Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Herd: Plains Herd
Rank: Herd Mare
Desired Rank: None
image credits belong to nash12 on meiker.io Neryth is a beautiful friesian-Arabian mix. She has an elegant build, with long, slender legs, an elegantly slender body, and a delicate curve to her head, which is a result from her Arabian counterparts. Neryth stands at approximately 15 hands in height, and weighs about 1100 pounds. Neryth's coat is thick and shiny, and she has a long, sleek mane and tail, her tail just brushing the ground.
Neryth is mostly dark in color, though her coat is lighter than that of a typical friesian's as a result of her Arabian heritage. Also as a result of her Arabian heritage, Neryth has small white pastern socks on each leg, as well as a white stripe starting just below the spot between her ears, and ending at her nose. Her mane and tail are deep black. She has deep chocolate-brown eyes, with small flecks of gold around the pupil.
Neryth is a little standoffish. She lacks a lot of basic social skills, and can often come off as aggressive and mean. Despite this, she has a deeply caring personality. She cares very much about her herd and the other mares she resides with. Neryth's sharp tongue and aggressive nature leaves her often rather alone within the herd. She enjoys making friends, however greatly struggles with this because of her lack of social skills.
Crush: None, open
Mate: None, open
Foals: Expecting (open)
Kin: None, open
Other: There's 2 number 7s in the rules, just wanted to let you know
this bio is a semi wip, will be added to slowly