yey! - withering solar
i no want you to die doe... - eclipse, 4, azos daughter
chai_z said: ooh can i have some omega? <3 why cant i have a parent like azo T-T i feel cheated by life
Of course you can!
ah true you can do an assanitation if you want azo ^^ and yeah im looking for wp parents- although i wasnt thinking about either of those things XD
Ill be fine Daughter. the cookies are smaller than my wwindpipe now so i wouldnt die even if one got shoved insidemy throat
this has transformed from a cult to a family- XD
Chai point me where, when, and how you want it done, and for the WP parent thing its going to be hard to explain XD
technically, a family is just a cult for the parents' beleifs too. think about that. so we are still a cult.
i get sis? - 4, azos daughter
im adopting soo, ya - withering solar
am confused now but what? please run that by me again XD
thats very true family is still kind of a cult- i dont care how , when or where you get rid of them XD although i think what we are talking about is against eve's rules :o time to switch topics ^^'