
I'm going to try and post tomorrow. I have been showing my house all day (just went on the market) and have not had time.

Hey folks!
I'm working on a new schedule to help with the flow of things here for the RP. This will be posted and pinned here in the discussion thread.
There are going to be non-riding classes each student gets to pick. Just go ahead and add which classes or specialized classes your character is participating in in their bio. But hold up until I can get this posted...
Lukas will specialize in advanced jumping and intermediate XC. I will put that in his bio on the sign ups along with the non-riding classes. : )
PM me for questions or thoughts! :D

Oh congrats on showing the house!
No problem. We'll be getting things more structured once I have a few things added :D No rush.
Feralhearted said: I'm going to try and post tomorrow. I have been showing my house all day (just went on the market) and have not had time.

That honestly sounds like a great idea, definitely would make things easier

Ok... I'm finally back online. I'm so sorry guys :( Work has been beating me up and taking my lunch the last few days and I really needed a mental health day to just do nothing. I'm back and ready to roll though.

Alright! Think I am going to publish a reply soon ;)

In answer to Feral's question- I did mean it as a western saddle, because I am a noob and was mostly thinking of the two as more trail riders than anything... I should probably fix it.

I thought this was a prestigious riding academy that you needed experience to be at... So I guess I question why Apache is there in the first place then? . you would need to have English riding equipment to get placed into beginner classes to start since you are brand new. Or at least from what you have said.

No, I mean like- He's more of a competitive trail rider and cross country rider than anything else lmao - And I'm not very experienced with horse roleplays or horses in general so I'm probably going to end up making mistakes and all. Feralhearted said: I thought this was a prestigious riding academy that you needed experience to be at... So I guess I question why Apache is there in the first place then? . you would need to have English riding equipment to get placed into beginner classes to start since you are brand new. Or at least from what you have said.

Competitive trail still uses an endurance type English saddle. Cross country uses English tack. I would suggest googling it so you can better describe it in RP. . If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me or Myst and ask :3