Judy said "I was thinking about just hunting what we can find." She was holding his hand as she was feeling happy. Judy was unsure of what was going to happen next but she only wanted to spead time with Michael. Judy look at Michael as she knew that she had found the prefect mate. Judy began to look in the forest as she was thinking of what they were going to be hunting. Judy thought *I am lucky to have him in my life.* She was smiling as she was feeling happy again.
Michael nodded at what Judy said to him and began walking into the forest with her as the hunt began. He wasn't too sure about what they should go after, since they were merely winging it, but he knew that they would know it when they see it. Michael walked carefully through the woods, his ears now fine tuned for any noises that prey animals would make, and his nose was more sensititive to smells from prey animals thanks to his werewolf side, so it wouldn't be very hard for him to pick up a trail if there was one, but in the end he didn't need his nose. After a bit more walking he noticed some tracks leading off in one direction, and judging by the prints it was a deer, and the tracks were fresh too. "Looks like we have something." Michael muttered as he kneeled beside it to get a closer look. "Deer. You want to follow this and see if we can find anything?"
Judy said "Sure. We can follow to see if we can find anything." She was calm as she was hoping that they could find something. She knew that they would be able to spend time together since none of the pack members would be hunting yet. Judy was hoping that nothing bad would happen during the hunting trip but she knew that she was going to be safe with Michael. Judy look at Michael as she was waiting for him.
Michael caught up with Judy and continued on the trail of prints, hoping to find the deer that left them there. Along the way Michael did notice more and more disturbed foliage, so that was a good sign, but it was still not a guarantee that the animal was still there. Eventually the tracks went to a running stream, and the tracks stopped at the water's edge. He sighed in annoyance before looking up and down the stream to see if the prints immediately picked back up. It wasn't a deep stream, so the deer would be able to cross it with ease, however the big question was where the tracks continued. "I'll look up this way. You look down that way and hopefully we can find the tracks and continue on from here, otherwise we may have to look for something different."
Judy listened to him and he said "Alright." She began to look around for tracks and she saw another deer. She look at Michael and she pointed at the deer as she was waiting for him. Judy was hoping that nothing bad was going happen. Judy was thinking *I am hoping that Michael would be happy if I did become pregnant but I will need some help from the pack to surprise him with the news.* She was calm as she kept her eyes on the deer. Judy was feeling happy as she was going to wait for Michael.
Michael froze when Judy pointed his attention to the deer. Bingo. Michael walked over to Judy and whispered to her. "I'll go one way and you go the other. If you can get close enough, go for it." He planted a silent kiss on the cheek before walking off to the right of the deer, hoping that Judy got his message and would walk to the left. The deer would raise its head and look around, and Michael would freeze in place while also mapping out his next few steps, always making sure that he was behind cover as he slowly, but surely made his way to the deer. If Judy beat him to it, then that's how it would happen, but he wanted to get it for the sake of bragging rights.
Judy listened and she went left. She was calm as she was watching the deer. She was going to let Michael get it but she was going to help him if needed. Judy was watching as she was calm since she was hoping that deer would not run away from them. Judy knew from watching the deer that Michael would be able to get it. She was quiet as she was waiting for Michael as she was hoping that nothing would ruin the hunting moment between Michael and her. Judy was thinking about everything that had happened but she made sure to keep her mind on the deer.
Michael slowly made his way closer and closer to his prey, however he would have to wait longer and longer to do so, but right before he could attack, the deer shifted in position, making it very difficult for him to move through the foliage without setting the deer off. Gritting his teeth and forefetting the bragging rights of taking down the deer, he looked past the deer and secretly waited for Judy to come out of her spot and take the deer down since he couldn't get close enough to strike.
Judy saw this and she went to take the deer down. Judy attack the deer which was hard to take down. After Judy got the deer down, she whined a little as the deer had hurt her arm. Judy said "I got the deer Michael." She was hoping that Michael would not notice her arm was hurting but she knew that she would have to rest for a while. She was waiting for Michael to go to her as she was not going to eat the deer without Michael there since Michael was her mate.
Michael smiled warmly when Jdy took down the deer. "Great job my love." He said as he walked over and gave her a kiss on the lips before looking at the deer. "A shame it moved when it did. If it didn't move then I would have had it, but alas you get the kill on this day, not like it matters much. Since you felled the prey, you get the first bite." He wasn't aware yet that her arm was hurt by the deer, as his mind was preoccupied with other things at the moment.