Name: Fiona
Age: 5.5
Gender: mare
Herd: Canyon Creek
Rank: Herd mare
Desired Rank: lead mare
Standing at 15hh, this mare is tall for a mustang, but on the shorter end compared to those who she keeps in her company. Her build is graceful and agile, with her being very quick and hard to catch. She isn’t the strongest, and thus uses her ability to outmaneuver others to her advantage.
Her body is a light golden tone with faint dapples along her hindquarters, back, and shoulders that all but disappear in brighter light. She has a stocking on each of her back legs, nearly to the hock. However, these stockings are usually tinted slightly yellowish due to her inability to reach her back legs when grooming. On her front legs, however, there is merely the light golden tone of the rest of her body. Her mane and tail, which are on the slightly thinner side, are a golden cream color. The bottom half of her tail is stained a bit darker of a golden due to the fact that it reaches below her fetlock, and constantly drags along the ground.
Her hooves, matching her overall aesthetic, are a light brown. Her eyes are deep and dark, with a slight tinge of gold that seems to reflect the color of her coat. Her form is covered in nicks from small skirmishes here and there, but she has nothing too noticeable.

Carries herself like a queen, and acts like a queen. Elle takes nonsense from nobody (except, perhaps, foals, which she has a soft spot for). While she does go easier on the foals, she still doesn’t allow them complete freedom, as she still wants to raise them right. If a yearling or grown horse snaps at her or acts rudely towards her without a very good reason, she will either give them a severe tongue lashing, or control her temper and trot off. She tends to do the latter, as she can exhaust herself from scolding others. Yet, she isn't the judgemental type, and won't judge others harshly. In fact, even with her short temper, this is an intelligent and capable individual.
Underneath her attitude, this mare can be sweet towards those she cares for. But, still, even if you’re in her good graces, don’t expect her to let you off easy for anything. She is motherly, and loves foals. Even if some others may not realize it, this mare is extremely intelligent, and she usually knows what is best and has experience in many aspects.
Though she is rarely flirty, Star can be extremely flirtatious when she likes a stallion. She may be playful and teasing with him, but she will rarely be direct, preferring he figures it out for himself, or perhaps that his friends clue him in.
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Foals: None (Open to 0-6month old/pregnancy)
Kin: Open
Affiliations: Open
Other: Think i got everything :)


Name: Capaz [Kaw-pawz] - Portugese for Capable
Nicknames: Paz [Pawz] (Crabby - reserved for close relations ONLY)
Age: 12
Gender: stallion
Herd: Canyon Creek
Rank: herd stallion
Desired Rank: He may be cocky, but he's content. He wouldn't mind a leadership role, but he doesn't seek one.
He has a lovely dusty, warm dun coat with a warm, dark brown mane and tail, as well as the tell-tale dun markings across his back and legs. His face has a lot of white, though the pattern cuts short of his eyes. His eyes are a dark brown like most horses', leaning towards a warmer shade of the spectrum, to match his coat. The end of his muzzle is entirely pink, where the white pattern extends to it.
He is littered in scars, some larger, some smaller. He used to get into fights for fun, and he still doesn't mind them.
He stands at a rough 16.1hh, something that towers above many wild horses. He holds his head high at most times, which only accentuates his height. His build is on the sturdier side, rather than agile. Some have compared his build to that of a quarter horse with his quick legs yet muscular haunches, chest, and general form. He is powerful and capable of moving heavy items. He uses this to his advantage in many situations, but will never underestimate stallions with smaller, more agile builds.

Intelligent - Slightly Cocky - Flirtatious - Playful - Fatherly Figure (surprisingly) - Serious when need be
This stallion is an intelligent and wise creature with a hot streak that shows more often than not. While nobody could deny that he is cunning and can solve most problems thrown in his way, he doesn't display this side of himself at all times. In fact, he displays his more stallion-y side most the time. But perhaps this is a ruse in order to have others dismiss him without a consideration as to whether or not he is to be watched out for.
Slightly cocky would be putting it lightly. He will rub in his victories (playfully, of course) whenever given the chance. If a curious foal asks about any one of his scars, he is quick to come up with the story that earned it. Sometimes, he'll come up with a story that isn't entirely true. Some might label him as a quack. He is friendly and playful, and comes up with all ways to entertain himself as well as the foals. However, he can act a little crazy sometimes, though nobody who knows him would worry about him causing any harm.
To flirt with this stallion with a serious interest is to throw yourself to the wolves - romance wise. He will not let you go once he feels he's got even a thread of a grasp on you. And he chases shamelessly. No lovely mare that so much as casts him a glance a beat or two too long is safe. And he's quite the charmer. Too much of a charmer. Many of the wiser (mostly older) mares have caught wind of his games by now. However, he will still flirt with them, even though he realizes it is just fun and games most of the time. However, if you show a genuine interest in him, or if he develops a genuine interest in you, his efforts might be a bit more subtle, less audacious as they would be with a mare he is having fun with.
This then extends to his playful personality. He is not only playful with the adult horses he has grown up with, however, he is also quite teasing and playful with the foals, almost like "that uncle" to all of them. He is the ideal fatherly figure. If he auditioned for the role in a movie, he'd probably get it. Not many can best him at being a big brother or fatherly figure, and this is one of the things he is slightly embarrassed of.
However, just because he is true to the colt that lives on inside of him doesn't mean he's irresponsible. He takes his role as a protector of the herd very seriously. If there's a threat nearby, he's between it in the herd. Sometimes, admittedly, he'll go a little closer to said threat than necessary, hoping to provoke it. Whether it be a predator, bachelor, or even a sinkhole, he has a desire to fight it. He loves a good fight.
Crush: N/A
Mate: Open
Foals: Open
Kin: Open
Affiliations: Open
Other: Plot twist, the lead stallion's mother is/was keeping it hidden that he isn't even the son of the lead and it somehow rises to the surface (I know horses can tell if it isn't their baby but we could always pretend for the drama, i don't know xD). But wait- NOW, the actual offspring of the previous lead stallion are coming forward and challenging the current lead.