You've found yourself in a terrible place... the stench of death wrinkling your nose as the bending and creaking of dying wood fills your ears.

Its as though the fungi here have grown tired of waiting for the trees to die and have begun decaying the entire forest from the inside out.

After walking for what seems like hours through a forest of rotten trees, mildly glowing mushrooms and horrifying sounds, you come across a cobblestone pathway dimly lit with overhead lanterns.

A ways further, you come upon a small barbwire fence with a gate that you're able to easily open and close behind you. As you walk further, the rot of the forest fades away and it seems as though the forest here has figured out symbiosis with the fungi. Massive glowing mushrooms the size of trees, with maroon grass stretching across the ground. Bright yellow lanterns glowing with gold fungus inside the glass.
You come to a small clearing, dappled with tents of cool and dampened colors, and a large, cozy looking building up on the hill with smoke billowing from its chimney.

To the south, a huge fall into the Decaying Sea, but it looks like you could fish from there.

A gruff, feminine voice calls out to you from the tent to your right, her eyes following you as you come to stand in front of her counter.

Again looking to your right, you see a much warmer looking tent, pushed up against a huge mushroom tree with shelves carved into its trunk and the tent built up around it, two figures mull about and perk up as you approach their counter.

The next tent is colored with teals and blues, dampened with age. The small creature inside flicks her ear and jumps into a sitting position as you approach.

As you exit the shack, the last tent grabs your attention with muted pink and gold fabric. Three heads pop up from the counter inside.

Venturing away from the quest board, you find yourself at the edge of a cliff, with a small, intriguing goat creature working on his boat in the night. His head turns and he waves a paw and bared a sharp smile at you.

As you back away from the cliffs, you make your way up the cobblestone stairs and reach the large cabin-like building at the top of the hill in town. The heavy door creaking open and the scent of good food and better ale hits your nose immediately. The large canid creature perks her ears at you and puts a paw on her counter as she calls over to you.

She tilts her head a bit, before rumaging under her counter and pulling out a small pouch.
"You seem new around here. Here's 30 pinecones to get yourself some gear and get started."
She says kindly, waving as you exit the inn.
Welcome to the humble Town of Glowmire. An accepting community forged in the most impossible place.
This whole operation is a roleplay, so no matter what place you're in aside from here please be in character and if not please use ()
I'm effectively the DM of this world and I'll be playing all shopkeepers and other NPCs, please in no way ever try to control them.
You may only have ONE CHARACTER traveling through Glowmire or the Rotten Forest at any one time, and no character whos been here and left can return. However you're more than welcome to change characters, just fill out another form and explain that your previous character has left town, your town currency will be transfered to your new character. Like I said though, your previous character can never find Glowmire again.
Town currency is used here, we use pinecones. You can try to get a loan from friends for medical expenses or you can earn them from quests given by the triplets in the Quest Tent. They can be used to buy anything offered in town.
If you're forming a party to tackle a big quest you must go to the inn to rally (and meet if your characters have never met before) before you head out to the woods. Just so I can keep track.
Quests are handled kind of like DnD encounters, as you venture through the forest, the more thorough you are the easier the quest will become. Where as if you're oblivious on a big quest you will almost certainly fail. Keep your eyes open.
While you're in the forest you have a very rare chance to encounter a tameable creature. Through a series of food or situation based encounters you can convince them to follow you home, this will come with a character designed using one of my bases, but again this is rare.
Not every creature can find Glowmire, it's citizens were driven here by humanoids who ridiculed them for being different and hunted them for being strange. Humanoids will never be welcome in Glowmire and therefore can never find it. However dragons, anthros, ferals, unicorns and all other animalistic creatures are welcome and could find Glowmire.
Do not go into The Rotten Forest unless you have a quest there. It is a dangerous place and not a place that's to be recklessly explored. However, you can post your own taming quest with Yore once you've completed a certain amount of quests.
This is a roleplay but it's only an interactive roleplay, meaning I dont expect a huge amountof literacy, any certain format, or for every detail to be explained out. Pease don't roleplay travel within the forums, everything has its own area in the hopes of staying organized so if you're talking to Scout you need to be in her forge, not in the inn talking about going to her forge.
You can play through Glowmire completely solo and only ever interact with me, or you can form a party to tackle quests with friends. You can post as much or as little as you want, there is no required format and no required literacy level.
NPCs can devolp a crush on your character. It is entirely up to you if you reciprocate or not, and if the character leaves Glowmire, after a while the NPC may develop a crush or relationship with someone new.
How to Join
Please submit the form below in this thread, you will start out with the 30 pinecones that Torka gave you and a free room in her inn to keep your things. I'll let you know when you've been accepted and then you can begin taking quests! Once you have a room number you may take quests, interact with townfolk and interact with other players in the inn, starting wherever you want!
Pack Name and # -
Character Name -
Character Pronouns -
Character Link or Description -
Character Personality -
In Town Relationships(with other characters) -
Current Glowmire Residents
-Conan Room#1
-Ocean Room#2
-Moth Room#3
-Tragedy Room#4
-Zyrrith Room#5
-Opal Room#6
-Carnival Room#7
-Rocky Room#8
-Shockwave Room#9
-Adira Room#10
-Morgan Room#11
-Jari Room#12
-Solstice Room#13
-Astroya Room#14
-Nanuk Room#15
-Spirit Room#16
-Evan Room#17
-Yara Room#18
-Griffin Room#19
-Aspen Room#20
Taming and Limitations
In order to be as fair as possible while also letting everyone have as much fun as possible, I have put all the pets in a teir list and made it so you can only tame a certain number of creatures in that teir.
If you wish to release your current tame to make room for a different one, you can do thet either by giving your pet to Torka to take care of, or releasing them back into the forest at some point.
If you give them to Torka you can visit them as much as you want, but if you release them into the forest they may come to your aid on future quests.
Pet Teirs
Small (Up to 3)
Large (Up to 3)
Mystic (Only 2)
Draconic (Only 1)
More to Come!