HAHHAHA oh my god that poor man ~Shadow Hunters~ said: I know I'm probably late to the forced romance thing, but I had a character who was slightly gay. He was trying to hide it, felt embarassed by it and stuff, even had a girlfriend in the past before accepting it. Then someone pms me asking if their older character can be in a relationship with him. And she was like middle aged, leaning on older, while he was a young adult. And female.
I refuse to do any sort of romance roleplay if the chars have no chemistry at a l l lmao
I have a bad habit of ghosting 1x1s with characters that have bad chemistry aha
ok how did i just now find this- i'm still a sucky rper (i'm getting better at least) but i learned from a w f u l- like- (ok rant time) in the past i was stuck with people who would literally reply with just *[insert character] sat* or even just *sits* and omigodddd that drives me crazyyyy- like- what the fuck am i supposed to reply to that- like- i can't- and going on the whole forced romance thing cuz i just stalked this whole thing, those get me so frustrated- i have characters who i don't see getting shipped with really anybody, and in this one person's rp, they kept trying to ship one of them with one of their characters who he did not have any attraction to whatsoever and they kept trying to force them to interact- that got me so annoyed- i just ended up saying something along the lines of "i really can't see them together" and yet they STILL kept forcing them to get close and interact- and when i lay out a setting, the characters are all in one specific place, and then the other person's char does something that does not fit with that setting at all- like sitting on some random chair when they're in the forest or something- aAAA- or they just change the setting entirely cuz one moment they're outside and the next moment with no transition whatsoever they're in the kitchen and their character's getting something from the fridge- AT LEAST WRITE A FUCKING TRANSITION DAMNIT- AAAAAAA- and unrealistic actions- and just not being realistic in the least- i rped with a couple people who had young characters, like, literal one-year-olds or younger who could talk, walk, all stuff normal adults do and not only that but one char wanted to learn to fight, so that char pestered my demon character and annoyed him until he agreed. and when my char (who is literally thousands of years old and been in countless fights) was training the literal one-year-old, the baby was able to dodge all attacks and land all their own, use their magic perfectly, and was able to do everything and overpower my character's time-built powers and outsmart their centuries of experience. a fucking ONE YEAR OLD- and not even one, younger actually- like- THE FUCK- and when they're like *[insert character here] claws [my character]'s chest and leaves a deep gash*- aaaaa that gets me so fucking triggered- like- give my char a chance to fucking dodge goddamnit- i normally end up doing that anyway and completely ignoring the details they put about all the blood that they supposedly drew from my char- and then when that same character dodges the attacks mine does, even when i have to very clearly lay out my char's attacks- ugh ok this is seriously getting me fucking triggered now- aaaAAAAAAA- s o m e o n e p l e a s e h e l p m e i j u s t w a n t t o f i n d a g o o d r o l e p l a y e r w h o d o e s n t d o a n y o f t h i s s h i t - . and then the characters that are pathetic for no reason whatsoever- like- they never had anything bad happen to them in their entire life other than not getting cookies or something and they're all crying and have nightmares and so-called ptsd of some unknown nonexistent event- like- i get pathetic characters if they had an awful past that just layered shit on them until they broke and continued past their breaking point, but don't make them pathetic if nothing even fucking happened- and evil characters with no reason whatsoever- at least give SOME reason- like- even my characters who are bad but completely undeveloped have some sort of thing to make them snap like intense jealousy or loss or something, but don't make them bad just because they were "born mean" or whatever- ugh- hhhhh how the fuck does it feel so good to get all this shit out yet also trigger me more at the same time- . oh and don't let me forget when rping with two set characters and the other person brings in a character that was completely unplanned and who does not fit into the rp whatsoever and makes them a total complete focus- I AT LEAST ASK BEFORE BRINGING IN OTHER FUCKING CHARACTERS, DON'T BRING IN OTHERS WITHOUT ASKING AND DEFINITELY DON'T MAKE THEM A MAJOR FUCKING FOCUS GODDAMNIT- and assuming shit about my characters- i get if it's assuming something simple like my not-so-human shifter in human form who needs immense amounts of cold and the other tries to warm him up because he looks human and humans need warmth, that i can understand, but don't go assuming that oh this character likes this or oh they hate that- only do that if they've been exposed to it and shown reasonable cause for that conclusion- aaaaaAAAAAAA- and generally perfect characters- or stereotypical ones- and omg i HATE 2D characters with little to no personality- ack- ok i need to stop now i think i've brought up enough o_O sorry-
when people do this to me i consider replying with something like "they sat on a tack and started bleeding" or "the dildo in their ass went up to their stomach when they sat down" because it makes me so angry c r y s t a l said: in the past i was stuck with people who would literally reply with just *[insert character] sat* or even just *sits* and omigodddd that drives me crazyyyy- like- what the fuck am i supposed to reply to that-
theres someone particular that makes mary sue girls and they made a gary sue and im livid i hate it here
Well, I hope I was not the ultra-irritating person in anyone's rant stories, and if I was/am, I apologize. Contructive feedback is welcome :) You guys can complain about me in this thread if you want to, I don't mind. Since I'm such an arrogant roleplayer, I believe this is just the thread for me. I have to admit, a lot of things I complain about have been covered. But for some reason one thing that really drives me insane is when a group of mediocre roleplayers get together and praise each other's characters for any weird little trait they have in chat. Or when somebody comments on my character with something that makes no sense. I once had somebody tell me that my character was "pure." I was like, "Thanks, I guess. I find alcoholic compulsive liars very innocent and angelic as well." The characters themselves rarely bother me as long as the person is a good roleplayer. But a bad character usually indicates a bad roleplayer. I've been a very bad roleplayer with some very bad characters. Strangely enough, I once roleplayed with an edgy Mary Sue murder-machine character named (can you guess?) Shadow and I absolutely LOVED IT. They sucked at roleplaying, their character was overpowered, they had some stupid PTSD and a darkness within balanced out only by their secret good heart, all of that. But I guess I was young and naive, because I had a blast playing every other character in that world and letting Shadow murder them at her leisure. She kept running away, but it didn't matter because I played every single character except for hers. And then I forced her to stay in a village full of tiny, sweet children and sit through a boring trial instead of murdering the person who had tried to hurt her. Good times. Now, this one is just my literary strictness coming out, but I despise the "literacy requirement is lower if you have writer's block" rule. My "drill sergeant of RPs" personality comes out, and I feel like yelling at those who can't overcome their writer's block, "You will write four sentences through the sweat and tears and BLOOD! NOW GIVE ME FIFTY!" Last but not least, why are there so few characters who are homely, ugly, or (gasp! God forbid!) overweight? Or older ones, really. I mean, I understand that older characters are hard to play because I don't think most of us are older on here. But really, does everyone have to be attractive? That's the one thing I hope I was never guilty of. My first character here was pretty darn ugly, and he knew it, too, but it was never a huge plot point or anything. I pretty much always agree to anything anyone asks me to do with their character in-RP, but I have to remind them that things might not play out the way they want. Relationships might not work out. Very few of my characters have fallen in love. Also, Sleepless, is that RP you mentioned the one I'm in? The one you're ghosting? If so, I can try to help you out, or we can break off the relationship between our characters. I don't want you to be unhappy. Edited at June 25, 2020 01:42 PM by Corax Noir
@corax you're defiently not the annoying character in any of my stories, you're one of my favorite RPers on this site lol and no, it's not the same RP. the RP i'm ghosting is a medieval one - and i'm trying to create some more characters that are overweight/have unique faces, but i only make characters when i have a personality in mind :( i have so, so many ideas for appearances i have two characters that don't fit beauty standards, and one is supposed to be ironic because she's a serial romantic but she isn't pretty
Corax Noir said: Well, I hope I was not the ultra-irritating person in anyone's rant stories, and if I was/am, I apologize. Contructive feedback is welcome :) You guys can complain about me in this thread if you want to, I don't mind. Since I'm such an arrogant roleplayer, I believe this is just the thread for me. I have to admit, a lot of things I complain about have been covered. But for some reason one thing that really drives me insane is when a group of mediocre roleplayers get together and praise each other's characters for any weird little trait they have in chat. Or when somebody comments on my character with something that makes no sense. I once had somebody tell me that my character was "pure." I was like, "Thanks, I guess. I find alcoholic compulsive liars very innocent and angelic as well." The characters themselves rarely bother me as long as the person is a good roleplayer. But a bad character usually indicates a bad roleplayer. I've been a very bad roleplayer with some very bad characters. Strangely enough, I once roleplayed with an edgy Mary Sue murder-machine character named (can you guess?) Shadow and I absolutely LOVED IT. They sucked at roleplaying, their character was overpowered, they had some stupid PTSD and a darkness within balanced out only by their secret good heart, all of that. But I guess I was young and naive, because I had a blast playing every other character in that world and letting Shadow murder them at her leisure. She kept running away, but it didn't matter because I played every single character except for hers. And then I forced her to stay in a village full of tiny, sweet children and sit through a boring trial instead of murdering the person who had tried to hurt her. Good times. Now, this one is just my literary strictness coming out, but I despise the "literacy requirement is lower if you have writer's block" rule. My "drill sergeant of RPs" personality comes out, and I feel like yelling at those who can't overcome their writer's block, "You will write four sentences through the sweat and tears and BLOOD! NOW GIVE ME FIFTY!" Last but not least, why are there so few characters who are homely, ugly, or (gasp! God forbid!) overweight? Or older ones, really. I mean, I understand that older characters are hard to play because I don't think most of us are older on here. But really, does everyone have to be attractive? That's the one thing I hope I was never guilty of. My first character here was pretty darn ugly, and he knew it, too, but it was never a huge plot point or anything
I have noticed that even if you have a stereotypical character that in writing is Mary/Gary Sue, as long as the person is a good roleplayer it can be pulled off without being ultra annoying. I get annoyed, when people take advantage of writer's block stuff. Because I personally push through that. I feel that's one thing that people can do. You might not be able to write well, have interesting vocabulary, or have the best grammar out there, but you sure can fulfill a length requirement. You just keep stringing words together. I think pushing yourself to write like that makes you a better writer. It also helps words come to you easier, and things eventually start to flow better. You realize you need more details and it forces you to fill in gaps that you might have left before. I am sooooo guilty of making my characters all skinny. I need to work on that. I don't think any of my characters are horribly ugly. Most of them I don't really say if they look nice or not. They're just your average person. I have wanted to play an older character before, and I've done it a few times, but those roleplays never got very far. I try to make my characters around everyone else's age, and I've noticed that mine tend to be on the older level. If you give me any constructive critizism, I will read it and try to improve.
@Corax I hate when people use writer's block as an excuse, ecspecially in literate RPs. Like if they only post four sentences and say "sorry :) writers' block" I can always force at least two paragraphs, usually horribly written, but at least there was effort,,