
why do I picture Brosc as like the conselor who keeps all the knights in check but is very wary of whatever the hell Racardus is doing Cereal said: Raulf: I'll be training him. I don't want any of you to corrupt my son. Sulien: But- *peeks over his shoulder* Raulf: No buts and no denial. Brosc: But, sir- *points anxiously behind Raulf* Raulf: What did I say about no buts!?! *storms off* Isa: Well, we did try to warn him. Meanwhile, Racardus: *forming a shrine/grave for his father*

When you realize that Raulf had to be like 12, when Racardus was born since Racardus is 20 and Raulf is 32.

Raulf the dad, the teacher, and punisher to the young knights Determined_Wolf said: why do I picture Brosc as like the conselor who keeps all the knights in check but is very wary of whatever the hell Racardus is doing Cereal said: Raulf: I'll be training him. I don't want any of you to corrupt my son. Sulien: But- *peeks over his shoulder* Raulf: No buts and no denial. Brosc: But, sir- *points anxiously behind Raulf* Raulf: What did I say about no buts!?! *storms off* Isa: Well, we did try to warn him. Meanwhile, Racardus: *forming a shrine/grave for his father*
You should be wary

Did I not update Raulf's age? Whoops- I'll fix that Overthink101 said: When you realize that Raulf had to be like 12, when Racardus was born since Racardus is 20 and Raulf is 32.

There Now Raulf is a grouchy 40 year old man that's waiting for retirement years away :)

Sulien just flirts with everyone, sings, and keeps everyone from sleeping in on weekends. Not to mention protects them whenever needed. Cereal said: Raulf the dad, the teacher, and punisher to the young knights Determined_Wolf said: why do I picture Brosc as like the conselor who keeps all the knights in check but is very wary of whatever the hell Racardus is doing Cereal said: Raulf: I'll be training him. I don't want any of you to corrupt my son. Sulien: But- *peeks over his shoulder* Raulf: No buts and no denial. Brosc: But, sir- *points anxiously behind Raulf* Raulf: What did I say about no buts!?! *storms off* Isa: Well, we did try to warn him. Meanwhile, Racardus: *forming a shrine/grave for his father*
You should be wary
Edited at October 21, 2022 11:45 AM by Overthink101

It's cannon that Raulf knows that most of the knights are gay, but he's silent about it to not put them in trouble with the queen Like, he's an asshole when working, but he does care about the younger knights when they're not testing his patience

Ian just constantly testing his patience. Canon immediately. Cereal said: It's cannon that Raulf knows that most of the knights are gay, but he's silent about it to not put them in trouble with the queen Like, he's an asshole when working, but he does care about the younger knights when they're not testing his patience

Raulf: You'll be mucking the stalls if you keep up, Ian! Ian: Why do I have to clean your house!?! Raulf: ...10 laps around the castle. Go. Overthink101 said: Ian just constantly testing his patience. Canon immediately. Cereal said: It's cannon that Raulf knows that most of the knights are gay, but he's silent about it to not put them in trouble with the queen Like, he's an asshole when working, but he does care about the younger knights when they're not testing his patience

pfft love that- Cereal said: There Now Raulf is a grouchy 40 year old man that's waiting for retirement years away :)
Brosc complaining to Raulf about "those children" despite being around their age too- Cereal said: Raulf the dad, the teacher, and punisher to the young knights Determined_Wolf said: why do I picture Brosc as like the conselor who keeps all the knights in check but is very wary of whatever the hell Racardus is doing Cereal said: Raulf: I'll be training him. I don't want any of you to corrupt my son. Sulien: But- *peeks over his shoulder* Raulf: No buts and no denial. Brosc: But, sir- *points anxiously behind Raulf* Raulf: What did I say about no buts!?! *storms off* Isa: Well, we did try to warn him. Meanwhile, Racardus: *forming a shrine/grave for his father*
You should be wary