Name - Seth Baker
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Grade - 11 or 12
Sexuality - Homosexual and poly
Role - Group of 7
Appearance -
Theo is a rather short male only reaching the height of a female his age which is between 5'4 - 5'5. he has slight muscle running down his arms, legs, and back and a faint outline of a six-pack covering his lower stomach. His hair is a beautiful fawn color or a dirty blond and his eyes are something from a fairytale, consisting of a bright blue with hints of green swimming around in them.
For clothes, he normally wears a large oversized grey hoodie with the words 'My pride is-' written in rainbow writing at the top left corner. Long black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees are also part of his outfit. On his wrist is a brightly colored bracelet with all the initials of his friends on it. Hanging around his neck is a gold chain with the initials J.H in remembrance of his friend.
On special occasions, he will wear a clean pure white button-up shirt and long cream color slacks, with black neat shoes. Though he will always wear a jumper wrapped around his waist or shoulders, in case it gets cold. The bracelet or necklace are never seen coming off his body always hanging where they are.
Personality -
To newcomers and outsiders, he is rather two-faced, mysterious, and cold only ever talking to them if he really has to or is forced to by someone he knows. Observing them from a distance to see if they can be trusted, or if they deserve his respect. Taking charge in any situation he can of you end up on his team in anything he will do his best to make sure you see it though. His trust and respect have to be earned, which is going to be hard after all losing a best friend does that to you. Everyone is a suspect.
To close friends and family his personality changes to a kind, cuddly, and protective one, always making sure they are close and safe at all times. At times all he wants to do is curl up on the couch and watch movies till the sun rises with his friends, and forget about the bad times. Though since the death he has been even close to his friends he has also kept his distance barely talking or showing emotions to them. Making sure they are ok and not worrying about himself.
Both of these personalities live inside the male and are slowly changing to cold, distant, and emotionless after all he was close with the person who left his life. He can't risk getting close to someone else and they leave him.
- Coffee and Oreos
- The dark
- Hugs
- The beach
- His friends
- Annoying people
- Talking to someone he doesn't know
- Jacobs's death being brought up
- Water
- His farther
Backstory -
Theo's back story is pretty simple, he is the only child with rich parents though his parents have no time for him, always leaving him in the dark and acting as if he doesn't exist. At the age of 10, he started to become emotionless only ever showing his true emotions to his close friends. At the age of 15, his father started to get abusive when he came out as gay. He never wants to invite his friends over afraid they will see what happens in his household. This is also why he wears baggy clothes to hide what happens behind closed doors. But that doesn't stop him from spending both of his parent's money whenever he can.
Other - Bugs bunny