
S H O T E K A Age: 5 Gender: Stallion Herd: Canyon Creek Rank: Lead Stallion Desired Rank: Content  Credits to Alla-equi on DA. Shoteka is a large, nearly pitch black creature. A faint star on his forehead makes the only white marking on his body, and the rest of him is simply void of color. He stands a little over 17 hands and is not lacking in the muscle department; his shoulders, withers, and chest show prominent carving, though not so much as to be considered "ripped." Long, sturdy legs are set atop light gray hooves that were made for maneuvering rugged terrain. An arched neck holds a refined head with a gently sloping face and hard, intelligent black pools for eyes. His irises are truly brown, but there is such a heavy concentration of pigment that they may as well be black until the sun hits them just right. Shoteka's gait is a languid one; his strides are straight and long and he does not take very long to cross short distances. When he moves, his tail lifts slightly. He is elegant for his size, but he is certainly not the fastest animal out there. Shoteka's strengths lie in brute force and endurance rather than speed and agility. While he is agile, he cannot do sudden turns and stunts when going at a faster pace, unlike some other horses. He has an aura of seriousness to him. It is no secret that he is young; he has very few scars, and most of them are from play fights or angry mares in his juvenile years. However, his stoicism and rather intimidating appearance help to make him look more qualified for the role of lead stallion than he feels like he is. He smells of pines and like a summer night just as the dew is beginning to form. Shoteka's voice is a low tenor or a high bass; he rarely raises it, but it is not soft to begin with. This adds to his more aloof appearance, and a horse that is unfamiliar with him could take his resting tone to insinuate disinterest or irritation. Personality He is young. Therefore, he is naive in some cases. The job was sprung upon him; he had no idea what was coming, and it shows in his occasional four deer-in-the-headlights moments. Shoteka has always put the herd first, and he always will; he has no problems attacking and defending at the drop of a pin. It's making the calls as to where to move next that get him. His problem is that he doesn't expect everyone to follow him immediately, when he should be demanding it. He is authoritative, but he has never been in a situation that has granted him so much room to use that aspect of himself. So, he tones it down for fear of coming off too harsh or too demanding. Shoteka resents his father for dying; the former lead stallion left him with no experience -- he often wonders whether it was even the old gaffer's intentions that he take up the reins at the former's death. Of course, he does not express his fears and aches to anyone. Shoteka is a sober creature, and he is being forced to mature much, much faster than he would ever have expected. He has gone from taking care of himself and his herd's basic needs in the role of a herd stallion to being responsible for everyone's wellbeing -- all overnight. He is overwhelmed, and, with no help that he feels like he can trust, he's shouldering it all alone. Shoteka isn't stupid, either. In fact, he's quite intelligent, and he knows full well there are those within the herd who would rather a more experienced horse be leading them. He knows that their loyalty will not be gained as quickly as his power was, though, and is focusing extra carefully on his decisions. Of course, sometimes he scrutinizes his choices too carefully and makes a wrong move. Skeptics are not kind to those who err. As he learns, he will become more firm with his orders. He's observant: Shoteka watches what others do and evaluates those decisions before comparing them to his own scenarios. He is prepared for things, always has six backup plans for when he is bound to trip up, and is usually expecting the worst. All new characteristics; before this ever happened, Shoteka was much more of a go-off-the-whim sort of colt. Shoteka is polite, proper, all that jazz. He is friendly with the foals and curt with the grown-ups. He loves his family dearly, and he cares for the members of his herd. His loyalty is to them, and he wants to succeed with every cell in his body. Shoteka will not, however, step down without one hell of a fight. He is determined to be a good leader, and he will move heaven and earth to maintain that chance. Crush None Mate
None Foals None Kin Andronika -- Sister Affiliations TBD, Open Other 

N E A M H Age: 4 Gender: Mare Herd: Canyon Creek Rank: Herd Mare Desired Rank: Content Credits to TigressStocks on DA for all images. Neamh is a very pretty mare. Her sleek coat takes on slight dappling and becomes paler during the winter months, though her coloring is much more vibrant throughout the rest of the year. She has a broad blaze and a tobiano patterning over her red dun base. The most color shows through on her chest, head, and flanks, with spots showing through along her barrel, ribs, and neck. Her mane and tail are quite silky, though the former is a little short, and have little coloration to them. Her body is very elegantly built. Slim legs merge with powerful shoulders and hindquarters which move into a lean physique and an arched neck. Her head hosts a slight Arabian dish and large, deep brown eyes. Neamh's withers come to about 16 hands high. Her ears curl slightly at the tips and her nostrils almost always appear flared. Neamh has a smooth gait and long, easy strides. She picks up her feet well and, despite her slender legs, she is quite surefooted. Speed and stamina are her strong suits. While she is agile, Neamh does much better without sharp turns and switchbacks due to an injury she aquired as a seven-month-old foal in which she twisted one of her hooves in a gopher hole. She hates gophers. Her voice is deep for a female's but has a pleasant ring to it, soothing unless she's in a mood. She smells of sagebrush and a misty morning. Neamh is, overall, a soft looking mare. Underneath her gentler exterior resides a complex, rugged creature. Personality She is quite mature for her age. Or, rather, Neamh knows when to speak her mind and when to shut up. She's thoughtful and quite smart, though her near-absolute obedience to the leads, lieutenant, and deputy can make her seem like a dopey creature. In reality, though, she simply sees the wisdom behind their words. She knows that they have more experience and is completely fine with having a better chance at survival by heeding their orders. Now, Neamh can only hope Shoteka learns fast how to handle situations. Neamh will speak her mind if she has an idea or opinion on something, though it's always said with the proper respect behind it. Her dam, who was quite old when Neamh was born, drilled respect into her daughter relentlessly before her death. Neamh, in turn, is careful to set a good example for the foals and yearlings on the subject of politeness and the proper handling of situations. Neamh has an incredibly strong maternal instinct and a deep-rooted loyalty to her herd. She is constantly watching others and her surroundings, always calculating, forever stubborn. Her observant nature often pushes her to the status of residential wallflower, as she very rarely starts an interaction with another horse. When her herd is threatened, though, out comes the completely unexpected side of this mare. She is fierce, and she does not care two bits about others' feelings as she rips into them verbally for whatever wrong they have caused someone she cares about. Predators and outsiders, if unlucky enough to come across her in one of these rages, will earn a scar or two. Seniority and much of her respectful nature will leave as well if an older horse does something completely out of line. Otherwise, Neamh keeps her irritation to a passive aggressive level. She's devious. This mare has little plots of her own with a wide variety of subject matter. If someone is in her way, Neamh will push them out so discreetly that it is rarely noticed. She excelled at such behaviors as a foal, especially placing ideas into others' heads and making it seem like they were the ones who came up with it. Of course, sometimes she is more vocal about her threats, and she will always follow through. She does not appreciate contention, though, and being around tense situations often sets her on edge. Neamh would much rather everyone stop whining about everything, and she will tell them such if it gets annoying enough. Really, she is a sweet mare, but she takes no crap and is fine to fight fire with fire from time to time. Crush Open Mate None Foals None Kin Open Affiliations TBD, Open Other  Edited at July 30, 2022 10:21 PM by Mother

O U R A N O S Age: 8 Gender: Stallion Herd: Canyon Creek Rank: Herd Stallion Desired Rank: Unknown Credits to ElaineSeleneStock on DA for all images This stallion's coat is a very, very dark blood bay. His mane and tail are the usual black, but he is often mistaken for either a black horse or a dark brown one, depending on the lighting he is viewed in. Ouranos' coat has a distinct iron tinge to it that is most prominent on sunny days. His black mane and tail are long and slightly wavy overall, though he does have some sections of shorter, straighter hairs. His eyes are a moderate brown with green flecks that make themselves apparent every now and then. Despite his overall warm-toned coloring, though, this stallion is as cold and hard as an early winter. His dark face seems void of emotion; his exterior is guarded and his mask rarely comes loose. Ouranos has a low, rumbling voice that carries without being classified as "loud." His words are almost stiff; they have a demanding tone to them and never really soften. He has no warm fuzzies. While he isn't the tallest creature out there, he is large, standing at about 17 hands. His frame is muscular and not quite bulky, but his forte is obviously in physical strength. Sunlight on his sleek coat produces light ripples over his frame, emphasizing his body definition. His shoulders are set on a barrel-chested body and sturdy legs hold up his proportionate frame. Scars crisscross here and there from various battles, the vast majority of which he has won. His veteran looks only add to the appearance of a more hostile, unapproachable creature. He is still handsome -- just in a dangerous way. Personality Ouranos is a frosty creature. He does not enjoy company, really -- his main issue with it is all the gossip and petty banter that go back and forth. Mare drama absolutely disgusts him. He prefers the company of more sober, serious animals. The only horses he really likes are the more sober, serious ones. He will not spread gossip himself; rather, if he has an opinion, it will be stated like it is. His words are rarely said with any hidden intent behind them: if he says something, he usually means it as fact or observation. Words meant to jerk an emotional response are said... differently. Ouranos is not the biggest fan of foals. They are clumsy, immature, often quite bratty, and have absolutely zero sense of self-preservation. The only ones he would take kindly to are his own offspring, but he would be extra strict with them as to "raise them right" while also obviously favoring them and their mothers over the rest of the herd. In that sense, he is family oriented, and perhaps gives him a good quality. Ouranos has no interest in outsiders. He attacks first, asks questions later. This silent, scarily cold stallion enjoys the rush of attacks, the dancing patterns of a good match. He especially loves winning. Despite his quick action to protect the herd, his loyalty to it is debatable. He never expressly acts like he cares for herd life, but he doesn't act so disinterested as to leave it. He is an enigma. He lacks a sense of humor, and he finds it irritating when others pull jokes or sarcasm on him all the time. Those who do are likely to get a good nip or a swift kick, and they usually don't do it again. Everyone knows he's a serious, stoic individual. He isn't easy to approach, and finding any semblance of a caring stallion is almost impossible. Yet, there have been instances where he has been known to show affection. It is common knowledge that he is ambitious and competitive. He pushes to excel at everything, often uses subtle demands, and manipulates other horses to see his ways and follow them. He can become smooth and open to emotion, humanizing himself into a fleshed out character who will outwardly display feelings -- when he wants to. Sometimes it's genuine; other times it isn't. It's very hard to tell the difference with him. He is, however, loyal to the horses closest to him, and his offspring will always have him to go to. He is not wicked. He is not kind. He is a mystery. Nobody knows what he will do next. Will he be his intimidating, stormy self? Will he dare show something as fickle as affection? Will he flirt? Will he shut down a conversation? Is someone going to die? Will he rescue an irritating foal in need? Ouranos is uncharted water; expect the unexpected with him. Crush Indifferent, really. Mate Open to a favorite mare Foals Open to minions. Kin Open Affiliations TBD, Open Other Ouranos can be a drama source. Made him with malicious intent. :)


Debated on doing this, but why not. May I have a bachelor stallion? I'll do him as soon as possible(sick with Covid, so what else I got to do?) I just don't like doing forums on my phone.


Again, my apologies. I was only trying to fix the images. Edited at August 4, 2022 05:25 PM by Starwood.

C A R I B B E A N “ You look like you could use some spice in your life. “ . . . Name: Caribbean Age: 14 Gender: Stallion Herd: [Canyon Creek or None] None Rank: Bachelor Stallion Desired Rank: Content Appearance: [Detailed Description Required] Homozygous Black & Tobiano EEAaTOTO 
    Caribbean is nowhere near the tallest of any horse, but he towers over some. He stands at exactly 16.3HH / 67” tall. His body isn't as stocky as he is tall, though he doesn’t just live as a bag of bones. The stallion’s legs are big-boned, healthy, and strong. This is probably the stockiest feature about him. Caribbean’s bones are thicker than some with his build, however. His hind quarters had muscle built up from accumulated years as a bachelor stallion. He has developed what’s known as a “double butt”. Or, rather, a dip in the top of his behind, or croup, due to muscle. His chest is broad, but it doesn’t entirely stick out much. His shoulders are the same as his behind: borderline overdefined and big boned. Caribbean is straight backed, to the point where his withers are just about nonexistent. His breed is unknown, but he’s suspected of being a mix of two or three. The stallion’s tail is short and thin, not providing much of a fly swatter. His mane is the same way: he barely has any. He has small tufts, but it doesn’t exceed down any of his neck. His body is littered in scars from many battles during his time as a bachelor stallion. They’re everywhere on his body: legs, chest, neck, hindquarters, and even some on his face. The most prominent are an elongated scar on his front left forearm and extends about halfway onto his shoulder. The hair has not grown back in this place and only skin is visible. The second most prominent is just three teeth marks right above one of his eyes. This is his war scar, as he so fondly reminds others. It is the scar that caused him to go half blind. His colour, however, is a popper. He’s a dark red bay, also known as a “blood bat”. His black points extend onto all legs, his muzzle / face, and his ears, even if you can’t see them all. His coat will shine underneath the sun, and it only reveals the red tint more. His tobiano extends all the way up his hind left leg and over his hindquarters. It ends just before his back right leg. However, he has a high stocking on that leg, despite the separation. His front two legs have knee high socks. He has only three splotches on his entire body: one on his left shoulder, left side of his neck, and lastly, one on his right shoulder that reaches down into his elbow. His face marking is peculiar: it reaches onto his cheek, throat, chin glove, and his muzzle. However, it mainly appears on the left side of his face. His left eye is a deep brown that could be mistaken for black. However, his right eye has a tad bit of a milky film left over it. It’s just about the same colour, only just a tad bit cloudier. The Hot Head Hot; Aggressive; Rebellious Caribbean is, expectedly, a hot horse. He has fits if he doesn’t have something the way he wants and is known to do head tosses frequently. In one word, that’s all he is: “hot”. He will fight for something whether it needs to be fought over or not. This stallion has no patience whatsoever hidden in his body. He’s very difficult to handle, which is probably the main reason he’s a bachelor stallion. In just being out by himself, he causes trouble to just about any other horse he can find. He likes to pick on other stallions, bachelor or not. On top of this, he’s aggressive. When just talking, his words always have a malicious or rude tone to them. Caribbean usually means it, too. He picks fights where there aren’t any and is constantly searching for something “exciting” to do. The way he walks even comes off as aggressive, in a way. He puts so much of his attitude into every part of himself that the hoof prints he leaves have a harder indent than some others. And whenever he engages in a fight with another stallion, he doesn’t tend to back down until every last bit of him can’t go anymore. Fitting into his other traits, this bachelor is rebellious. He specifically tends to do things to others just to mess with them. He doesn’t care who it is or who they are. He won’t listen. He’s been offered to join a herd before, but he never has. Caribbean likes to annoy people with his rebellious attitude and doesn't care about it. Somewhere, deep in his bones, that care has snapped. Put together with other qualities, he can be quite the opponent in many ways. Charming; Brave; Passionate Despite all of his abrasive qualities, he’s charming. When he wants to be. He likes to worm his way into friendships and inevitably break them. However, there may be a few that lasted through his fiery temperament. He finds words to say that aren't remotely matching what people say about him. Underneath his exterior, Caribbean could actually benefit from someone being able to deal with him. Though he doesn’t care much for others, aside from annoying them, he’s similar to an immature foal. However, he’s a brave horse. He goes into battle without a thought against him. He would fight and give his own life rather than cower away. If he were ever needed for protection, he would surely be a good choice. If one could convince him. Caribbean, in a way, explores more than any other. He knows where just about everything is from countless years of wandering. And he enjoys it. He sees the unknown, and he comes back from it. With these two qualities comes a passionate stallion. If he believes in it, it will likely get done. If he believes something is his, he will do his best to keep it his. He’s passionate about the land, his fights, and even the other horses. Even though he nearly does not act like it. It could be a malicious passion or purely a fun one. It’s hard to tell with him. Authoritarian; Disobedient; Undisciplined One of the main reasons he’s a bachelor stallion: Caribbean is an authoritarian. If he isn’t in charge, he’s not very happy about it. This ties into his rebelliousness. Sometimes, and very rarely sometimes, he will actually comply with being not at the head of something. However, he would be much happier dictating himself rather than having to follow the rules of another. He makes this known with every part of his being. Disobedience is another huge thing with him. He doesn’t just act out. He disobeys. If another horse tells him to do something, there’ll be a lot of effort put into making him actually do whatever it is he was asked of. Any and every trait of his ties together, and this is probably one of his most disliked traits. He uses it directly and is even known to do it on purpose sometimes. Most of the time, rather, it’s just his nature. He doesn’t entirely think about it very much. Being out by himself, Caribbean is very undisciplined, leading to him being a tad immature. He doesn't know rules, laws, or any of the likes. He knows how he does it and no other way. If someone tries to discipline him, they’ll likely fail. He fights for his way or no way at all. He doesn’t suck up to others, follow them, nothing. Caribbean is his own being who thoroughly believes this. Have fun trying to change that, if one so dares. Self-Reliant; Sociable; Dedicated He’s very self-reliant. He doesn’t tend to rely on what others tell him. In reality, he doesn’t even like to trust others. He’s been on his own the majority of his life, and he honestly plans to keep it that way. He has no interest in finding a mate or others to start a herd with. He is completely self-reliant and prefers it. When others try to worm into his group of one, it doesn’t tend to go very well with him. He’s solitary. Despite this, he’s still very sociable. He loves to talk and fight, of course. Just because he likes to live alone doesn’t mean he’s a hermit. Caribbean will talk to others with pleasure. Though, it might not be the most friendly of conversations. Even if he is rude, he socializes very well. His abrasive and self-reliant qualities make him not the best to pick for a conversation. However, he will start something for absolutely no reason. Even if it was just for five(5) seconds. Despite all of this, he’s very dedicated to his life and what he sees as his missions. He will complete them. Whatever it is he’s set on, Caribbean doesn’t like to just leave it. He gives himself ample time to complete it. And that time is however long it takes. If another horse manages to convince him to play along with something, he’d be very loyal till the end of it. Crush: N/A; Possibly Open Mate: N/A Foals: Open Kin: [Family Relations] Osculus; Father *Heterozygous black; homozygous tobiano. Cansella; Mother *Heterozygous bay. Affiliations: [Indepth Relations] Open Rival: Looking for! Would be the stallion he battles with most often and also the one that caused him to be half blind. Other: Caribbean is half blind and tries not to let this affect his reputation.

My apologies. I moved the images around, and my phone decided to go beserk. Not sure why this happened.... Edited at August 4, 2022 05:25 PM by Starwood.
