This female is hardworking, when assigned a task she will do anything and everything in her ability to make sure that it done correctly and efficiently. Her ability as a worker is well displayed through her actions. The way she can find small ways to help those around her and those she cares dearly about. Or the way if asked to do one small tasks, she finds other unnoticed things and does them as well. She can complain about how hard some of the work is but she keeps it to herself - she knows when to and not to complain about things. Now just because she can go out on a limb for some doesn't mean she will do it all of the time or every single time as well - she knows how to say no and she's not afraid to deny a request either. It also doesn't mean she's a people pleaser or that she's a pushover for wanting to do what's necessary for others around her. If she finds she doesn't want to do something for you, she won't do it unless she's absolutely forced to do such a thing for someone.
This female is a rather confident and intelligent creature. This dame isn't confident to the point she's arrogant and rushes head-long into things. No, she's confident to the point she's sure of herself and her abilities, however is she humble enough to know she does need help and she can accept help. However, she doesn't like her "toes" so to speak to be stepped on when she can handle a situation, nor does she like to be underestimated for no apparent reason. That's when she can get a bit bull-headed, yes she can be stubborn at times, but a lot of the times she's right to be stubborn. She's sharp as a whip, and she knows how to use her mind to her advantage- whether it be in school/college, a competition , or just helping with a small problem with her friend group. She'll figure out a solution. With intelligence comes the need cautious and wise, she's not quick to trust others and not quick to be fooled by them either. She watches, listens, and learns - taking it all in - she doesn't make an assumption based on here say or rumors she needs cold hard facts, even is she's mad or doesn't like a person she may hold a bit of pettiness to retaliate but she doesn't do it without reason.
This female is a rather social, yet anti-social person - ambivert if you will. She's content to socialize with others and enjoy conversation. As long as said conversation is dull and boring of course . Yes, she enjoys company - rather small groups at a time . Large amounts make her nervous and it drains her social battery. While she makes time to do things and hang out with other people , she also knows how to slip away and make time for herself. The way she recharges is by having some private time to herself or taking a small nap. And be warned because she tends to not get much sleep due to pushing herself or overworking she finds her naps to be very precious and anyone who dares disturb them will face her fury. Anything thing about this female is that she is rather protective and dare say even overprotective of what is hers, whether it be a pet, an object or person. She will protect them or it with her life, and anyone who finds themselves facing her when like this will find themselves in for the beat down of a lifetime.
Egg One is 8 Months Old ; Ready To Hatch [ Open For A Player For The Hatchling ]
Egg Two Is Four Days Old