( Tar-ee-el )
5 Years
Lead Mare
Desired Rank:
She is as happy as she could be with her current rank.
Taríel is a fairly lean female, if you were taking away that she was heavily pregnant at the moment. She has an elegant structure but a strong structure. The mare stands at 16'8 hands tall from her shoulder down, she weighs around 1,300 pounds at the moment so yeah. She is a fairly big horse. Taríel has a long neck and long legs, she has a smaller head with a sharp jaw and smaller ears. She has big chocolate brown doe-like eyes that are filled with only love.
This mare is stunning, to say the least. Her base coat, her main coat color, is a blood bay shade, a bit on the darker side. She is a rabicano paint with very visible dapples. The dappled make her look like she had been dusted with white powder. The paint marking on Taríel consist on her legs and really her entire lower half being a pure white color. Just in front on her flanks are smaller, distant paint markings, looking almost like someone had flicked paint onto her.
This mare has an upside down crescent moon on her forehead, it is about 1 and a half inches in length and she has a small snip on her upper lip. She also has a couple of small scars from her past and fights that she has gotten into, mind you, she didn't start them!
Taríel has a dark brown mane that is braided with white and brown feathers.
Sweet || Emotional || Motherly || Incredibly Loyal || Leaderly || Warm || Respectable || Caring || Humble || Empathetic || Thoughtful || Stern When Needed || Charming || Selfless || Generous || Flirty || Blissful || Cheeky || Honest || Obedient || Good-Natured || Sassy || Agile || Genuine || Tolerant || Curious || Playful || Clever || Quick to Trust || Easy to Please || Elegant || Likeable || Fair || Alert || Jumpy
Her beloved mate, the Lead Stallion.
Lukorn - Lead Stallion
- Open for an Unborn Foal and a Yearling -
Unborn Foal - Played by Corgerus
- Yearling (Open!)
SparrowStar-Older Brother-Played by: timbermoon
As for her pregnancy, she is almost at the end of it! I would say a couple of roleplay days and she should have her foal^^
My baby is finished!