
Ooo! I love snakes :D What Luck! You found a... Boot in a can. It is too big for the can, yet somehow inside the can.

Oh yes! I've been needing new shoes. :D ~ What luck! You found a dragon!

Mwahaha, nearby villages beware! - What luck, you found a treasure map! it looks rather ominous with many, many skulls. It also has a prophecy scrawled on it, but the edges have been burned away so most of it is illegible. All you an read is "Youngster.... Find map.... Adventure... Peril... Certain death... Battle" How cheerful! Edited at May 28, 2023 01:16 PM by The West Wind Wolves

Lets go! A new adventure! Lets see what lies at the end... . What luck! You found a winning lottery ticket! What will you buy? Or who will you give it too?
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Ooh, yay! Now I can pay for my college, dorm room, future house and maybe even buy a pet! -- What luck! You found a dreamcatcher that can grant one wish to whoever sleeps underneath it. (What's your wish?)

Yay! I wish for my cats to stop tearing my curtains up! ~~ What luck you found an old lantern! Maybe there's a genie inside!

How useful! I've been needing something to light my way through this very dark tunnel. I wonder how well genies burn... ~~~~~~~ What luck! You found a... piece of provolone cheese! Edited at July 22, 2023 01:17 AM by The Alaska Pack

Blehh- gross! ~ What luck! You found a car!

Must be a sign to go on a roadtrip! What luck! You found a blackberry bush!

*Gasp* *Eats every single one* Yay! ~ What luck! You found a tree who likes hugs!