
Crazydayz reserved. Tremors accepted. Hondos accepted but needs something other than fears for weaknesses as that's just a bit general.

Can people check the roles and make sure you've reserved or your characters in the right place.

Name] Aloe Age 2.5 years Gender Female Pack] Forest pack Rank] Trainee healer Desired Rank] Healer Appearance] [IMAGE REMOVED: hotlinking] [Image credits go to HOTNStock on Deviantart] Aloe is a light colored wolf. Her fur is a dirty snow shade, like when the winter is just ending and the snow is about to start melting. The texture is as fluffy as a cloud. It is mainly white with brown tints throughout certain areas. Aloe's eyes are oval shaped with brown eyes the color of a young sapling. Her nose is a dark grey. Both of her ears are widely spread and often perked upwards. - Aloe carries herself with a brisk gait. She has a rather focused gaze with her head looking at the forest floor whenever she is out searching for herbs. Personality] | Focused | Intellegent | A Mediator | - Aloe is a patient wolf. She tends to do well with listening to other's needs and issues. This is valuable for her line of training. She has a good sense of humor and dies her best to get along with others even if they may not see eye to eye all of the time. - Aloe is very affectionate with her friends and family. Her love-languages are words of praise and acts of service. If you want to make Aloe happy, just say that she's doing a great job. That means the most in her mind. She tends to randomly bring little gifts to those she's closest to such as flowers or prey as a sign of appreciation. Strengths ] + A quick learner - Useful for the many herbs included for healing. + Strong sense of justice - She isn't afraid to stand up for what's right. This can work as a flaw at times however. + A great problem solver - Helps with solving conflicts between pack members. This skill will develop more over time. Weaknesses ] - Disapproves of the current system - This is due to her strong sense of justice. It could get her in trouble eventually for speaking out. - Sticks out due to her light fur color - Makes it very difficult for her to hunt or hide. - Not a strong fighter - She probably wouldn't do well in the death matches. Crush] Open! Kin] Open! Offspring] No way. Backstory short Might add in something later Other] Done! I actually love her now lol. Edited at February 11, 2024 05:26 PM by Vennenum


Aloe is accepted also I love the name.

Name] Ghost Age] 4 Gender] Male Pack]Forest Rank] Hunter Desired Rank]Content Appearance]Greenish black fur with white paws and blue eyes has a few scars from hunting a bear and he has light brown spots over his body. He also has a fluffy brown tail Personality] Ghost is kind and loving he always is kind to animals after they die he is patient and usually quiet unless you are his really close friend Strengths 2+] Hunting and Swimming Weaknesses 2+] Lonlieness and the Dark Crush] Open Kin] Open Offspring] Nope never Edited at February 3, 2024 12:52 PM by Blaze

Edited at February 3, 2024 12:45 PM by Blaze

I forgot to put gender in the sign up sheet can everyone please add it below age.


Thanks! Thunder Hunters said: Aloe is accepted also I love the name.