
Sophisticate said: What happened?
Roleplay thread

Wonderful I'll get my starter in tomorrow
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What - oh, RP thread I'll get mine out asap You don't mind if I use the exact same one as earlier? ~ Edit - Ah I forgot I have Fenrys now. I'll post in Nikolai now and later I'll do Fenrys Edited at June 19, 2024 08:53 PM by Boeing
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this may be a stupid question and i forgot what was decided, but are the apprentices chosen already, or will it occur in the rp?

Tenebris Umbra said: this may be a stupid question and i forgot what was decided, but are the apprentices chosen already, or will it occur in the rp?
Already chosen

Such a cutie Reg. Ill have Malakai and Loni out tomorrow <3 Malakai will be on good behavior for the day. Maybe just being a grump cause of the ceremony and Loni will be her odd ball self and seeing the Red Death that will come in a couple hours. Also what wolves want to contract the Red Death other than Alari. As it's highly contagious and really bad, but it only lasts a day. Short but very deadly. some wolves will be completely immune to it.

Reg is open to contracting it. I feel like it would make sense if he caught it from her or somebody he was close to because this guy is bouncing around everywhere. He's 100% either catching it or immune, I don't mind whichever. If we need more to catch it, throw him in. If not, no biggie

@Tene Im good with him contracting it. Eudora gave Alari the virus after planting it in her food supply from the night before. So it gave him time to be around her. But they won't get symptoms until at night when it's been around 24 hours of being exposed and well in their blood stream. the idea of it is like tuberculosis for wolves. But I don't want any wolf to die from it. I'm trying to think of a remedy to help it. I'm think sea foam, ocean sponge and horsetail. Like bloody tears, bloody cough, weakness, short term limb paralysis. Man I'm on roll. Making bomb prophecies and crazy viruses/illness Edited at June 19, 2024 11:09 PM by Nirvana_Sky

I'll probably have Koala contract it first, and Yule later on. Koala is super social so it's no surprise he'd share a meal with an infected individual by accident

@Ludicrous Well the red death is gonna show itself after the showdown. Alari will display it. Then I want to see who wants their contract it and then go down from there like one by one so it's not all a chaotic mess at the same time. but I'm heading to bed.