
That works ^^ Honestly I don't know what to do with Nina for affilations lmao She isn't social at all and I can very well just see her go straight in without really knowing who she's with lol
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How is it that I'm only a few hours late but also so late to comment on this XD But I can see Mylo regretfully standing beside Ver as he's wildly gesturing with a gun and then slowly reaching over and pushing the gun down before saying something like "You're going to shoot someone with that and I'm not too keen on being the potential victim. -_-" Lackadaisy said: While I'm thinking about it, I would like to note that Ver has no semblence of gun safety and will probably accidentally be pointing firearms or weapons at people and/or himself with gestures.
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"Gosh, you're paranoid, aren't you? Boo hoo, it isn't like you haven't had a gun in your face before. Hey, maybe that's a bonding point for us!" The Reaper said: How is it that I'm only a few hours late but also so late to comment on this XD But I can see Mylo regretfully standing beside Ver as he's wildly gesturing with a gun and then slowly reaching over and pushing the gun down before saying something like "You're going to shoot someone with that and I'm not too keen on being the potential victim. -_-" Lackadaisy said: While I'm thinking about it, I would like to note that Ver has no semblence of gun safety and will probably accidentally be pointing firearms or weapons at people and/or himself with gestures.

So, almost for sure, we will start tomorrow. Likely, the RP will start a week(maybe two) or so after the two groups have merged together in order to rebuild/survive. Just so y'all are aware. :3
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Everyone is in their 20's and then theres Nicholas
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Pffft--- yes. XD the old man who's just there.
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He'll be the one yelling at all the kids to get off his lawn xD
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XDD he totally would oh my goodness--
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RP is now live! I'll try and get to a response but if I don't, ah well. XD
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Verrük trying to be unnoticed--just wait till Nicholas takes a headcount and begins to get after those who aren't working. ... he's totally going to say something about an old back to get out of helping himself. XD
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