old flings.
Significant Other(s): TBD.
Themesong(s): Maybe later.