I think what kills RPs on here is the plot. They appear interesting at first but then when you actually RP it's boring or exactly the same as another RP.
i think a plot has to affect everyone for it to survive that's probably why cadunt has stuck around so long
uh i love Cadunt with a burning passion and I'm posting for Aadya tonight to attempt to get it back alive
I sometimes try timeskips to revive something. Just jump to something different like the next day/next month and hope for the best. Although sometimes I've found timeskips to just kill the whole rp if everyones in a rythm and have to restart.
Pudding Cup said: You know I'd join again- Sleepless Nights said: i had an rp a while ago based on cults and it was kinda stranger things-like and it was very anti-death but it somehow died anyway i'm considering rebooting it
i'd rejoin that shit in a heartbeat as long as it's semi lit this time around tho
yeah it'd be semi-lit i'm hosting that or a steampunk rp
Plots are definitely huge. I also think giving people the ability to be creative is big. Group RP plots, in my opinion, are often best when vague - I feel that, for me, at least, a setting and world often creates the plot. When people are given room to create their OC's story, it works well. Wilou has been around for seven months, now, I think? I'm actually concerned it might end. As in, the RP coming to a natural close - the end of the story.
Wilou is freakin' legendary, as far as I'm concerned. Because of that it's kinda weird to hear it could be closing, but to be closing naturally? Now that's a type of success if I've ever heard of it.
steampunk Sleepless Nights said: yeah it'd be semi-lit i'm hosting that or a steampunk rp
i gave up on hosting RPs. I just join different ones. I get unsatisfied with my own plots so I lose interest really fast