
Where's the pan What luck! A truckload of dirty hats has fallen from the sky.

Oh boy! I've always wanted to take a picture of a hundred hats in the sky! *click* What luck! You found a giant peach with singing bugs inside~

You'd never guess who's gonna dig up her copy of James and the Giant Peach to see what happens next. What luck! You've found the fluffiest pillow on the planet!

I shall name it Bob; Bob is now my Emotional Support Pillow. What luck! You found a giant, magical peach!

Wow! Really? No way, I will name it Philip. Me and Philip are going to go to France. Once I am in France I shall eat Philip. Shhhh Don't tell Philip! What luck! You found a notebook with all the names of your friends inside with bacon!

Bacon??? Well, there's nothing left to do but eat! What luck! You found a book with all your story ideas written down perfectly! Edited at August 22, 2023 07:42 PM by Starlight Fireflies

Oh my god- I'm gonna guard this thing with MY LIFE... ... What luck! You've found a lucky ladybug!

Great! I'ma paint it green. What luck! You found a book perfectly suited to your tastes.

Oh my gosh- finally What luck! You found a sparkly pen!

:0 I shall Now color the world with sparkles. What luck! You found two little kittens! One is a girl.named Dorito. She is black with white paws. Her brother is casper, A white cat!