
Yay! Now I only need a mysterious map with a Y on it and a mysterious map with a Z on it! -- What luck! You found a small spoon carved from bone!

Now I can go back in time, give it to a caveman, and exist in a more advanced, smarter world or no longer exist due to pollution already have gotten too bad and messing up the timeline. 🤠 -- What luck! You have found a Coffee Mug with the Best Lid.

cool! new mug for my coffee :D with a really nice lid too :0 - what luck! you found writer's block! (it's mine, actually, I just left it behind)

Now I can have writer's block again! :( What Luck! you found a giant spider!

Oh no! *crushes it* What luck you found a serial killer!

Hiya! *kicks in place that should never be kicked* Want a slice of pie? *face slam* Wait.. sorry. I meant the pizza. Oh no.. he ran away from me. 🥺 -- What Luck! You have found a Golden Retriever Pup.

Aww so cute. *pets* Thank you! What luck! You found a litter of kittens! :)

Awwww, i love kittens! What luck! You found a bag of lays chips that was completley full!

Holy SHITTT I LOVE LAYS Lucky you found me and im willing to give u one of my top tier adopts !

.. I have no clue what you mean, but I shall take it! -- What Luck! You have found Sherlock Holmes and Watson.