What kind of question is that? You silly mortals and your questions! Ugh.
Aldora // Goddess OC
What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Thistlefern snorts, amused with the question she's been asked. She grins at the Goddess. "Well, There was the time that I jumped off a cliff, but that was to save Dawnstar, Dawnpaw at the time. Other than that, there was that one time I took on three badgers at once." She shrugs, licking her chest fur. "Next, How would you feel if your best friend went out and 'dated' the creature you liked?" Edited at November 2, 2018 12:56 PM by The Dark Forest
Osiris [grumpy oc in my avatar]
" first off I don't partake in the mortal practice to 'date', and second off I don't have a best friend, there is no such thing as a friend because sooner or later they will stab you in the back. "
" if you had to live the same day every day what would the day be like? "
" the day I lost my home I could change things dark turned light " Waterfall " is there pain in love ??"
Pain is what you make it. Love is a feeling of joy, they can bring people together or tear them apart.....-Eternity
If I may ask you a question-he glances at the character next to him- Do YOU wish to see me dead in this world of confusion?
" DEAD " waterfall " what is pain " ( in my defense I thorough was answering the Q above me ) Edited at November 2, 2018 07:30 PM by Serpents
Serpents said: " playing out side" waterfall " what is pain "
What? Im so confused Im not trying to be rude but how is that answering the question?
Shadow Alphas said:
What? Im so confused Im not trying to be rude but how is that answering the question?
I think the question was kind of shaky as well; I did put in the rules for the question to be about the answering OC, not the asking one: for example, "do you like me?" or "do you want to see me dead?". thanks!
"I don't know. It's a feeling that can make you do bad things, I guess. That's a hard question." Alec
What's your favorite fruit?
"It seems that I have never had fruit, but my owner enjoys oranges." -Felix the Alaskan Malamute
"Would you ever leave you family?"
"Yes. Yes I would!" Jingle, Red Heeler x Siberian Husky
"Did you watch your parents die because of you?"