" let it humans never should of tampered with DNA " Waterfall " do you know what fear is "
Fear is for the weak. Which... I guess I am. So... yeah.
Peter M. Evans // OC
Favorite word and why?
Donuts! They taste nice! Wolves shouldn't be eating donuts but i don't care! -Smoke
What is your favourite food?
" meat im a carnivore " Waterfall " do you like Ninja "
"Uh no? I dunno I've never been one or met or or whatever....."-Moonlight
"If you could have any power in the world, what would it be?"
" the ones I have im a master an element " Waterfall " have you meet a ninja "
Owl(Janice Rose):
"Depends on the definition. If it is someone who dresses in black and can get into places, then yes, Ender. If it is one of the other definitions, then probably not."
If you could meat the person who made you up, what would you say to them?
"I have a feeling I would kill them for making my life hell" -Anime
Who do you love?
" my team made me who I am and my parents " Waterfall " do you like me If Im a ninja "
"Er..... Probably! I mean, everyone is fantastic, I guess. I mean, of course I would like if you were a ninja! I like everyone!" *awkward smile*
"Oh, just say you don't know, Elena!"
"Be quiet, Aria!"
~Aria & Elena
If you had pick one of your creators other characters to be your sibling, who would you pick?