Woo, discussion thread!
Talk about relationships, life, whatever floats your boat!
Masterlist (Excluding reserved spots)
Alpha Pair
The two in charge. They are mates.
[Female spot open]
~Chinook/Mutt/Hetero/Male/Rising Shadows
Omega Pair
The two second in charge. They become the alphas if the current alpha pair dies. They are often mates, but not always.
[Both male and female spots open]
Healers have a vast knowledge of herbs. They dedicate their lives to taking care of the pack members.
[One spot open]
The leader of the Hunters. The Predator is in charge of organizing hunts, etc.
[One spot open]
The most agile and versatile of the pack. They hunt for the rest of the pack.
[Nine spots open]
~Anora/Siberian Husky mix/Bi/Female/The Chaos Empire
The one in charge of all the Fighters. They are responsible for organizing groups to fight enemy animals, such as polar bears.
[One spot open]
The most powerful and resourceful of the pack. They defend the rest of the pack from enemy animals.
[Seven spots open]
~Benji/Jämthund mix/Bi/Male/FancyPants
~Theo/Siberian Husky/Gay/Male/Free-Claw12
~Orion/Irish Wolfhound/Bi/Male/Thunder Struck
The teachers are trained in both hunting and fighting, they dedicate their lives in teaching the young apprentices. They take turns in training the apprentices.
[Five spots open]
Young pack members who are learning to be either a fighter or a hunter. Their rank is determined by their skill level. Training starts at 6 months.
[Five spots open]
Expecting or parents, these are the females that take care of their pups. They temporarily step down from their ranks.
[Five spots open]
Volunteer Mothers
These are the females who decided to take care of parentless pups.
[Two spots open]
The youngest and future of the pack. The future for them is bright and clear. They range between newborn to 5 months old.
[Ten spots open]
~Ivy/Australian Cattle Dog/Hetero/Female/Rising Shadows
The seniors of the pack. They are taken care of by the others. They may fight or hunt if they would like to, but most are too old to.
[Ten spots open]
More spots will be added if needed.
Number of users in the rp (excluding reserved):