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Full Name:
Eloise Winchester
Name(s) Meaning:
Eloise [Famous Warrior; German]
Winchester [Roman Fort; Anglo-Saxon]
Preferred Name:
Eloise, Miss Winchester, Lady Winchester
Darling, Sweet Honey, Honeycake, Sugar Muffin [By Sorin]
That Bitch, Worse than Satan, Peacock Princess [Coworkers]
As long as the person is handsome/beautiful, she doesn't care. The only thing Eloise is concerned about is making her look good.
Side Character
Vampire-Witch Hybrid

[credits to 长鸳 @ neka.cc]
Her presence is adoringly warm and loving, like a caring mother. Eloise is a woman who cares about others, especially when it comes to her loved ones. Those who experience from afar remark that her aura is radiant and sunny like the Sun itself - making one's sour mood light up just by seeing her smile. Around close friends or loved ones, she’s a selfless woman who'll drop what she’s doing to help and smother them with affection if they’re down in the dumps. She loves being around those she adores immensely and is the one who keeps the group together, as she’s considered the peacemaker. In truth, she’s a vindictive and manipulative woman who’ll do anything to get what she wants, sacrificing or exploiting anyone she views unworthy of befriending. She’s more like the moon, having a more chilling and dim presence than the one she displays toward her friends. She isn’t afraid to stoop low when someone backstabs her or her loved ones, even going as far as to murder the person if she considers them annoying to keep dealing with. Eloise is one cruel woman, especially towards those she considers her enemies, as she’ll eagerly play them like a fiddle and steadily drive them to the point of no return.
For socialization, Eloise can adapt to any form of communication with a hyperactive, extrovert, or more reserved introvert as she wants them to feel comfortable. Eloise is a mixture of extrovert and introvert, actively communicating with others, yet she is careful to overdo it with interactions. Her social skills are excellent as she can start a conversation with a stranger on the street and keep it at friendly bantering. Her bright atmosphere tends to win most people over, making it easier for her to befriend someone despite knowing them for a day. While mingling with others, she’s carefully reading them, remembering every bit of word a person says that could be useful for later. Those who truly know her well call her a sociopath, psychopath, or a mixture of both, which is confusing for those having their first encounter with her as they view her as a simple introvert. The way she speaks, mainly directed to those she hates passionately, is cold and emotionless to the point it sounds mechanical. Eloise will insult them and won't shed a tear if they were to die. Hell, she might even smile over their death. For her, you're either her friend she adores deeply or her enemy she wishes to kill with a passion. They're no in-betweens for her.
Is Eloise attractive? Well, the answer is an absolute yes. Eloise appears to be a goddess of beauty, a presence that draws anyone in, noble-like elegance, and a voice that makes everyone quiet so they can listen. She has admirers who aren’t afraid to be such a thing, swarmed by men who wish to be with her and women who want to be her. Eloise’s beautiful in the eyes of men and women alike, but they’re those who envy her immensely. Of course, she pretends not to notice such a thing, but internally, she’s smiling. The biggest question is, does Eloise view herself as such? That’s another yes, but she’ll pretend she isn’t just to manipulate others onto her side. Eloise acts humble, denying her sense of beauty just to appease others. In truth, she’s a vain person attracted to the beauty of herself and others. Be it lavish clothing, the finest of makeup, alluring perfumes, or the style of hair, Eloise’s a person who’s attracted to looks. Being Eloise, she’ll use her beauty, voice, and aura to lure others to her side, keeping them wrapped around her fingers for later use. If Eloise likes you enough, she’ll keep you by her side, but if she dislikes you, she’ll tossed out like trash.
Eloise's voice is ethereal, magnetic, regal, and mesmerizing, like an angel has descended upon you and is speaking with you. It’s so beautiful that a nosey room will grow hushed just to hear her speak. Even without trying to be demanding, many would obey her just because of her voice. When she sings, it’s like a Siren with how pleasant it is to the ears, or the same level of beauty as a songbird. When addressing her friends and strangers, her tone of voice is welcoming, friendly, formal, and trustworthy. Eloise wants a good impression on her friends and strangers, expressing a more friendly demeanor, either for genuine reasons or to influence them for personal reasons. Those perceived as lower-classed, Eloise is sarcastic, degrading, hateful, and insincere. At this point, she isn’t bothering attempting to win them over and is more open to her hatred, and with every chance she gets, she’ll mawk them at every turn just to crumble their self-esteem, or worse, break them with verbal insults to make it easier to control.
Eloise’s face shape is a combination of round yet sharp, a structure that’s considered beautiful. It gives her a mixture of masculine and feminine features, mixing masculine sharpness and feminine softness to create a unique appearance of dominating beauty. Her forehead width is smaller than her cheekbones, while her jaw is narrower than the cheekbones. Eloise’s forehead frontal bones protrude more, which creates a sense of deep-set eyes. Her brow bone has a ridge of bone around the upper edge of the eye sockets - because of the brow ridge, her forehead appears steeper, and the angle between her forehead and nose is sharper at a lateral view. Speaking of eyebrows, they’re narrower and arched, making them appear higher, which assists in making the eyes look bigger. Her nose is smaller with a curved bridge, while the tip is turned upward and has a larger nasolabial angle. Eloise’s cheeks are less fuller, while the cheekbones are lower and less prominent, creating a similar look to the diamond-shaped face. As for her jaw, it’s smaller and forms a V-shape with less definition that appears rounder. Eloise’s lips are thinner and less plump, creating downward-turned lips. The woman has a taller, angular, and square chin and a thicker lower jawbone, while the jawline along each side of her chin is stronger.
The shape of Eloise’s eyes is almond, with her having small eyelids that are longer in width than round. The eye shape tapers to a point by the tear duct and outer eye. The outer part of the cornea is generally hidden under the top and bottom lids, creating an apparent crease. She has a gaze that warms one’s anguished soul or erases the nerves in one’s mind, but when she’s staring at someone she detests, it’s more hardened and cold-hearted. What makes her even more breathtaking to her admirers is her peculiarly designed irises that take the appearance of a gemstone, with the way they sparkle under the light that makes people breathless. What makes Eloise even more alluring is the color of her eyes, which takes a similar appearance and colorization to the mystic quartz. Her eyes display a rainbow of colors, though cool hues are more dominant. Her eyes are transparent, allowing light to reflect off them, creating a glassy luster, making her eyes appear to be literal gems. Above her eyes are a set of medium-rounded with low-arch brows that fit perfectly on her feminine face. Eloise’s eyelashes are long, fuller, and darker, alongside a beautiful curve.
Eloise’s height is around 6’0, but it could be taller depending on the shoes she wears that day, and her tallness is sexy to most people. Her body is like an inverted triangular as her hips and waist are smaller than the average woman's, but she still has its curvaceousness. As for her buttocks, they’re less rounder than a woman but more voluminous than a man. From a back perspective, there’s a smooth waist-to-hip transition while her points are full and round. For her chest, her breasts aren’t as big, as it’s more of a C-Cup. She is a fit woman, having a 15% muscle mass, yet she retains her lean build, granting her elegance in appearance but strength in the muscles. Eloise has a faint 6-pack forming on her abdomen, indicating that she modestly works out, with the addition of well-formed legs and arms. Her shoulders are a mixture of broad and round, tall, and with wide sternums that create the inverted triangle shape. It means that she has broad shoulders as opposed to narrow hips. Eloise has a warm, beige skin with cool pink undertones. The texture of her skin is smooth and luminous, with it said to be velvety. Eloise’s body is free of scars, yet her skin has visible beauty marks scattered randomly across her body. Located on her lower back are two back dimples, a beautiful trait to many. In short, her body is a fusion of masculine and feminine qualities, having a manly build with a bit of womanly curvaceousness.
Eloise’s hair texture is luscious with a bouncy, glossy appearance. Her hair is long, reaching inches past her shoulders in glorious waves and settling comfortably at her midback. Whenever Eloise isn’t doing anything in particular, like reading a book or doing anything that doesn’t require much physical activity, she keeps her thick hair free. Her hair flows lovingly like the ways of an ocean, falling gracefully like a sheen of silk. Her hair is eye-catching, not by sight but by smell, as its fragrance is vanilla bean, honey, and nuts. When attending formal events, she’ll braid, keeping a few strands free, or tie it up in an elegant bun for a more noble image. Her hairstyle is a hybrid of straight and wavy, with the roots being straight while the ends have a slight curl, creating the wavy style. Her hair color is a unique soft pearl grey with sleek curls and a hint of cool tones, creating a sophisticated yet sexy look.
Maternal/Parental • Genuine/Bogus • Nice/Sarcastic • Honest/Manipulative • Warmhearted/Coldhearted • Humane/Calloused • Two-Faced • Total Bitch • Modest/Vain • Attractive • Clean • Agreeable/Stubborn • Clever • Suave • Generous/Greedy • Helpful • Indepdendet • Graceful • Kind • Knowledged • Picky • Tolerant/Petty • Loyal To Few • Persuasive • Sexy • Sympatheic/Unfeeling • Tidy • Well-Read • Aggressive • Lavish • Egotistical • Ambitious • Deceptive • Glamorous • Hypnotic • Formal • Sadist • Proud • Flirtatious • Tough • Agonizing • Good-Natured/Irritable • Mannered • Condescending • Sly
Relationship Status:
Sort Of
Significant Other(s):
Sorin Romanescu
Hell No
Alastair Winchester [Father; Vampire; Alive]
Anise Isabelle Meire [Step-Mother; Angel; Alive]
Eustace Romeo Meire [Younger Step-Brother; Angel; Alive]
Elizabeth Winchester [Mother; Witch; Alive]
Arlo Winchester [Younger Brother; Vampire; Alive]
Freya Winchester [Younger Sister; Witch; Alive]
Eustace Romeo Meire | Step-Brother | Considered Rival
Her eyes are similar to a mystic quartz, but most of the time, it'll be a vibrant green color. Whenever she activates her hypnotism, her unique colored eyes will trigger.