
Name -Anwen Evergreen Age- 19 Role -Protecter Abnormality type (Dog, cat, wolf, etc) - He has snow owl wings as well as pure white hair. His eyes are an ocean blue with hints of grassy green. His hair has two tufts of hair that sticks out like a horned owls feathers. Appearance: He is 6'9 with a lean body with scars all over. He has snow owl wings that stretch up to 5 feet and has pure white hair. His eyes is usually covered up with a blindfold that hides his strange eyes. He doesn't like the fact that he has bright blue eyes. He usually wears a cloak over his wings but it's loose enough he can still fly with it on. He always wears a bone feather on a necklace that his mother gave him. The feather was a black one that was painted the color it was. He also always carried a blank book to draw in as well a pencil. Personality - He is very outgoing as well as sweet. He loves the others with all his heart and wants to protect them with all his power. He loves anything cute and fluffy as he just loves soft things. He will do anything for his group even if that means yo let himself be killed to save his group. Anwen can be stubborn as a donkey but when he is upset his bone feather calms him down. He is very kind to animals and his groups but hates people who aren't like them. Likes - Cute animals, The sun, soft things, and his bone feather Dislikes - Rain, water, climbing, and thunder Strengths (At least two) He is a faster flyer then most and he is very smart when it comes to maps and directions . He also is quick with his hands Weaknesses (At least two) Isn't very fast on his feet and is will die for his friends Backstory - When he was young his mother used to sing to him before bed. But one day the military busted in killing his family and leaving only him and his brother behind. They managed to kill his brother as they ran to a safe spot. Hid brother was shot in the wing and trip. He had told him to leave him behind and to protect himself. Anwen tan in tears swearing that he never let the one's he loved to be killed. Since then he has being very over protective of anyone he loves Other - Anwen is very over protective of me as he thinks I'm adorable as I love animals as well. He loves that he is stronger than I am. 7 is how many family members he had Does this work? Edited at November 8, 2023 04:58 PM by raveneclipse

Please reread the rules. You're missing something in 'other' raveneclipse said: Name -Anwen Evergreen Age- 19 Role -Protecter Abnormality type (Dog, cat, wolf, etc) - He has snow owl wings as well as pure white hair. His eyes are an ocean blue with hints of grassy green. His hair has two tufts of hair that sticks out like a horned owls feathers. Appearance: He is 6'9 with a lean body with scars all over. He has snow owl wings that stretch up to 5 feet and has pure white hair. His eyes is usually covered up with a blindfold that hides his strange eyes. He doesn't like the fact that he has bright blue eyes. He usually wears a cloak over his wings but it's loose enough he can still fly with it on. He always wears a bone feather on a necklace that his mother gave him. The feather was a black one that was painted the color it was. He also always carried a blank book to draw in as well a pencil. Personality - He is very outgoing as well as sweet. He loves the others with all his heart and wants to protect them with all his power. He loves anything cute and fluffy as he just loves soft things. He will do anything for his group even if that means yo let himself be killed to save his group. Anwen can be stubborn as a donkey but when he is upset his bone feather calms him down. He is very kind to animals and his groups but hates people who aren't like them. Likes - Cute animals, The sun, soft things, and his bone feather Dislikes - Rain, water, climbing, and thunder Strengths (At least two) He is a faster flyer then most and he is very smart when it comes to maps and directions . He also is quick with his hands Weaknesses (At least two) Isn't very fast on his feet and is will die for his friends Backstory - When he was young his mother used to sing to him before bed. But one day the military busted in killing his family and leaving only him and his brother behind. They managed to kill his brother as they ran to a safe spot. Hid brother was shot in the wing and trip. He had told him to leave him behind and to protect himself. Anwen tan in tears swearing that he never let the one's he loved to be killed. Since then he has being very over protective of anyone he loves Other - Anwen is very over protective of me as he thinks I'm adorable as I love animals as well. He loves that he is stronger than I am. Does this work?


Accepted! raveneclipse said: Fixed!

Feel free to join us in the discussion thread!

can I reserve the last protector spot?

Of course! East MountainClan said: can I reserve the last protector spot?

Name: .~ Fawn Heartly ~. Age: 22 years Role: Protector [caregiver] ~ Abnormality type: Deer(white-tail) Appearance: A woman of both elegance and grace, her movements almost mezmerizing. Fawn is a beautiful woman by any measure, with long wavy golden locks and vibrant blue eyes. Her hair is silky soft to the touch, reaching to the middle of her back and well cared for. Fawn's eyes are dulled with what looks like a haze over them, caused by a past event. Faint tattoos in pink lines reach from her face down her neck, and over her left shoulder. Along with a yellow cresent, tattooed in the center of her forehead. A pair of antlers twine elegantly out of her hair, brown in color and often adorned by various golden chains and charms. Her face ia a gentle heart shape, with high cheekbones and plump lips. Which she has peirced the middle of her bottom lip, to match the one on her right eyebrow. . Slender neck and a higher collar bone, Fawn's form is slender and curvy while being surprisingly well-built. Despite only standing at 5'2", her legs are long compared to the rest of her and weighing roughly 135 pounds. Fawn often dresses in simple gentle hugging clothes, button down tees and jeans regularly in soft colors. Wearing a simple pair of beat-up brown boots, and the few pieces of jewelry she still owns from her past. A dark scar cuts her gentle appearance, going from her brow peircing to her cheek. It's stark red color is a reminder of the life she's endured. A scar covers her left theigh, upper right rips and several on her lower back, kept hidden from view as she tries to forget the past. A small fluffy deer tail peaks out from under her shirt, white understide with a tan top and white spots. .~. Personality: Gentle natured and extreamly sensitive to the emotions of those around her, Fawn is a sweet and kind woman. Often looking after others, being sure that ever need is met. While she is cautious around strangers, specially non-adnormals. Fawn is known to be super forgiving. . She is finds cooking to be what she enjoys, even more so inclined to cook for others. Fawn isn't the type of person to let anyone be mistreated, stepping up and standing her ground, even when it might risk her life. While she isn't one for fighting or combat, Fawn will most certainly put up one heck of a fight. . Her heart isn't something she gives easily, while she can show endless compassion to others. Fawn is a very guarded person, being very hesitant to get too close to anyone. Yet those she calls family and friends are held closest, being fiercly loyal to the few that've earned her complete trust. .~. Likes; - nature - cooking - music - helping others . Dislikes; - violence - loud noises - bright lights - meat - antagonists . Strengths; - Hightened Hearing/Smell: Having the reduced sight, Fawn's dependance on her other senses caused them to highten. Being keen enough to pick up soft sounds nearby, or fell fainter smells most would miss. This makes her surprisingly adabt at navigating, despite her impaired vision. - Motherly: Fawn has a very welcoming and gentle air about her, being everyone's shoulder to cry on. She is a safe space and a comforting person for any who would need it, keeping their secrets and looking after them until they feel better. This builds strong bonds with those around her, which she is fiercly loyal to. Weaknesses; - Weakened Vision: Due to an incident in her past, Fawn's vision is quite limited. This makes her more dependant on her other senses to navigate the world around her. While this wasn't always the case, she continues to find certain tasks difficult to complete with her reduced sight. But this also makes her sensitive to bright lights, even finding the sunlight mildly annoying. However refusing to wear glasses, even if it could make life easier. - Sensitive: With her hightened empathatic nature, Fawn is suseptable to emotional breakdowns. Getting so over-whelmed by the feelings of others she has a breakdown. This makes emotions as fear, anger, saddness and love feel that much more intense for her. However, often passing it off as anxiety and that she'll be just fine. Yet her own emotions have dulled to near absense, seemingly unable to feel things for herself. .~. Backstory: ~ WIP ~ Other; Fawn is open to friends and a relationship. I won my first riding class at a competition on a sweet pony 7 years ago. Edited at November 9, 2023 03:56 AM by East MountainClan

Accepted! Feel free to join us in the discussion thread East MountainClan said: Name: .~ Fawn Heartly ~. Age: 22 years Role: Protector [caregiver] ~ Abnormality type: Deer(white-tail) Appearance: A woman of both elegance and grace, her movements almost mezmerizing. Fawn is a beautiful woman by any measure, with long wavy golden locks and vibrant blue eyes. Her hair is silky soft to the touch, reaching to the middle of her back and well cared for. Fawn's eyes are dulled with what looks like a haze over them, caused by a past event. Faint tattoos in pink lines reach from her face down her neck, and over her left shoulder. Along with a yellow cresent, tattooed in the center of her forehead. A pair of antlers twine elegantly out of her hair, brown in color and often adorned by various golden chains and charms. Her face ia a gentle heart shape, with high cheekbones and plump lips. Which she has peirced the middle of her bottom lip, to match the one on her right eyebrow. . Slender neck and a higher collar bone, Fawn's form is slender and curvy while being surprisingly well-built. Despite only standing at 5'2", her legs are long compared to the rest of her and weighing roughly 135 pounds. Fawn often dresses in simple gentle hugging clothes, button down tees and jeans regularly in soft colors. Wearing a simple pair of beat-up brown boots, and the few pieces of jewelry she still owns from her past. A dark scar cuts her gentle appearance, going from her brow peircing to her cheek. It's stark red color is a reminder of the life she's endured. A scar covers her left theigh, upper right rips and several on her lower back, kept hidden from view as she tries to forget the past. A small fluffy deer tail peaks out from under her shirt, white understide with a tan top and white spots. .~. Personality: Gentle natured and extreamly sensitive to the emotions of those around her, Fawn is a sweet and kind woman. Often looking after others, being sure that ever need is met. While she is cautious around strangers, specially non-adnormals. Fawn is known to be super forgiving. . She is finds cooking to be what she enjoys, even more so inclined to cook for others. Fawn isn't the type of person to let anyone be mistreated, stepping up and standing her ground, even when it might risk her life. While she isn't one for fighting or combat, Fawn will most certainly put up one heck of a fight. . Her heart isn't something she gives easily, while she can show endless compassion to others. Fawn is a very guarded person, being very hesitant to get too close to anyone. Yet those she calls family and friends are held closest, being fiercly loyal to the few that've earned her complete trust. .~. Likes; - nature - cooking - music - helping others . Dislikes; - violence - loud noises - bright lights - meat - antagonists . Strengths; - Hightened Hearing/Smell: Having the reduced sight, Fawn's dependance on her other senses caused them to highten. Being keen enough to pick up soft sounds nearby, or fell fainter smells most would miss. This makes her surprisingly adabt at navigating, despite her impaired vision. - Motherly: Fawn has a very welcoming and gentle air about her, being everyone's shoulder to cry on. She is a safe space and a comforting person for any who would need it, keeping their secrets and looking after them until they feel better. This builds strong bonds with those around her, which she is fiercly loyal to. Weaknesses; - Weakened Vision: Due to an incident in her past, Fawn's vision is quite limited. This makes her more dependant on her other senses to navigate the world around her. While this wasn't always the case, she continues to find certain tasks difficult to complete with her reduced sight. But this also makes her sensitive to bright lights, even finding the sunlight mildly annoying. However refusing to wear glasses, even if it could make life easier. - Sensitive: With her hightened empathatic nature, Fawn is suseptable to emotional breakdowns. Getting so over-whelmed by the feelings of others she has a breakdown. This makes emotions as fear, anger, saddness and love feel that much more intense for her. However, often passing it off as anxiety and that she'll be just fine. Yet her own emotions have dulled to near absense, seemingly unable to feel things for herself. .~. Backstory: ~ WIP ~ Other; Fawn is open to friends and a relationship. I won my first riding class at a competition on a sweet pony 7 years ago.

2 spots have reopened in the protectors role