
also, be prepared for some Lindon sass in his next post XD
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Sorry it took so long. I ended up writing more than I was planning XD But I am more than ready for a sassy Lindon.

Sassy lindon is posted 💅 -- Neo is mostly done, but I have to get the last bit of his response to the bets, which I'm not sure I'll get to tonight/this morning >.>
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I love it <3 . Sounds good. Take your time ^^

I want to post for Ezlynn but I'm not sure if I should since Wander has literally only posted once ><

I think it would be okay? I'm still gonna try to get Neo done, so one more from you would probably be fine :0 especially if we set it up so one of Wander's kiddos could join
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Okay, I'll post Ezlynn after you do Neo(I'm very excited for his reaction by the way XD) But I'm not sure how we would include on of Wander's characters?

Neo is up and wholesome -- Maybe just leave the ending sort of open so if Wander wants there's a place for one of their's kiddos to say something, or interact with one of them somehow
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I'm not really sure how to do that when it's literally just Ezlynn and Lindon talking but I'll try ^^'

lol or don't and I can try? Since Lindon isn't terribly conversational XD
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