Aries; "How- How can you say that?- I killed them- Slaughtered them- I- You sh-should hate me- I murdered them all-" - Chile; "Oh yeahhhh, yes please! Give me the videos and pictures!"
Cal: "It is possible to make it up to them. Help their families, make sure others don't have to go through what you and what they went through, or just ask me to talk to them for you." Cal: "I will reclaim my body if this person dares to bring up those photos-" Lee: "Ahhh where is it saved where is it saved??"
Aries; "I-I can't- We aren't- We aren't anywhere near them- Any of them- Why did I leave?- I killed them-" - Chile; "Find them quick!! And show them even quicker!! Hahaha!"
Cal: "Aries, you are doing your spiraling stuff again. Remember, deep breaths. Tell me your name and what you feel right now. Through touch." Lee: "Found them!" Cal: "You both are dead to me" Lee: "Here's when the entire crew charged the field once he crossed the line and- Let me just play the video!
I found all the pictures for Ed's house- Now I just need to make the postimages album lmao - Aries; "I- I feel uh- The couch- My- My name is- Is- Kho- Aries- I feel you- Uhm- I feel the couch, and- And you, and- And uhm- Uh- I- Think-" Palms his forehead, muttering. "Stupid- Think- Usele- The- The floor?- I think- The couch, you, and the uh, the floor- Uhm- What else?-" - Chile; "Oh that's amazing! Yes, play the video! Haha!"
So excited to see it!! >:) Cal, gently holding his hands: "Again, you're not stupid and you're not useless. Take a deep breath and focus on everything touching you." Cal: "Nope! None of this please!" Lee: Lee played the video of Cal where, upon sprinting across the finish line at an astonishing rate, a whole crowd of people, including the camera person, jumped up and cheered so loud that the other audience members looked like they had a heart attack.
It is now up! - Aries; "I- Uh- I-I feel- I feel you- Y-Your hands. Uhm- The- The couch, I-I feel the c-couch. And- And the floor. Uh- M-My clothes..?- Uhm... My h-hair is br-brushing my ch-cheek a bit... I-I'm sorry f-for freaking out on you.." - Chile: Absolutely laughing like there's no tomorrow.
ahhh yay!! I will go look now!!! Cal: "You don't need to apologize. I'm just-" Cal yawning- "glad you're a bit better now." Lee: Cal looked so taken aback by the commotion that he literally crumbled and fell after crossing the finish line and nearly taking the second place winner down with him. Cal, taking his body back to steal the phone and stop video: "NOPE! No more!!!"
XD These are so hilarious and pure- They're great- This is gonna be so fun to do lol
Okay so I was not able to work on the post to make it super good but what is the name of the city/town they live in?