
I don't know you personally, but you seem like the kind of person I would hang out with. Your wolves names are unique and interesting. I've never seen you be rude to anyone, but rather I've seen you try to be uplifting when you can. This is something that despite efforts, many have failed at. The fact that you specify the times that you are available to be online so people know when best to contact you and for transparency with potential boarders is amazing. Fencing seems like a super interesting thing to learn and I hope you are still pursuing it. Although I feel as if it doesn't need to be said, your avatar and banner complement each other well and seem to fit what I've seen of your personality.

I don't really know you but you seem to be a kind person and this is rare in this day and age. You also seem to have a wonderful carefree personality which is also rather amazing. I will say that You are wonderful, amazing, and perfect as you are.

the names of your wolves are really cute :) (maybe not pineapple on pizza, since that's a crime)

The shrimp on your bio are so cute, And you seem like nice person.

Bobcats are such a remarkable creature so it's awesome that you chose one! You also seem like a genuinely sweet person
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you seem like a cool person with a lot of creative juice and talents. you value your friends and like to show how much you care.

You seem like a very sweet and nice person with a bubbly personality. your pack is very cute and i love your avatar its very cute

You seem very nice! I love your avatar!

Aaaa I love the character in your avi so much! Cutest little masked doggo! Beautiful art style as well. You've also got some really gorgeous Chims and I'm definitely jeleous ❤️

The creator of town of Glowmire! I would consider you a good friend of mine. You have an absolutely wonderful personality and your creativity is inspiring. Your dedication to Glowmire is something I truly envy, as I wish I could be that dedicated to my own RPs. You are definitely one of the kindest people I've met on here. Oh! And also, your art style is so amazing. ^^ Edited at July 8, 2024 07:56 PM by Matunda