
1.75 years
Desired Rank
"Warrior, I suppose."
Dominance Level

Halcyon has a medium build, leaning slightly more towards the lither side of the spectrum. His stature can be noticed best when he is drawn up to his full height of about 33 inches. When stretched out and fully extending through his limbs, his long lines can be observed. His legs give him most of his height. He is about 125 pounds, which can be surprising given that he doesn't seem to be too bulky from a glance, yet his limbs are strewn with lean muscle.
As for his pelt, it is a blend of black and dark grey hues, as well as a few dark auburn shades. He also has a little bit of lighter coloration. The darkest fur runs down his back, ears, end of the tail, and a little down the sides and flanks. Grey fur covers his cheeks and muzzle, with the lightest being my his jaws. A couple flecks of grey also run down his chest. A soft cream with a tint of brown covers his belly with soft and fluffy fur. And dark auburn coloration runs along his sides, haunches, and legs. Halcyon has medium length fur and no visible scars. His eyes are bright amber shade.
Halcyon does not understand how he ended up here. Like a couple others, he was taken during a raid when he was merely a helpless pup. He was almost too young to remember his family. His real family. Although these bloodthirsty wolves took him in and treated him like he was their own, he has never felt like he truly belonged. He still has nightmares about that one dreadful night. The howls of pain and agony. The victorious growls and snarls of his new family members who had only gained him by killing his own flesh and blood. Those memories will always haunt him, no matter how vague or fuzzy they are. No matter how much these killers want him to assimilate, he will remember. Halcyon made a vow, and he won't break it.
Despite feeling like an imposter in his pack, he has made the best of it. One could not even tell that Halcyon feels like an outsider if they were to watch him. The apprentice acts like any other. He is hardworking and determined, putting in effort towards his skills and learning the ropes of becoming a warrior. He enjoys sparring with his friends and exploring the territory. The male even sits alert while listening about tales of the epic raids and victories, able to plaster on a great big smile when he hears about how many deaths had been achieved. That being said, he is an excellent actor. The apprentice has watched and learned from his own packmates, putting on a mask to fit in. He knows how he is supposed to act. Ambition and drive are seen as positive traits here, so he has taken those upon himself. Dominance and knowing your place are important, too. So he has learned that he is the last apprentice in the social ladder, always submitting and letting the others have their stupid spotlight if they so wish. But one day... after all the blood, sweat, and tears, maybe he will outrank them.
Halcyon is hard to figure out. He doesn't let too many get close to him, as he is afraid that they will see through his guise. That he is not really one of them, and never plans to be. Hell, he even despises some of his own packmates. That doesn't mean he has no friends, but it also means he isn't really the most popular, either. For the most part, he keeps to himself unless invited in by the other more dominant apprentices, whether it be a game or to join a meal.
Honest and down to earth, Halycon doesn't shy from the truth. He knows what they do is wrong. It's so wrong. Killing and ruining entire packs? For what? The entire philosophy angers him. The twisted minds of his pack make him ill. To him, it is just some screwed up imperialism fantasy, and one he does not want to partake in. So why does he stay? Why does he not flee into the night and never look back? Because a part of him, no matter how small, just wants to belong somewhere. After losing his first family, losing anything or anyone is unacceptable. Maybe it is some sick form of Stockholm syndrome, but a sliver of him has the smallest hope that one day, these monsters will be his family. He has a huge fear of being alone, so the life of a loner or a rogue is not possible for him. He would rather stay in this pack of crazy killers than that. Besides, he isn't dumb. If anything, he is smart and resourceful. These beasts are good for something, and that is their killer technique and hunting skills. So if he ever does plan on fleeing... with their training, he would be quite skilled.
Halcyon actually has a sense of humor that is a bit surprising. He is sarcastic and funny, often able to relieve any tension in the air. His comic relief can be nice at times, but sometimes it can come off as him not taking things seriously, either. The apprentice only wishes for everyone to calm down and take a moment to relax. The male is almost never uptight himself, and can often be found relaxing in the shade or even chasing a butterfly on his free time.
Noble and moral, he is definitely not like most of his other packmates. While he can respect their strong bonds to one another, he cannot turn away from the truth. So when the attack on their own pack happened, how did he feel? Torn. While the obvious answer is for him to act angered and chase revenge, he truly doesn't feel like that. If anything, he finds the entire situation to be karma. It is exactly what they did time and time again to numerous other packs. It has to be a sign, right? They are getting a taste of their own sick medicine and now they want to rally against it? Halcyon will just keep his opinions to himself.
Stolen from another pack as a young pup and taken into the current pack. he grew up, but always found himself to be an outsider.
NA for now. He sees them all as monsters.
Hell no, a murderous mate isn't his type.
No. He wouldn't subject his own pups to this life.
Stock by LoneWolfPhotography@DA