
ET - Ouuh, good question hmmm There are many places I'd like to see, but to live there I feel is a whole different thing - maybe Iceland or New Zealand cause of the extensive support systems and it being rather peaceful there :D and gorgeous nature too
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
New Zealand!! Omg. That's high on my list for places to move to if I had to as well! Do you have any pets? Any dream pets? What's your favourite thing about living in Finland? Ignoring the state of housing in most places in the world, tell me what your dream house woulr be like if you had infinite amounts of money!

ET - I had a rabbit but she passed a few months ago :c I'd love to have a cat or some bird if I could choose! But I'm also allergic to fur so :') . Hmm, I'd probably say the extensive health care as well as a high life standard! Insurance covers a lot here :0 it's also very peaceful and hardly anything happens, can be both good and bad but in crime cases it's a good thing :D . Ooo. I'd love to live pretty far outside the city so I wouldn't have any neighbors LMAO But I'd love a house with several floors, I like stairs XD A lot of room, but still feel like a home - and a ton of books omg. They are TOO expensive
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On the off-chance you had to escape earth, which planet are you inhabiting and why?
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Why do you just randomly give premium to people? what's your fav color? what do you like to eat?

Zeraphia - Oh hmmm, I'm not too well-versed with planets but I've heard Mars is closest to how Earth is so I'd probably go with that :0 . Nesta - 1. Hahahhah I wouldn't say that's much of a common occurrence, but I do like gifting people things! I often let my mush stack and then gift away a thousand to each of random people in chat then just cause I don't know what to do with it heheh. I also happened to have a few apples left over right then so 2. Blue ^^ 3. Already answered twice above so I'll let those answers suffice lmao
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unsure if this was already asked. but what's your least favorite thing to draw / least favorite part of the art process?

Salt - It wasn't c: I'd really say colouring D: I love shading and everything else but colouring?? It just bores me :'D sometimes a commission take twice as long to finish just cause I keep procrastinating cause I don't feel like colouring - Maybe I do it wrong or I just need to change up the way I colour normally,, perhaps I should just start painting everything
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favorite song//a song you've been recently listening to on repeat? :O

Bio - Ouuuuh I love that question! Hmm, I was reminded when it came on shuffle just a minute ago, one of my favs recently has actually been The Mind Electric hehe G.U.Y and Heavy Metal Lover by Lady Gaga (generally anything by her) are also amazing :D Also Glass Animals songs like Pork Soda, Toes and Your Love (Deja Vu), along with Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land by MARINA are on the favs list! I do mention quite a lot of songs here, but my playlist IS amost 38 hours long so. </3
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