My name has no q's in it. I don't think it sounds like there is any possiblility for q's in it, but I think someone pronounced it with a q.
queen. said: i don't drink starbucks xD
i don't really either, but my sister does
I don't like coffee and my name is fairly easy to spell (here, anyway, because everyone speaks Spanish and my name is Spanish), so I have very little to add to this conversation. So instead I'll ask this: how do you guys judge literacy? Obviously it's not really length. And while you can argue that it's grammar and punctuation, that's more like the bare minimum. I mean, what is that sort of something that makes an RP post so special? If you know what I mean. I've been trying to pin it down, but I can't. Edited at July 1, 2020 12:56 PM by Corax Noir
Corax Noir said: I don't like coffee and my name is fairly easy to spell (here, anyway, because everyone speaks Spanish and my name is Spanish), so I have very little to add to this conversation. So instead I'll ask this: how do you guys judge literacy? Obviously it's not really length. And while you can argue that it's grammar and punctuation, that's more like the bare minimum. I mean, what is that sort of something that makes an RP post so special? If you know what I mean. I've been trying to pin it down, but I can't.
i do length since i am terrible at grammar myself
That feeling you get - a combination of inadequacy and admiration. Corax Noir said: I don't like coffee and my name is fairly easy to spell (here, anyway, because everyone speaks Spanish and my name is Spanish), so I have very little to add to this conversation. So instead I'll ask this: how do you guys judge literacy? Obviously it's not really length. And while you can argue that it's grammar and punctuation, that's more like the bare minimum. I mean, what is that sort of something that makes an RP post so special? If you know what I mean. I've been trying to pin it down, but I can't.
what makes my posts feel special to me is that i put a droplet of a memory into each of them. just the tiniest thing but that's something differnet too
lmao my name isn't really that difficult but i've gotten it spelled so many different ways ,,
when i had a side shave i tried to fuck with people and pass as like a little boy so my name for every order was brendan and it ,, worked
Tolkien said: That feeling you get - a combination of inadequacy and admiration. Corax Noir said: I don't like coffee and my name is fairly easy to spell (here, anyway, because everyone speaks Spanish and my name is Spanish), so I have very little to add to this conversation. So instead I'll ask this: how do you guys judge literacy? Obviously it's not really length. And while you can argue that it's grammar and punctuation, that's more like the bare minimum. I mean, what is that sort of something that makes an RP post so special? If you know what I mean. I've been trying to pin it down, but I can't.
That's a good way of putting it. I think literate writers have a certain knack. There is an ease to writing that semi-literate don't have. They can write a lot about a certain thing. They know grammar. They know how to make an interesting NOT OP character. They have ideas and know how to keep a plot moving. I don't think that really answered the question.
I guess we can simply apply this question to all writers, in which I suppose that the feeling of switching realities is what has always gotten me. It's not really something you can put into words (ironically), but it's there with all of the best writers.
I believe everyone has their reason to why Roleplay, or a RP post is special to them. Perhaps that posts makes you feel something, a certain character in that post makes you feel something. When writing RP posts there is a decent chance that feel an emotion when I'm writing a characters emotion. My optimistic OCs with their positive attitudes, make me feel bouncy when they are being bouncy, same with feelings such as embarrassment, anxiousness because I'm trying to put myself in their shoes to better understand that feeling. To make it believably genuine. When I feel what they are when I'm writing the character, it also makes me like them more. I understand them more, know where they're coming from. I like portraying emotion, feeling, intent. I've also felt these things so I already have something to go from as well. I know that's the point of RP'ing a OC but it's at least special to me. :)