
Gonna Put Him In Southern For Now Imperial Sands said: I'll reserve a male. You can put him in either Everfree or Southern Winds, whichever needs more males. ^^

May I reserve a male, not sure where you may chose. I'd like to be in the ever free pack but if that's full he can be put anywhere

He can be in Everfree as their is a need for guys . Winter Halo said: May I reserve a male, not sure where you may chose. I'd like to be in the ever free pack but if that's full he can be put anywhere

i was trying to limit myself to one- but could i possibly reserve a follower in the southern winds group? *^* Edited at February 23, 2024 08:56 PM by distant-lands


WIP ElderName:Callahan "Bright-headed" Age:10 years Gender:Male Pack or Group or Neither:The Everfree Pack Your Reputation:A soul whose steadiness was unmatched, Callahan was the eye of the storm in troubling times during the founding of the pack, an anchor in the seething waters of the ocean in a storm, he was the last one to show distress or anxiety in difficult years. Always a reliable face, he was sighted on his paws more than at rest, always seeking to contribute more so that the fledgling pack could keep going. A well-spoken packmate who is reliably friendly and an easy male to approach for advice or other matters. Especially in his younger years, Callahan gained a reputation for being a skilled fighter. Utilizing his superior speed and reflexes against opponents stronger than he was, he was a wolf who could be downright vicious if he saw the need to be. While he was a capable combatant who often did not need others looking out for him in the flow of battle, the scars that he had earned is proof that he was far from untouchable. Rank:Elder Desired Rank:Content Why Do You Deserve This Rank?:N/A Thoughts on the New Leadership:In favor of it, more neutral with a positive lean, wip Just How Loyal Are You?:10/10 Thoughts on This Rogue Group:Their presence is a threat to the wellbeing and future to the pack, they are surprisingly bold to be trifling with a larger pack such as his, and the only way they will relent is if they are eliminated, it seems. To drive them out does not seem like it would do much. Though their actions and level of organization are curious, they ultimately need to be gone, one way or another. Appearance:
Callahan is a rather average wolf in terms of physical appearance, standing at a height of 30 inches at the shoulder and weighing about 100 pounds and possessing a figure that is more slender than most, there seems to be nothing of immense interest at a first glance. The scars from battles long past parting his still-thick coat and the missing upper half of his left ear speak of an eventful life, despite the supposed commonness of his form. His movements have become slower and less fluid than what they had been in the past years, the denseness of his coat has receded into something thinner and less fluffy than in his youth, but the lean muscle still remains and his stare has not been dulled by age yet, he is still a wolf to be respected for reasons other than his seniority over the majority of the current wolves. Grays and copper-edged tans and warm creams compose the colors of this male's pelt, the near-black gray weaving an intricate pattern over the narrow length of his back and the coppery tan and a hint of the cream peek through the cover of darkness that continues its complicated tapestry to the tip of his tail. His face is a mask of light gray with cream swirling around his eyes and a pale echo of the copper that adorns his ears paint the bridge of his nose with light cream and a pale white creeping upwards to color his cheeks, gray hairs of age have crept into the shades around his muzzle. His eyes have maintained the color of his younger days, a hue that would be a pale yellow if not for the hints of orange that have been swirled into the light gold, creating a shade that is neither yellow nor amber but instead something in between the two. Not clear enough to be considered yellow and not dark enough to be amber, it is an interesting color that is framed by the grey and cream of his face. (Credits to Khalliysgraphy on Deviantart)Personality:Callahan has a rather calm personality even in the midst of chaos that may send others scrambling for a semblance of a foothold, the lightning quick fluctuations of a fierce temper or the skittishness that often accompanies a more cautious individual are foreign to his temperment, and this everpresent steadiness makes him into a reliable creature who can be depended upon to remain level-headed in the most stressful of situations. A steadier creature there likely was never found, he is the peace of the eye of the storm and the anchor of reality when it seems like the world is crumbling, he is truly appears to be a wolf whom is unaffected by many circumstances in which there is anxiety and hurt to be found. Callahan is a friendly wolf, the company of others is something that he practically thrives in, a social creature that takes joy in being around other packmates, whether that is by simply resting and keeping an idle eye on the workings of the pack when he is too tired to get up again or by actively participating in a patrol or hunt. The friendliness seems to contribute to the fact that he makes a rather approachable figure, seemingly always inclined to take a portion of time out of his day to pause and exchange simple pleasantries or to discuss more pressing matters with another, it is a rare occurance for him to reject a soul trying to inititate a conversation. Well-spoken and polite, he makes a pleasant conversation partner for those who desire to strike up even a passing interaction. The work ethic that this elder has is a remarkable trait, one that he has brought with him into his older age, and one that had made him a valuable wolf to the fledgling pack. A soul who has to keep moving and feel like he is actively contributing to the security and health of the pack, he has been a dedicated worker for many things and he still is, the necessary duties have significantly waned since past years but he still keeps applying himself to patrols and hunts alongside other tasks that serve the pack and ensure that they remain strong. A trait serves as a double-edged sword, the drive that fuels the determination to be useful until he physically cannot manage to anymore, also has a tendency of leaving him to drive himself too hard at one time, to not allow his body the rest it needs to recover. Callahan is very much a stubborn creature, he has gained the characteristic of knowing what he wants and how to achieve it and then working towards that goal, he sinks his teeth into an idea or a objective and refuses to relent with a determination that is both infuriating and respectable. Although there is a possibility that his mind can be changed from a course of action by himself or by the convincing of friends and family, it is not often that mere persuasion will have an effect, though by the order of his leader or another he equally respects will be effective. Despite the passage of time has naturally having a calming effect on the streak of ferocity that was only ever unleashed during a battle, Callahan is still a warrior and the temperment of one simmering beneath the steady calmness and the warm friendliness, it still lingers and refuses to be moved from where it had been lodged inside the marrow of his bones. While it is highly unlikely the fierceness will be displayed and directed towards another packmate, he will respond to a direct challenge or confront a foolish soul who has provoked him with the same skill that had forged his reputation in battle. Furthermore, while being a friendly creature at heart, he has never been truly passive and will show his displeasure at disrespect being shown, with a calmly dominating stare or with a lip curled to show the glint of blunted fang, he is not of the disposition to let such a thing slide. Likes & Dislikes- - -
Strengths & Weaknesses:
-Steadiness -Workaholic
Familial Relationships/Kin:
Wolves can live up to 13 years in the wild, and 16 years in captivity!
It's a funny thing that people say odd food sometimes tastes like chicken. Edited at February 26, 2024 06:40 AM by the Wayne pack

WIP NomadName:Solveig "The Strong House, Daughter of the Sun"Typically pronounced SOLE-vayAge:Freshly turned 3 years old Pack or Group or Neither:Neither Your Reputation:A wolf that has, since setting off on her lonesome, been careful about whom she is seen by, Solveig is a surprisingly elusive female who does her best to avoid conflict with others, all too aware of the dangers facing a wounded wolf on her own. She may be glimpsed from a distance as she pursues her own business beyond the pack borders, but not often will she be seen beyond a passing glance. Rank:None Desired Rank:Not Omega, otherwise, she'd take what she could get. Why Do You Deserve This Rank?:Tenatively putting N/A Thoughts On The New Leadership?wip Just How Loyal Are You?:N/A Thoughts On This Rogue Group/Pack:wip Appearance:A younger wolf of average height of 30 inches and having a rather slender build with a weight of 85 pounds, Solveig does not appear to carry any special qualities to her appearance other than the unusual coloration of her coat, indeed even her long legs and narrow chest and shoulders that speak to a strength in evasion rather than confrontation is not an uncommon sight among her kind. The power in her muscles is a lean strength that churns beneath her sleek coat, the strength of a creature that is designed for swiftness and agility with brute force being a vague afterthought in the formation of her figure, an elegance that is apparent in the smooth motions she is capable of and enhanced by the sleek muscle that she has. The pale gold that composes the base color of her coat is a hue uncommon to wolves, a gentle shade that is interwoven into a pattern with dark gray upon the length of her back and the topside of her tail, and is present in the yellow shaded creams that are painted upon the fur of her legs and underbelly. There exists a layer of the golden fur beginning behind the darker orange that shades the space behind her ears and extending slightly past the shoulder blades in a smooth wave of nearly untainted yellow. Golden eyes are placed among a mask of a slightly darker hue that carries a hint of copper within the fur, strikingly similiar to the primary coloration of the rest of her pelt, lending the impression of the sun soaked days that the summer moths often bring. It is as if the sun itself lent a fraction of the color of its warm rays to this female's eyes, that while there lingers an everpresent sharpness that comes with vigiliance, it is still a handsome aspect of her appearance. (Credits to EternalOcean on Deviantart) Personality:
This sun-touched female has a healthy dose of caution that primarily regards the topic of other wolves and of established packs, while she is apprehensive of approaching other predatory beasts and those that pose a significant hazard to her well-being, there is a different element to her avoidance of her own kind. The larger predators and prey can easily crush bone and tear through flesh and fur if she wanders too close, and her steps are wary when she finds herself in close proximity to them, and wolves are on a different level than they, many things can be caught by several wolves on the hunt and intruding wolves are no exception.
As an understandable result from wandering alone the past year and a half Solveig's developing alertness has been honed into vigilance, the female is constantly on the watch for potiental threats that may approach her resting place or the site of a meager kill, prepared to turn the other way and retreat from the site with haste. Virtually nothing escapes her senses when she is awake and even when asleep, there seems to be a part of her that is listening for the advancing steps of a competitor. This combination of watchfulness and caution combines to make wolf who is undoubtedly on the skittish side, a necessary mantle to take in her eyes, for a wolf on her own is significantly more vulnerable without the support of a pack and avoiding conflicts when possible is only sensible.
Solveig is a quieter individual, preferring to sit back and listen to the chatter of more social wolves than participate in the conversation herself, although she can be tempted into talking if another approaches and initiates an interaction. She is not aloof in a group setting, nor is she the most social of creatures within a pack. While typically preferring quietness and the ambient sound of other wolves over active conversation, there are times where she is in the mood to talk about topics that range from the important to the everyday.
It is an unsurprising thing that this female is a more sensible sort, she knows what things are essential to survival and what is mere frivolty, and has become good at determining the reasonable path to take in hard times. She does her best not to linger on ill made choices and to set her thoughts on the next course of action, she is a realistic individual in terms of thinking and she does well at maintaining that line of thought. As a necessary adaption, she has had to become fairly good at strategics, for rivals may lurk in densely shaded locations and in the hidden shadows cast by towering trees and obscuring foliage.
While it is her strongest preference to retreat from a potiental rival for resources rather than curl her lip and snarl a challenge and warning at it, Solveig will occasionally find herself cornered in an unfortunate turn of events and will be forced to confront the threat with teeth and claws, it is during those times when the option of fleeing is prevented that she will stand her ground as fiercely as she can manage. A cornered wolf is a creature that is best left alone, for the meekest soul will find that they have strong jaws and sharp teeth to defend themself with, and she is no different. Outside of being left with no other choice but to fight, this female is no chicken, she will plant her paws and prepare for a confrontation if she sees a need to defend her property, whether by sheltering another or by deciding the promise of food outweighs the risk of injury, she will take a stand against a rival if there is the rather desperate need to.
Within many social settings, Solveig proves herself to be more aloof than the average wolf, positioning herself so that she is close enough to take comfort in the sounds of a well-functioning pack and far enough away that she is not overwhelmed by the activity. Indeed, this female naturally tends towards being a loner rather than enjoying being in the thick of it all. The more independent streak that had been there from the time she was a pup has only been cultivated into a solid aspect of her personality, she dislikes the idea of having to be dependent on any other wolf and takes a certain satisfaction in completing a task by herself when in the company of another.
Likes & Dislikes:
- - -
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+Speed & Agility
-Strength -Skittishness
-More of a Loner Mate: None
Familial Relationships/Kin:
Wolves will sometimes eat Watermelon.
Edited at February 26, 2024 06:46 AM by the Wayne pack

Name: Halvard; Goes by Vard Age: 5 Years Gender: Male Pack Or Group Or Neither: Southern Winds Group Your Reputaion: TBA Rank: Follower Desired Rank: Something High, but Not Leading. He wants Responsibility and Respect, but not the amount that comes with Leading. Why Do You Deserve This Rank? He's reliable and practical, the type to remain unbiased even when it seems odd to be. Even in the harshest of times, he can be relied on, whether it's a supportive shoulder or someone to get the job done: he's your guy. He's also loyal to his leaders, as well as respectful, not the type to just outright challenge them even in disagreement. He'd instead pull them aside in privacy and explain his concerns and reasoning. Thoughts On The New Leadership: TBA Just How Loyal Are You? 9/10 Thoughts On The Everfree Pack: TBA Appearance:  Credit Belongs to CastleGraphics on DA For Both Images. These are Stock Images.
- Gentle Giant; 35 Inch Tall; 163 - 170 lbs - Big, Burly Wolf; Heavy in Structure - Physical Powerhouse - Wide, Powerful Shoulders, Strong Chest - Muscled Legs; Narrower Hips - Broad, Wide Head - Thick, Dense Coat - Rather Soft, But Coarser Around Nape - Predominantly Grey, Black, and White in Color - Medium Golden Eyes

Personality: Level Headed | Relaxed | Serious at Times | Easy Going | Relatively "Chill" | Impassive | Indifferent | Kind of Lazy | Introverted | A Bit Broody | Gentle Giant | But Also Grumpy Sometimes | Don't Poke the Bear | Straight Forward | Direct | Honest | Loyal | Practical | Reliable | Calm | Patient
Likes & Dislikes: Strengths & Weaknesses: Mate: None; Maybe Open? Offspring: None; Maybe Open Familial Relationships / Kin: Open Affiliations: Open Other: Edited at February 28, 2024 03:04 PM by Imperial Sands

. name Barca Gender Male Pack Everfree Age just turned 3 Rank Subordinate Thoughts on rank Content for now Desired Rank Sentinel or Hunter Why do you deserve this rank? Barca is observant pays great attention to details. He is quick agile and strong. Yes he doesn't always look it but it cou,could, of good use to him. He is already keeping watch over the pack having a guardian nature. He's also been working on his hunting skills sense he could run. Being useful to the pack is important to him Mate None but open contact if interested Offspring None Affiliates None/open Family/Ken None open contact if interested Reputation Protective kind can be somewhat obsessive at times. He tries getting along with everyone. He's always looking out for danger especially if the pups or leader is near by. Loyalty Very Loyal Thoughts on their leader He wasn't sure at first hearing other speak of their concern. Barca has grown to trust him after observing him feeling the male wanted the gest for them all Thoughts on the outsiders Barca doesn't like nor trust them willing to attack any who come too close. Likes Barca likes the snow watching over his pack members and the things around him. He loves to fish, play with the pups hunting and adventure. Dislikes Spiders, lightning, fire. He hates strangers and feeling useless he fears that more than anything. Streinggths Barca is quick and agile pays attention to details very observant. He Dan adapt to whatever the pack gives him to do for the most part. He is energetic and has great Stamina. Weaknesses Barca can be obsessive at times as, due to his protective nature he's always affecting threats. He is still learning what is an actual threat and what was in his head.. barca like swimming but nit the gest at it especially in rougher waters. Personally Barca is a playful energetic wolf. He is loyal wanting to be helpful. Barca uf very protective especially with the elders and pups. When on his own time hunts for small animals for the most part. There are times where he goes after bugger things and it doesn't always end well. He is also caring and sweet most of the time Appearance Barca is a slender yet muscular wolf wich you can normally see unless it's winter. That's when his snow white fur gets fluffier hiding his bodies form. His eyes are like a huskies tail is striated some thanjsbto one of his line hunting adventures. Other An adult wolf can eat 20LB in one sitting Edited at February 28, 2024 02:18 PM by Winter Halo

Name: Anders Age: 6 Gender: Male Pack Or Group Or Neither: Everfree Rank: Subordinate Desired Rank: Content Thoughts On The New Leadership: Who are you to ask? Just How Loyal Are You? Anders is loyal to an extent to his Pack. His family comes first and nothing will ever change that. If he had to choose between anyone to save, his first thought would be to be his mate for she is his world. Thoughts On This Rouge Group / The Pack: Is it not clear? Appearance:  Quiet-Bliss @Deviantart Anders' soft, gentle eyes are what is first noticed by many. There is a shine in them that just screams that he is a father, a good one at that. His legs are long and well toned with muscle as well as his shoulders. His claws are often dirt stained and it seems not even the rushing currents can remove them. His muzzle is average size, as his build. He isn't one you would pick out from a crowd and say he was special. His coat has autumn hues to it. A nice creamy orange undercoat with deep black lacing on top. His coat is thick, almost as thick as his head, yet it seems slick at first glance. It isn't short, but not overly long either, just the right length he claims. His muzzle is speckled with grey furs, complaining about how his children are making him grey out faster. His ears are what would be described as stumpy and twisted. He was born with the ‘dud’ ears as Anders calls them. These stumpy ears up top his head is his greatest insecurity, and you are better off not mentioning them. Personality: Anders is strong willed and hard headed. He has a stubborn nature and will question all orders unless his Mate has told him to do something. Anders isn't one for changes and loathes those who make it change. His loyalty towards those who he trusts is superb. His loyalty would take him to the ends of the Earth, down a volcano and around the sun. His humor is sarcastic and dry. He'll say the most outlandish things and laugh like it was a joke. It wasn't. Anders is a wolf who isn't afraid to speak his mind. He'll let you know that he dislikes something and he'll be loud about it. His displeasure will become everyone else's as well. Quick to judge, snappy and short fused would be the best way to describe how he treats his pack mates. He has no patience for much of anything when it comes to the youngins’, making him a hard wolf to be around. Anders will be the first to shit on your parade and show no remorse. There is a cocky arrogance about Anders that will rub anyone the wrong way. However, when he is around his mate he'll melt into a Puddle of cuddles and kisses. His mate comes first, children next. Nothing in the world could compare to her; He would die a thousand times for her, jump off a cliff if she told him so, and so on. If she were to leave him, Anders wouldn't be able to cope. How could he when he makes her his everything? He tries his best for his children. He'll play with them, hunt with them, etc. Anders does his best to have patience with them, and it works out for the most part. They can crawl in him, bite him, bug him and he'll take it like a champ. While his mate is his world, his pups are his life. If one leaves for more than a few hours, Anders will be pacing around worried about them. Likes & Dislikes: +Pups +Flowers +Warm days +Spring +Deer +The way morning birds chirp +planning things out +Long naps in the sun . -Loud noises -Getting told what to do -The young Lord -Has a strong hate for water. -Taste of any fish -Gossip -whining babies Strengths & Weaknesses: ♡ Routines ♡ Hunting ♡ Feather footed ♡ Tracking Skills ♡ Backtracking . □ His mate □ Adaptability is none □ Sharp tongued □ Dealing with Wolves he doesn't like Mate: Teresa Offspring: Finnegan Aloe Kahlia Wisteria Mariposa Henrik Familial Relationships / Kin: Teresa - Mate I'll update when I learn who the kiddos are Other: I'll add his pictures tomorrow Edited at February 26, 2024 02:28 PM by Nevermore.
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