Elias Nathaniel Sauzac;
Goes by Eli or Elias
Just Turned 25 Years
Pack Member
Elias' main contribution to the pack is the horses, donkeys, and mules he breeds, trains, and cares for. He's had to build his stock from the ground up, so while his horses may not be pedigreed or award winning, they are going to be extremely hardy work horses that are reliable, sound, and bomb proof by the time he's done. He has other things to offer too though, like he's good at butchering his own meats, cooking, and he's decent with basic veterinary care from taking care of his own animals. He does have few livesock animals too, so he can sell trade products [milk, eggs, etc.] too.
Thoughts on the Travelers?:
Elias could honestly take them or leave them. He holds no ill will towards them, but he also understands the hesitancy when it comes to letting humans stay and be around them. He supposes that as long as they don't become a threat to the pack and himself, he doesn't really care if they help them.
Human Appearance:

Credit Belongs to _Modagit on Picrew. Credit also on Image Itself.
The first thing most people notice about Elias is his sheer size. While he certainly isn't the tallest guy in existence, he does stand at a little over 6'2" which puts him at the taller end of things. However, it's his height combined with his build and weight that really tips the scales for him. At 223 Lbs, he is on the heavier side for someone his height, but it's almost entirely muscle. He's worked hard most of his life, and his body is a testimony to that and his strength.
Elias generally could be described as wide or broad, with a thick set of shoulders above a wide, powerful chest. His arms are long, with biceps that always seem to bulge agains the constraint of sleeves, but a narrower waist that is flat and chiseled with abs. His hips aren't quite as his shoulders, but they aren't nonexistent either, whereas his legs are built more like tree trunks than actual leggies. His hands are large, with long nimble fingers, his palms calloused from work, and scars on his knuckles. Overall, he has the build and appearance of someone who obviously grew up and worked on a farm and doing various chores for it.
Basically. The man be Thicc. Thiccums status.
Elias honestly has a rather handsome face. His jaw is chiseled, looking like he was carved out of stone, with high cheeks bones that could cut glass. He has a very statuesque look, like he should be one of the greek statues in the center of a fountain. His nose is relatively straight, but it's shorter and rather blunt rather than being pointed and long. His lips are wider and on the fuller side, with the bottom being fuller than the top. His eyes, though, which are probably one of his stronger features, are quite hooded. They have a sleepy, seductive look to them, this effortless vibe that always seems to be somewhat smoldering and therefore intense at times. However, what also calls attention his eyes are the color of them. His eyes are technically hazel, but with how light they are and how the blending of colors ended up working for him, they almost appear to be a bright, brilliant gold in hue. Like someone melted down some gold coins and poured them into the irises of his eyes.
His hair is not something that Elias puts a lot of effort of emphasis on, but what he does seems to suit him. He tends to keep his hair shorter in a rather stereotypical style for men. It's longer on the top than on the sided, and he doesn't let it grow down his neck or get very long. Has he let it grow out a few times? Of course. But as of more recently he's been keeping it short and groomed. His hair is dark in color, being midnight black right now. He'll start seeing grey hairs pop up over the next few years, a straight that is in his bloodline that causes those in his family with black hair to become salt and pepper in their hair fairly early on.
Lastly, Elias is a rather scarred individual, and I don't mean just emotionally or mentally. Physically, he has several scars adorning his flesh, the most obvious ones being on his face [as pictured]. However, he also has some pretty prominent scars on his back from where he was deeply clawed by the Lycan who turned him. The lacerations to his back almost killed him and would have if he hadn't taken to the change, but, since they were so deep and given at the time of his change, they ended up as ridged scars on his back. He has another claw mark across his chest too that is puckered, but not as badly as the long marks on his back. Elias' scars might seem worse than others because he used his own body to block the Lycan from reaching his younger siblings at first. He would have rather died using his own body as a shield for his siblings than to let them get mauled to death in front fo him. He also has scars on his body from various different things growing up, but none of them are as bad as the ones from the attack.
Lycan Appearance:
Elias is one of the people who's Lycan form seems to represent who he is just as much as his human form does. He's goliath in size, one of, if not the largest Lycan in the pack, Eli stands at 7'10", he is at the maximum height a lycan can get. His wolfish form is quite built, athletic in it's appearance with bulky muscling seen throughout his figure. To put it simply, Elias' lycan form is a brute. Wide shoulders and a deep chest, and powerful legs and hips, he's clearly built to be an apex predator, and he has the capabilities to be one. Its actually easy to think that Elias is a bit gangly, with long arms, and stockier hind legs, but when he's crouched it's easier to see the bulky sinew beneath the fur and skin of his hide.
In this form, he has some unique features, specifically on his head. For one he has tall ears that are tufted at the top. His ears are rather expressive, giving away how he feels even when his features are stoic. His muzzle is on the longer side, but large, with his canines being a bit overgrown so that they peek past his lips. This gives the male quite a nasty bite, but also a very distinctive one. He also has prominent cheek tufts, that gives him a very obvious wolfish look to his appearance.
In terms of his fur coat, Elias has shorter fur, not so short that it looks like he doesn't have any, but the kind of short and dense fur that is rather compacted and keeps him well protected from fights and the elements. His fur is definitely on the coarser side, not being at all very soft to the touch. He does have the stereotypical longer, almost mane like fur around his neck and on his chest, it isn't as prominent on him as it might be on other lycans. His fur is a dark, inky black that matches his normal hair color in human form, and his eyes are a brilliant gold in color, contrasting beautifully with the dark backdrop of his fur. His belly fur, or underside, though, does appear a little bit lighter than the rest of his body, almost seemingly like a charcoal grey than black.
Stiff | Socially Uncomfortable | Handy | Hard Working | Helpful | Good Listener | Stoic | Observant | A Bit Untamed | Growly | Solitary | Unintentionally Unfriendly | Man of Few Words | Animal Lover | Stubborn | Hard Headed | Immovable Object | Sturdy | Reliable | Routined | Neat | Reserved | Aloof | Intense | Lonely
Elias was born to a more middle class family. They weren't wealthy, but they were respected in the community. His fathered owned one of the larger farms and had his fingers in enough pies that the family never wanted for anything. He was keen to teach his sons his business so that they could take over, expand, and provide for their own families one day. However, with there being 5 kids total, 4 of them boys, Elias wasn't keen to follow after his dad and siblings, and wanted to do something for himself. This was something his father understood, but tried to encourage him to take up as a side hobby at first, just so he didn't struggle.
Unfortunately, neither of them ever got to see what would become of himself, as the attack tore his family apart. His mother and father were killed by the beast, and so were several of his siblings. As a result, Elias has drawn away from the others just a bit, having grown up in a big family and now being without, he felt a bit empty as a result and needed to learn how to cope.
Now that he has his life somewhat put together, Elias is returning to the social world, but he's still hesitant about it all. It's safe to say he's much more comfortable in his work than he is being around others.
Mmmm Maybe.
None, but he wants them.
Perhaps Open to a Sibling.
Open - WIP