
Viv joking if Mauve ever slept with Dracula- Ravensrun said: That's honestly pretty accurate

Rome is American, her mother was british. Anij is American, third generation African. And Elle migrated to America long enough to lose more than half of his accent over-time. He misses it though-

I work nights so this is my morning. Lol I need coffeefee Determined_Wolf said: pffft understandable- Imperial Sands said: I am awake [kind of] and here.
Ravensrun said: I just got home from work I felt that

I feel you. I existed today. Determined_Wolf said: pffft understandable- Imperial Sands said: I am awake [kind of] and here.


Cath-Oswic is anywhere from 400-600 years old. He's going by how old his favorite swords are. The Claymore(Celtic) and Zweihänder(Germanic). He was born a vampire and was in an arena for a long time, so he didn't actually talk all that much. So everything about his voice is a bit odd. He was about ~16 in the arena, and was in there until ~16-20 years ago, so... Yeah. - Tauekel was born in the 1300s as well, but he lived on the Russian northwest borders for a long time. Like, centuries. He had a whole different mafia there and everything. He came to America probably in the 1800s or 1900s, and yeah. He never really lost his accent too much since he very much values his culture and definitely still makes sure to find a way to keep it. - Shanahan doesn't really have any accent.

Now I'm home and got my Bingus bongus

Jayco over here not knowing his age and is probably the oldest- Meanwhile, Viv is older than Thanos, her age being 2000+ Thanos is the baby out of my three elder characters

It's 7:30 pm here and I start work at 10 pm. Slept a little longer than I have intended. But that's okay. I really want Cool Ranch Doritos.

I tried napping while my wifi was out and while my family was quiet It took me 4 hours to get tired enough to try, then everyone fucking woke up and I never got my damn nap.