Ophelia stands at 5’1” with a slim, pear shaped body. Her hair is long and reaches down to her lower back. It’s a beautiful, bright, soft red color with a slight wave to it. Her eyes are a slim upturned and have an emerald green hue to them with gold specs. Her eyelashes are thin but long. Her eyebrows are slim and are shaped like a line with a slight arch. Her lips are a downward-turned shape with a slightly bigger lower lip. Her nose is slim and has an upturned shape. Her skin is a pale ivory color and she has small freckles that riddle her face. Her Jawline is defined and her face takes a diamond shape. She has a small tattoo of a butterfly on the back of her neck that is often not noticed due to her long hair. Another one can be found on her wrist in the shape of a tiny paw print.
Ophelia is a quiet girl who tends to observe more than actually get involved due to being shy and introverted. Regardless of that, she is very kind and wishes the best for others. She would never betray the people around her and loves to help when she can. Being able to be helpful makes her really happy.
When it comes to fighting, she would prefer not to. Some of that comes from the fact that she is very weak (and probably would not win), but she also doesn’t want to be responsible for another's injuries. She's can take things to heart but she is quick to forgive.
Even though she doesn't like fighting, she is very protective of those she cares about. In a time of need or conflict, it might take her a second of hesitation to stop and get her thoughts together or feel the situation out, but she is more than willing to step in to help.
(may or may not add more to this :/)
Her Power is the ability to create crystals. The crystals she can create have two ranges of functions, The basic function of making crystals that range in shapes, size, and durability and the ability to make crystals with special properties.
The basic function of making crystals that range in shape, size, and durability is used no matter what she is doing because it is the base function. With enough focus, she can create things that could range from a heart to a dagger.
Making the crystals with special properties is the ability she uses the most. These crystals properties can have effects such as heightened healing, pain relieving, energy boosting, and more. The crystals effects can have different lasting lengths and different strengths, but it takes more energy to make a more complex crystal. Once the crystal no longer has any effect, it will break and become useless. For these crystals, she likes to keep them pendant sized so she can incorporate them in jewelry. She usually keeps extra spiral cage necklaces around in case anyone would like to use one of her gems.
Any crystal she creates takes a certain amount of her energy depending on the complexity of the crystal. She can make as many crystals as her energy permits but it can push her to pass out and or feel faint. The way she may gain this energy back is either from time, taking a nap, or eating. She likes to make spare crystals so that there are crystals around, free to use.
On another note, she can also create crystals for self defense or attacks. Just as she can create crystals that can boost stamina or heighten healing, she can create crystals that have negative effects such as decreased stamina, increased damage, etc. Making these crystals are more difficult than making her regular boost crystals due to not only being larger in size to be functional but often needing to be made in separate parts so that it won't negatively affect the user. The negative effects also effect her while she is making the crystal. Depending on what she is making, she can create around 1-3 a day.