
Nice now my pet Ill name them Rattley what luck you found a white snake white red eyes and purple markings, driving a truck of fuel

Yes, we love snakes here. What luck! You found a huge bag of M&M's.

:0 Now I have snacks again!! -- What luck! You have found a new pair of shoes.

nice now I have something to use as power line decor what luck you found a crystal warrior of evilness

Yay!! Crystals and Evil!! What Luck! You found a... Golden chicken that can lay pre-baked cake and or cookies inside of their eggs

Yess now i can eat all the cake and cookies I want! What Luck! You found a... bunny that grows gold coins in its fur and some times diamonds!

:OOO I'll take care of the bunny! - What luck! You found a spider in your tub :(

I'm selling my house . What luck you found.... A hundred gallons of gas!
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That's a lot of cash I don't have to spend, thanks what luck you found... a particularly shiny penny

Ooh! To the collection it goes. ^^ -- What luck! You have found a set of ladybug-themed earrings. I wonder what these could do.