Yellow said:
Ok, here is my viewpointcritic so if ya dont want that dont read-its so detailed in some spots whilst in other spots its blurry and just general colours. ex. the ear vs cheek in middle character. the same with the snout on the third and first. You have incredible potential if you detailed everything or even just evened it out a little so the differences wouldnt bee so drastic.The anatomy of the skull isnt quite at top, but i am sure with practice of general studies you find it quick.I understand you put a lot of effort into these, add a lot of time. with that in mind i am still going to place these headshoots in the 5 apple range, add or minus a few here and there depending.hope this helps and i wasnt too mean ( i thend to come off as mean as i understand ;-; i really dont mean to i promise!)<3
I didn't think you came off as mean at all :>
I'm still working at furthering my skills (I'm actually more of a human artist so I have been doing studies to help with my animal anatomy) but some of the spots that are less detailed I did on purpose to make the details on the face stand out even more. Other spots like the muzzle don't appear to be as detailed just because the fur isn't long there but I have been working with different colors and textured brushes to help with that and the 1st and 3rd pictures both have shading which might have made them appeared a bit less detailed because they're already dark furred. But I can offer 2 versions shaded and not
Maybe I should hold off on offering any slots until I've done a few more?