Name: Audrey
Age [15-40]: 15
Gender: female
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality: sweet determined brave, kind, stubborn, loyal, helpful, ruthless towards zombies, when encountering a zombie a cold blooded killer
Rank: subordinate
Appearance: brown hair she is 4'11 and skinny she has tan skin and hazel eyes she has a button nose and one of her bottom teeth is crooked, she has shadows under her eyes cause of sleepless nights
*Accessories: black and blue glasses she can't see without them
*Weaponry: a bow and quiver of arrows a pistol, a machine gun, a sniper rifle, a shotgun, and a sword.
Personality: Funny kind sweet bold, intelligent, ruthless, determined, stubborn
*Unique Skills: she has amazing hearing and sight
Strengths [for every major strength, a weakness must be added to balance it out]: Extremely intelligent, has extensive knowledge, Amazing at biology and human biology, history buff, has amazing hearing and sight
Weaknesses: sensitive, can only run for period of time before she becomes tired, not that good at geometry, sensitive to certain loud noises she has autism and ADHD she also has anxiety she also has difficulty controlling her anger
Affiliations: Human survivors
Backstory [does not have to be extremely detailed, but provide a brief insight into your character's past]: Audrey came from a good home with loving parents and two dogs, when the apocalypse happened she escaped and for period of time hid in the shadows surviving off things she found until the survivors found her