B) speak softly to her Also I'm guessing you meant nostrils?
Yes Nares=Nostrils. Sorry, cna get carried away sometimes XD Howling River said: B) speak softly to her Also I'm guessing you meant nostrils?
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C) look in Yukon's Castle said: @Paws Of Power Following the pawprints, you come across what looks to be a small hollowed out tree. There seems to be a large being on the inside. But, you aren't sure. Will you.. A)Walk away B)Call out C)Look in @Riverblood Going into the house, you see some fluff all over the corridor leading into other rooms. It's obvious something had been in here. Do you.. A)Walk and Look around B)Call out C)Sit and wait until something comes back out @Howling River Waiting until the dog was done, it doesn't seem to find what it was looking for, but also doesn't seem to notice you either as it begins to walk away Will you.. A)Call out B)Let her walk away @Fangsoffire Walking through the gate of the farm, you look around and smile a little as the cool breeze blows all around you. Though, the more you stand there, the more chilly it seems. You need to get moving. Looking around, you see a barn to your right, a house to your left and sunflower fields straight ahead. Where do you look first? A)Fields B)House C)Barn
@Rightwolf Slipping the collar onto the dog, you smile down at it, clipping the leash to it before leading him back to the adoption center. Congratulations! You've sucessfully captured a male Shar pei! What will his name be? His name is Sharpyro. (Sorry about the wait, had to find how to get it to sound correctly.)
@Howling River Softly speaking to the dog, it seemed as though she perked up a little. Her head tilted slightly as she stopped a mere foot from you. Her nostrils still flared as she took in your scent, her eyes staring at you in slight confusion. Will you.. A)Keep talking to her B)Try to pet her C)Offer her food (-dog kibble or deer meat) (unlimited or 4/5 uses left) (Pick please!) @Fangsoffire Going left, you follow the trail deep into the sunflowers. As you walk, you hear a lot of rustling, but as the dogs run passed you, you know it's not the kind you want so you continue to walk. The longer you walk, the more you feel like giving up until you come across what looks to be what you're looking for, at least it's tail looks it.. What is it into? Will you.. A)Pull the dog out of the hole it's in(not the smartest idea) B)Wait and see what happens C)Call out @Riverblood Deciding to walk and look, that's exactly what you do! As you slowly make your way into the house, you make sure to look into every room. Before too long, you notice what looks like a dogs tail behind the couch, it wagging wildly. Do you... A)Walk over to it B)Call out C)Wait and see what it does @Paws Of Power Looking into the den, you can't see much of anything. But, it isn't long before something jumps out at you. The light brown dog looks up at you and blinks. You've read about this dog, it's what they call a Vizsla Gun Dog. Beautiful dog. What will you do? A)Offer it food (-dog kibble) (Unlimited) B)Walk away C)Pet it
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B) Wait and see what happens :")
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Pack Name & Number: Furry's Pack #298630 Place: Farm (10 mush) Items: Leash (10 mush) and Gray Collar (10 mush) Extras: none Total Cost: 30 mush?