So this guide was made a while back, when I still had a better understanding of this game. I'm not sure how much of this is still accurate, or if I forgot anything, so please feel free to correct me.
20-29R: 10 mush
30-39R: 20 mush
40-49R: 30 mush
51-55R: 50 mush
1 mush per talent
+0.5 mush per CP (2CP=1 mush added)
Battle Experience:
+1 mush per point of exp.
+1= 2 mush
+2= 3 mush
+3= 4 mush
+4= 4 mush
+5= 6 mush
-1= -2 mush
-2= -3 mush
-3= -4 mush
-4= -5 mush
-5= -6 mush
Boost: +100 mush
Neg. Defect: -50 mush
Albino: +150 mush
Vitiligo: +200 mush
Mela: +300 mush
Ery: +500 mush