@Dahlia Fields Going toward the barking, you soon walk up on what looked to be a coonhound with odd markings.. What will you do? A)Call out B)Walk away C)Walk up to the dog @DawnForest Offering the dog more food, she gleefully chomps on it some more before sitting down and looking at you. It's obvious she's unsure of your next moves. Will you.. A)Walk away B)Take momma dog home and not puppy (-1 white collar and leash) (no uses left and 3 uses left) C)Take both home (-1 white collar and leash) (no uses and 3 uses left) @Stream Following the dog prints you come upon what looks to be a basset hound. It seems to be sleeping! Do you.. A)Collar and leash the dog (-1 orange collar and leash) (no uses left) B)Call out C)Walk away
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A) Yes Yukon's Castle said: @Riverblood Walking over to it, you notice something laying at its feet. It looks like a flashlight! But.. it doesn't work. Maybe it just needs batteries? What will you do? ... Pick two if wanted A)Keep the flashlight (5 mush owed) (+1 Flashlight use) B)Collar and Leash the dog (-1 red collar and leash) (no uses and 1 use left) C)Walk away @Stream Shoving your find in the bag you have, you continue to look for any clues of dogs. Eventually, you find what looks to be smaller dog prints. Do you follow them? A)Yes B)No C)Wander aimlessly @DawnForest Offering the momma dog food, she gladly takes it and gobbles it up. But, stays in the doorway of the dog house, still protecting her baby. She then looks at you expectently, as if wanting more. Will you.. A)Offer more food (-1 dog kibble) (unlimited uses) B)Try to collar and leash momma dog and grab puppy(-1 white collar and leash) no uses left and 3 uses left) C)Walk away @Logic's End Entering the building, you look around. You can't see much of anything but rubbish. Though, it's not long until you begin to hear some noises. Do you investigate? A)Yes B)No @Dahlia Fields Following the paw prints, it leads you too nothing. Though, you soon hear some barking nearby. Do you investigate? A)Yes B)No
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c) walk away (`m looking a for a big dog)
@Stream Walking away from the dog, you sigh softly. It's not what you're looking for. As you walk away, you see what looked to be newer pawprints. They look like they came from a pretty big dog. Will you follow? A)No B)Yes @Logic's End Investigating the noise, you come across a doberman that is stuck in what looks to be an old kennel. He is trying to dig his way out. What do you do? A)Help the dog then leave B)Help the dog then collar and leash it (-1 orange collar and leash) (no uses left and 1 use left) C)Walk away @Riverblood You collar and leash the dog, and it happily follows you back to the adoption center. Congratulations! You've successfully captured a female Bassett Hound! What will her name be? @DawnForest Putting the collar and leash on the mom, she whines as you grab her baby but knows you are helping them. She happily follows you back to the adoption center while jumping at you, trying to make sure he baby is alright. Congratulations! You've successfully captured a female French Bulldog with her male puppy! What will their names be? Edited at September 2, 2023 07:04 PM by Yukon's Castle
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