Hebrew Meaning “Oak tree; Bright, shining light”
5 Years, 6 Months
Beta Female
Desired Rank:
Opinions on the pairings:
If only to spite Malakai for what he has done, she is completely against the pairings. She views them as nothing more than despicable, politically motivated tools only meant to offer the leader more control over his subordinates. However, at the same time, she believes they will cause his downfall. She’ll never speak out against them so long as her sister doesn’t.

Credit to Hollywood Hills (#304218) for color & areot for lineart. This piece was bought from an adopt store. Do not steal.
Eila is an elegant and imposing canine, fit for high standing positions within the pack. She carries herself in a regal manner, head held as high as possible – always looking down upon all that enter of hardened gaze. Metaphorically, of course. There’s not many wolves that a female of her stature can look down on, standing at only twenty nine inches at the shoulder. An air of superiority looms over her, encompassing the area she treads with its overwhelming aura. It is rare, even on her rougher days, to find not one pair of eyes lingering over her form whenever she walks through camp. Her build, however, is not exactly what one would expect for such a being – having a composure somewhere in between lean and muscular. Her muscle tone is of average standards, spread evenly across her body. It gives for a sleek appearance, enhancing her regal and elegant factors. However, conversely, it has led to a lack of outstanding physical traits. She can neither out run, out pace, or outlast any wolf – lest they have a weakness in any of those areas. In fact, she actually has a slight hindrance to her physical strength, not that she’d allow anyone to catch on to that though. But nevertheless, she is purely designed for hunting and is seen as one of the pack’s best.
Reminiscent of her sister’s, the beta’s coat is of a lighter shade, consisting of mostly light grays and whites. Though, with some nice darker shades here and there for some contrast. Creamy-gray, akin to that of soft cumulus clouds, makes up the large majority of her fur – painting mainly her sides and lower back with its gentle hue. Some amount of this gray has also made its way onto the fur of the female’s legs to varying degrees. That of her front legs extends all the way to her mid-lower leg while that on her back legs barely passes her knee. The insides of those legs contain gray as well, only going no further down than that on the outside of the leg. A small amount of dark rich brown overlaps the lower gray of her front legs, starting just slightly after the elbow joint and ending right along the wrist. The following paw fur is blanche white like the color seen in cirrus clouds and extends up the back of her legs and up to her underbelly. From there, it extends backwards, running down the backs of her hind legs and covering the fur not touched by the gray in that area. Another section of rich, dark brown can be seen laying over her shoulders like a blanket – extending all the way to the middle of her back where it fades into spots. Small sprinklings of black can be observed in parts of the brown, like seasoning on a meal. On either side of her body, a line of white cuts between the gray of her body and the brown of her shoulders. It appears along the line marked by her front legs connecting to her shoulders. This small area of white does not reach her back.
The she-wolf’s tail is a bit of a different story than her general body. It is almost entirely dark brown in color with some slightly lighter sprinkles within. The underside of her tail turns back to the cloudy white from before, ending just before the tail’s very tip. Said tip is a mixture of black and brown, turning into a sort of fade as the color darkens. Only a small section of the tail is truly back, running along the very edges of it, but it is quite noticeable. Her neck is a stark contrast to this, being near-entirely cirrus white in coloration along both top and bottom. A small amount of gray flakes can be found within this blanche white section, lining only the sides and upper portion. None can be found along the underside of her neck. This white continues towards her bottom jaw and cheeks, as well as the sides of her snout and the insides of her ears– causing the majority of her head to appear white. That running along the top of her neck fades into gray upon reaching her head, creaming creamy-gray coloration along her forehead. Some of this gray is also sprinkled into the white of her cheeks. The rest of her face and head – including the top of her snout and the back of her ears – retains that rich, dark brown seen elsewhere along her body. At the very tips of her ears, the final section of black on her body can be found. Albeit, the smallest quantity of it. Along her face, the brown creates a sort of mask, surrounding her eyes in its earthy hue, while her “eyebrows” take on the usual white. This combination brings great emphasis to her expressions, which are admittedly few and far inbetween. Her eyes are set ablaze by a golden fire, piercing the confidence of all those that dare take a glance. A hint of amber can be found within for those few that manage to quell the flames, but that will never last for long. The more her eyes appear to crackle and burn, the angrier she is. One could count on one paw the amount of pack members that can hold her gaze for extended periods, those being the wolves closest to her. It is not unusual to see her using this to her advantage, looking into the eyes of all those she deems as lesser – knowing how unsettling it can be. Eye contact is rarely, if ever avoided, unless attempting to appear submissive to an alpha. A scowl will alway be present on her face as she does so.
A good amount of scarring has accumulated onto the beta’s light-toned hide, built up from years of hunting and dealing with subordinates. As of current times, all of her scars are buried underneath her fur – having healed during the breaks she takes to ensure the highest chance of survival for her newest litter. Cuts from boar tusks, jabs from antlers (both elk and deer), slashes from cougars, and nips from the odd courageous coyote are all markings she possesses. Even the claw marks of an eagle have staked a claim on her skin from years in the distant past. Each has their own story to tell, but ones that are likely to be taken to the grave. No major scars or nicks to her ears appear to the present, much to her glee.
Eila’s voice is as fiery as her eyes – relentless in its piercing melody and difficult to ignore. Its pitch is in the medium range for a female with a hint of a scratch to its general sound, an odd but ear-snatching harmony to her authoritative and serious tone. It leaves no room for “if’s,” “and’s,” and “but’s” in its wake, telling one straight on how things are going to be run. Its volume is controlled with impeccable skill, never rising or lowering out of frustration or embarrassment. This aspect changes strictly when the time calls for it, which is an off chance on most days. No emotion has a say over what her voice does, with only the hottest of anger do anything to damage her stoic exterior. Besides this, the soft side of her voice is directed specifically towards her family. Or, at least, those within it that she cares about. Otherwise, you’re left with the voice of a general.
Stoic || Inwardly Compassionate || Wise || Logical || Experienced || Strategic || Organized || Regal || Well Mannered || Strict || Authoritative || Situational Patience || Reasonable || Protective
“Watch your tongue! You shall not speak to your superiors in that manner.”
{Stoic & Compassionate}
{Wise, Logical, Experiences}
{Strategic & Organized}
{Regal & Well Mannered}
{Strict, Authoritative}
{Patience & Reasonable}
+ Tracking
+ Authoritative
+ Patience
+ Experience
+ Strategic
- Holds Grudges
- No Outstanding Physical Attributes (Speed, Stamina, etc)
- Situational Patience
- Prickly Exterior
- Few Close Friends
♡ Leading Patrols
♡ Training Juveniles
♡ Hunting
♡ Pups
♡ Teaching Her Offspring
- Insubordination
- The Pairings
- Heavy Rain (Weakens scents)
- Changes In Wind Direction
- Loss
TBD, Would like a strained relationship
Inclementia – Her beloved sister. She’d do anything to support her – walk to the ends of the earth if she has to (if it even had ends). Nothing and no one harms her sister under her watch.
Lycus – Her only surviving offspring; WIP
Kalevala – Her adoptive daughter. On her end, the two have a complicated love-hate relationship. Her feelings on the young female are certainly a mixed bag, all stemming from things that she, in all fairness, had no control over. For starters, Eila is sickened by the girl’s heritage. The child of an alpha and loner should have never existed within this pack, as much as it pains her to think that. Especially when that alpha was mates with her sister. In her mind, she should hate her for the very thing she stands for… but she can’t bring herself to do so. Although initially against caring for this bastard pup, she couldn’t help but grow fond of her. After so many stillborns and unpreventable deaths, she couldn’t help but feel relieved that she finally had a pup to call ‘her daughter.’
The majority of her offspring were either still born, ill from birth, or died from unpreventable means. She is currently pregnant and praying that she can finally have a full and healthy litter. She is due some time soon.
- It is no secret that Eila is not a fan of her current mate. She could lose him at any moment and not bat an eye. The only thing she would wish she still had was the chance at another litter.