Alriiiight too many people to keep track of. Bye all.
Yay. Sunstone said: Alright Mom and Centuries you both may come because you are both less psycho and Centuries is my favourite sister and Mom made us bacon out of Daddy. UwU
~Wish A Nightmare~ said: Hi
Why'd you use my trash as your Avi? >-> it s u c c s
Cuz I felt like it >_> plus I love it >:p ~ Bleak ~ said: Why'd you use my trash as your Avi? >-> it s u c c s “>-> it s u c c s” dis be a lie
Edited at June 2, 2020 12:06 PM by ~Wish A Nightmare~
Hehe QwQ Centuries said: Yay. Sunstone said: Alright Mom and Centuries you both may come because you are both less psycho and Centuries is my favourite sister and Mom made us bacon out of Daddy. UwU
Let us pack! *packs everything* Alrighty let's go UwU I booked us a luxury flight on Bacon Airlines. Daddy owns it XD But we ate him So we have inherited it UwU
ÙwÚ Excuse me miss, You dont inherit that till I die! Its mine Right now~
Well! *mutters something unintelligible* Let's go. I ordered ice cream for the plane and we must get there before it melts. (This is turning into a RP!)