"Oh, come on now, you know you're the only person I tease."
Full Fake Name:
Faust Gladys Martinus
Full Real Name:
Leta Mestra Falto
Fake Name Meaning:
Faust [Fortunate; Latin]
Gladys [Small-Sword; Latin]
Martinus [War-Like; Latin]
Real Name Meaning:
Leta [Hidden; Greek]
Mestra [Lover; Latin]
Falto [Falcon; Latin]
Shortened Fake Name:
Faust Martinus
Shorted Real Name:
Leta Falto
Preferred Fake Name:
Preferred Real Name:
The Mysterious One, Lover Of All, The Liar, Thief Master, Master Deceiver, Mischeiovus Seducer, Snake in the Grass, Uncaptured Shadow [By Locals]
Addressed As:
Lord Martinus
"How sweet, you want to know what I'm into? Well, I'm currently pawning for you, hot stuff."
Male [Fake]
Female [Actual]
He/Him [Fake]
She/Her [Actual]
Faust only flirts with those they view as attractive or humorous to annoy. They aren't picky about who they flirt with as long as they keep his interest.
"I am many things, sweet thing. Go ahead and try to figure it out."
Desired Rank:
Lone Wolf
"I know I'm attractive, sweetheart. No need to keep reminding me."

[credits to ぼわず @ picrew.me]
It's unclear what aura they radiate, considering Faust is an expert at masking it from being undetected by others. When first meeting someone, Faust hides it from them, wanting to sneak up on them and give them a little bit of a surprise. It'll change once he's comfortable enough with someone, although it's rare for him to do. Those who rarely felt it describes it as giving them an exhilarating feeling, like a mixture of yearning and exhilaration. Once you experience it once, you desire to feel it again. This is how Faust feels 24/7, and he isn't afraid to share it with those who receive his attention. It's like a contagious disease without a cure, spreading from person to person. In his eyes, it's amusing to see the heat intensify. Especially seeing those not used to such an atmosphere squirm in their spot. To mess around, Faust would give them a bit of taste before shutting his aura off completely. Watching as they secretly wish for it to return sends joyous chills throughout his body, hiding a victorious smirk while starting a normal conversation, acting like nothing ever happened.
Faust is an oddly beautiful man, having peculiar feminine features in some aspects of both face and body. He knows he's attractive, using it to his advantage to get what he wants, either for intel about an item or to gain potential allies to cover his tracks. His face is strangely pleasing, a magnetizing force that demands your attention. However, that only happens if Faust desires others' attention. The shape of the man's face is that of a diamond, giving Faust a sharpened appearance. His cheekbones are visible, and his cheeks are a healthy gaunt. His jawline is definite in appearance, reaching a broad and somewhat pointed chin. Faust's jawline has no facial hair (which is obvious considering that Faust is a she), and the texture of his skin is like silk. Under his jaw lies his throat, which has no visible Adam's Apple. His neck is on the slimmer side, although it's moderately muscular. Faust's eyes in on the narrow side, giving them a natural squint. Strangely there's something all too feminine about it, less hardened than the average man's defined eye shape. Faust's eyelashes are thick in width and short in length, with the lashes on the upper lid being an inch longer than the ones at the bottom. Due to his defect, his eyelashes appear nearly invisible due to their bright white color. Of course, Faust's eyes held a flirtatious and devilish shine within them, silently beckoning you to approach them. Above his eyes are thinned and arched eyebrows, and with them a tad darker than his hair and eyelashes, like a dark grey pigmentation. What makes Faust's eyes so damn impeccable is his strange pink iris' that bores deep and punctures one's soul. However, when their mood has been sullied, their eyes would dim to a red sheen. On Faust's face are three distinctive features, a singular beauty mark on his left cheek, a small cut on his left jawline, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. Those two scars are faded, yet it's still evident.
Settled on the top of his head is an astounding set of hair inches above the shoulders while partially covering the back of his neck, leaving the lower half partially viewable. The feeling of his hair is what many imagined clouds feel, soft and oddly weightless. A bundle of locks you can tirelessly rake your fingers into. Faust's hair is messy with uneven lengths and split ends, possibly cut by a dull pair of scissors or knife. Amazingly, this makes his presentation all the better, giving him a roguish image that fits him all too perfectly. The type of Faust's hair is 2b, having waves that take inspiration from the sea itself. His bangs are swept back out of his eyes, tucked behind his ears to have a clear vision of what he's doing, giving him a windswept style. Another feature about Faust is hair is a natural frosty white, comparable to that of freshly fallen snow. Under the moonlight, his hair pairs with the moon's rays beautifully, with the hair seeming to glow.
Faust's body is a rectangular-mesomorph, and nearly the perfect form of physical balance, his physique combined with strength and speed. It would've been equal in status, but Faust prioritized his mobility and body to outrun anyone attempting to chase after him. This resulted in his strength lacking severely, being below average than most. He has enough to leap across buildings or carry a few pounds of coin purses, yet it's not enough to hold a full chest full of treasure or go up against a muscular opponent. His muscles are pretty visible, having a six-pack and well-formed calves as well as arms, but other than that, Faust's muscles aren't as developed. He doesn't mind too much, considering he can always stoop down and use petty tricks to get his way. His height is 6'2, while his weight is between 171-209 lbs. From the neck down to the ankles, Faust's body has scars of various sizes and healing stages, two prominent wounds being a large X on his stomach and claw-like scratches on both shoulders. Located on his lower back is a black-inked tattoo of a fox curled up in a ball.

[credits to storior @ picrew.me]
"I have many things that I'm interested in. Long walks on the beach, stealing people's jewelry, casual strolls through the town, pickpocketing a nobleman, and quiet picnics in the meadows."
Flirtatious ♡ Sauve ♡ Sly ♡ Mischievous ♡ Impish ♡ Amoral ♡ Socialable ♡ Reckless ♡ Honest-Liar ♡ Deciever ♡ Manipulator ♡ Promiscuous ♡ Womanizer/Man-Eater ♡ Cunning ♡ Cocky ♡ A Modest Cheater ♡ Nuisance ♡ Charismistic ♡ Meddlesome ♡ Gambler ♡ Thrill Seeker ♡ Rebellious ♡ Solo-Player ♡ Greedy ♡ Sarcastic ♡ Kleptomaniac ♡ Party-Goer ♡ Scoundrel ♡ Captivating ♡ Con-Artist ♡ Caring ♡ Trickster ♡ Complex ♡ Neutral ♡ Money-Grubber ♡ Extremely Brave Or Stupidly Carless
♡Attractive People
♡Being A Headache
♡Thrill Of It All
♡A Successful Heist
♡Expensive Parties
♡Rich People
♡Failed Jobs
♡Clingy Lovers
♡Being In One Place
♡Lame Parties
♡Fake Things [Jewlery, Paintings, People, ETC.]
♡The Law/Obeying Rules
♡Overly Careful People
"I'm ass in some aspects while better in something else."
(1). Body [Balance, Endurance, Stamina]
(2). Mobility [Agility, Dexterity, Speed, Reflexes]
(3). Mind [Charisma, Instincts, Wits]
(4). One-Handed Weapons [Daggers, Cutlass, Whips]
(5). Senses [Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, Vision]
(1). Body [Durablity, Immune System, Regeneration]
(2). Strength [Upper Arm, Striking, Muscle Usage]
(3). Mind [Caution, Wisdom, Intelligence]
(4). Two-Handed Weapons [Greatswords, Hammers, Greataxes]
(5). Archery [Shortbows, Longbows, Crossbows]
"I don't enjoy discussing my past too soon, honey cake. Maybe in the future, I spill a little about it."
Hmm, this is a surprise for later.
"My past relationships? Oh dear, you might need a seat. This would take a while."
Relationship Status?:
Single [Open, PM Me]
Empty [Open, PM Me]
Significant Other:
Nada [Open, PM Me]
Faust had past relationships before, but they never passed the kissing stage.
"My family? Hmm, I wonder that too."
Open, PM Me
Faust has an older brother, but they don't speak much.
Faust has albinoism.