Fair T-T Mist Fall Wolves said: I guess it's just pay back for earlier (joke) Covidic Coffee said: you both are so mean Mist Fall Wolves said: I'm sorry I just find this funny- Covidic Coffee said: first
Kämpa said: lies
Covidic Coffee said: let me believe 😭
Kämpa said: Are you guys introducing zombies in your first post? Just checking
My first post doesn't have zombies in it
1305 perfect, now I just need to tell my self to stop editing/adding/ and adding details.
My post with Reyes has a zombie in it, but it'll be posted after everyone's first post to kinda match the aftermath of the situation.
Alright, and it really doesn't matter when I post mine as long as I post before a hoard or something is attacking everyone in the gates.
Hyped for this to start, ack *^*
Agreed, Ava doesn't encounter any lurkers :,> Mist Fall Wolves said: Alright, and it really doesn't matter when I post mine as long as I post before a hoard or something is attacking everyone in the gates.
Khufu won't encounter anything for right now.
welp I finished my 1600 worded post, ending with a : "She swore she never came so close to shitting herself. "
Which means she found a lurker- boom. and you wrote that fast.