My AP classes were alright. It's gonna hurt when you first start, but after you get the hang of what they want, you're good. AP wants you to think more than regurgitate information like Regents classes do.
Ehhh... Okay well thanks for your input! I am now very worried, but I trust you when you say I'll get the hang of it! :D
Yep, that sounds about right. They aren't super hard, honestly, there's just more work-
In all the AP classes I took, the teachers wanted us to answer 'why' something happened, mostly cause and effect. It wasn't so much who did what, more theoretical. I'll use history as an example. They'll ask stuff like "What could have made this worse?" And "Would that have caused this event later on?"
That's super helpful actually! Thank you so much for your help since I was really stressing about that actually!! You both have no idea how helpful this is!
No problem. What kind of AP class are you taking?
AP History. So far, it is all they offer except AP Bio which I am not really interested in since the teacher kinda stinks- Also, I love the Axel so much oh my gosh!!
Oh, yeah, WHAP? I loved that class, we drew on shower curtains to review for the test. We played a group game when we did the Cold War. Each group was assigned a country to act as, and given a bunch of goals, with additional point values depending on how it was prioritized, both public and secret. The winner would be whatever group had the most points in the end. My group was the Russians. We had to keep our nuclear missiles in Cuba, get more members for the USSR, get rid of the US missiles in Turkey, take the entirety of Germany, and other more minor goals. The first thing we did was get the US to pull it's nukes out of Turkey in exchange for stopping our space program. Then, as soon as it got confirmed by the teacher, I convinced the rest of my group that we should immediatly threaten the rest of the free world, alongside allied China, with total nuclear devastation unless they complied with our goals. Obviously, nobody liked that, so we had to settle the 'fight' with die rolls. We actually won, it was insane. It was Russia and China against Britain, France, the US, the United Nations, and the 'Various Small Countries' group. I still can't believe it.
Hi, so uh- I probably won't be replying late anymore because my mom found me at 11:30 and got pissed I was still up playing games so- Heh, oops? Sorry about that.
XD Totally fine- Something similar happened to me the other night. I just had to wait a single before going right back to being able to stay up until like.... The time I get up for school XD